
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (yrdsb repeated random trolling questions)15:04
ubottuyrdsb called the ops in #ubuntu (x0x sending pirate windows link)15:06
ubottuogra called the ops in #ubuntu (x0x spamming)15:06
tomreynthanks, Allie, I suppose15:15
tomreyn(skraito kline)15:16
Allieyes, apologies, had to shift from mobile to a proper keeb :D15:16
ubottuyrdsb called the ops in #ubuntu (sprnk talking about windows)15:19
tomreynAllie: hope you don't mind, it was over the line for me already15:23
Allietomreyn: of course not!15:23
* Allie tries not to use the cinnamon bun hat when there are actual channel ops around15:24
Allienow, if they choose to evade, like they often do... i might not be as kind15:24
tomreyni'm not sure whether yrdsb is known by different nicks15:26
Allietomreyn: they are, i have a list. keeping an eye out for ya15:27
tomreynactually this is the third time this year that we (#ubuntu) banned yrdsb15:29
tomreynAllie: x0x probably needs another kline15:35
tomreynmuchas gracias15:37

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