
user|50Boa noite,00:18
user|50Como faço para retirar a senha de usuário do sistema ou descobrir qual é?00:18
oerheksuser|50, english please00:19
user|50How do I remove the user password from the system or find out what it is?00:20
oerhekslost password? no way to get it, but you can reset it, if your system is not encrypted?00:24
oerheks= https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword00:24
user|50Thank you00:26
=== thopiekar is now known as Guest8757
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keithzgGotta say it's quite unhelpful that the page linked to when running Ubuntu's `do-release-upgrade` from the commandline doesn't actually mention any of the steps for upgrading from an outdated release, luckily I remembered the name of the wiki page was along the lines of "EOLUpgrades" and even almost had the first step right (I misremembered "old-release.ubuntu.com" in place of the actual "old-releases.ubuntu.com")04:37
valoriekeithzg[m]: that is unfortunate05:53
BluesKajHi all12:47
IrcsomeBot<TomatosJ> sddm really sucks14:29
IrcsomeBot<TomatosJ> behind gdm so much14:29
oerheksTomatosJ do you have a support queation? this is not a rant channel, thanks14:35
IrcsomeBot<TomatosJ> Sorry14:52
IrcsomeBot<go_mario> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ff56030a/file_55013.jpg15:16
oerhekshi go_mario, do you have a kubuntu support issue?15:21
mdiehl2I can't seem to get akonadi to start: https://paste.ee/p/A4qL117:41
=== george is now known as flappa
=== paul is now known as paul_
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> How to disable Discover completely so it does not check for updates ?20:46
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> DiscoverNotifier is the process which is looking for updates (re @ykruH: How to disable Discover completely so it does not check for updates ?)20:58
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> you can go to /etc/xdg/autostart/, there will be a desktop file org.kde.discover.notifier. If you delete it / rename it, there Discover Notifier will not start automatically next time21:01
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> you can go to /etc/xdg/autostart/, there will be a desktop file org.kde.discover.notifier. If you delete it / rename it, Discover Notifier will not start automatically next time21:01
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> Thank you Pixel !21:02
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> You are welcome :)21:02

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