[05:48] morning [07:05] morning [09:51] PR snapd#11647 closed: interfaces/hardware_observe: add read access for various devices [10:07] mborzecki: hi! I'm afraid I need your help again to debug a mount namespace propagation issue :-) [10:08] mardy: what's up? [10:08] I manually create a mount namespace using shell commands, and it works fine (the snap app reuses the namespace, and works properly) [10:09] then I install a content snap, and connect it; and here things don't work anymore [10:09] here is the host: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2cJ2bk7fFC/ [10:09] you see that /snap/test-snapd-content-slot/x1 is properly mounted [10:10] but inside the snap, this mount is not visible: here's the snap namespace: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hjRPbdVqgg/ [10:11] mborzecki: yet I think I did do everything correctly, /snap is mounted as slave, so I should see the new snap revisions being installed, shouldn't I? [10:15] looking [10:17] no hurry - I'm actually going to lunch :-) [10:32] PR snapd#11615 closed: interfaces/system-packages-doc: allow read-only access to /usr/share/xubuntu-docs (LP: #1967109) [11:38] mborzecki: I thought that the "private" flag could be a problem, but then I see it also in the namespaces created by the unmodified snapd [11:49] mardy: private is expected, we dont' want our snap local changes to affect the host [11:51] mardy: you're saying that when you connect the interface, that fact is not reflected in a corresponding change in the mount ns, right? [12:27] mborzecki: exactly; or even if I manually do `mkdir -p /snap/test-snapd-content-slot/x3 && mount /snap/test-snapd-content-slot/{x1,x3}` from the host, inside the snap I only see x3 as an empty mount point [12:28] "inside the snap" = "nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/mysnap.mnt" [13:22] PR snapd#11669 opened: cmd/snap: add check switch for snap debug state [18:22] PR snapcraft#3683 closed: commands: add snap command