
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-6.3-released08:51
RikMillsDelta-One: all of what you have of qt 6.2.4 is now in jammy release pocket. 2 days before final freeze :P19:55
Delta-OneYeah, finally got everything to build successfully. Even all the stuff on s390x, but I guess that's not Ubuntu-relevant.19:56
RikMillsDelta-One: well it is an arch for us. why is a puzzle, at least for not main desktop packages, but **shrug**19:58
RikMillsbut it is there, including s390x19:58
RikMillsbugfixing over the LTS release might be fun though :/19:59
Delta-OneYou're probably on your own there.20:01
RikMillsthen again, if qt company wanted it in 22.04, then give us the damn patches ;P20:01

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