[14:18] Hi there! I've forked netplan and I'm attempting to compile my changes for testing on my Ubuntu laptop. Seeing "meson: error: unrecognized arguments: [-Db_coverage=true]", and if I leave that argument off, I see "meson.build:12:0: ERROR: Dependency "glib-2.0" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake." Has anyone seen this before? [14:47] netdever: Run `sudo apt build-dep netplan.io` to get all dev dependencies (except meson as its support is *really* new) [14:58] Hmm, which deb-src do I need? "Unable to find a source package for netplan.io" [15:01] The same URL as the mirror for main should suffice. [15:40] Got it with "deb-src https://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu focal main" -- but the issue persists. Getting the same errors trying to build with meson. [15:49] netdever: you can use the Makefile-based build system instead ('make', 'make check', etc...) [15:57] make is also unable to find glib "fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory" [16:00] That's weird. Are you sure you have libglib2.0-dev installed ? (should have come with the build-dep apt command) [16:03] Yes, it is installed, and glib.h is present at "/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h" -- and the Makefile includes the directory "/usr/include/" [16:07] Sorry then, I'm out of ideas. [16:17] No worries, thanks for your help - I'm going to try on a different device [18:09] I'd check what pkgconfig says about glib-2.0; that might tell you why it's not finding glib.h (ie. not actually adding /usr/include/glib-2.0 anywhere) [18:09] netdever: ^ [21:08] Could someone review https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/270 ?