
=== dtg01101 is now known as dtg01100
xnoxZero_Chaos:  when we apply stable updates as cherrypicks we update the info file with that info..... let me try to find that09:55
xnoxZero_Chaos:  but also we apply many CVE patches ahead of their inclusion in the point releases09:55
xnoxyou should find file ./debian.master/upstream-stable09:56
xnoxwith like09:56
xnox cat upstream-stable 09:56
xnox# The following upstream stable releases have been ported:09:56
xnox    linux-5.4.y = v5.4.17809:56
=== Kuraokami changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Jammy 22.04 kernel development || Ask us anything here, or on discourse https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ask-us-anything-about-ubuntu-kernels
xnoxapw:  updated channel topic via #ubuntu-irc, and added the discourse option too.10:10
apwxnox, ack thanks.10:34
caribouHello, I would like to bring this bug to your attention : LP: #195565511:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1955655 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel-5.13.0-23-generic : Unable to boot when Secure Encrypted Virtualization( SEV) is enabled without setting swiotlb boot param" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195565511:09
caribouLooks like symptoms have changed : it now starts to boot but will hang a little while after the boot starts11:10
caribouAdding swiotlb=262144 to the kernel cmd does provide a workaround11:10
xnoxcaribou:  left a comment on the bug.11:26
* ogra wonders if we could not ship the upstream-stable file in the binary kernel packages in /usr/share/doc or so ... might be nice to be able to find your upstream kernl version info without having to dig through a git source tree11:27
xnoxogra:  people are looking that for to check which commits are included or not, meaning they are looking for the tag name to compare things with.... meaning they have git clone of the kernel tree available.11:30
xnoxmajority of people who deal with kernel look at git trees only.11:30
ograwell ... IT guys that the security manager of their company asks about the upstream kernel version on all their managed desktops might be happy to be able to simply look it up when the question comes 🙂11:31
ogranot everyone who wnats that info is actually hacking on kernel code11:31
caribouxnox: Got it; will do11:36
xnoxogra:  that file is available via web-ui too..... those managers don't have linux or packages installed on their windows laptops either.11:50
xnoxogra:  so they do look at code browsing =)11:50
=== ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack
sbeattieZero_Chaos, xnox, ogra: for kernels that are derived from upstream LTS kernels (4.4, 5.4, 5.15), the second field of /proc/version_signature and CONFIG_VERSION_SIGNATURE in /boot/config-$VERSION-$VARIANT looks to be the upstream stable kernel version.17:00
sbeattieAlso uh focal's master branch looks to be out of date, missing the 107 abi kernel https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/focal/log/17:02
ograsbeattie, 👍17:07

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