
RikMillssome ssl issue with launchpad?13:05
RikMillsgetting this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kC3hKJx3Hy/13:06
RikMillswas working fine a short while ago13:07
cjwatsonRikMills: Yep, we just cut over to new frontends and one of them has a slight IPv6 config error.  It's being worked on13:07
RikMillscjwatson: ok, no problem then. thanks13:07
cjwatsonRikMills: Try now?13:07
RikMillserror still13:07
cjwatsonRikMills: Hm, paste?13:08
RikMillscjwatson: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qkkny3JHfG/13:08
cjwatsonRikMills: and again?13:13
RikMillsstill the same13:14
cjwatsonRikMills: what sort of network environment is this running in?13:17
RikMillscjwatson: desktop home connection13:19
cjwatsonRikMills: and what Ubuntu release?13:19
RikMillsmaybe too old?13:20
cjwatsonJust gathering data at the moment.  We certainly didn't intend to desupport connections from bionic!13:21
cjwatson`from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad; Launchpad.login_anonymously("test", "production", version="devel")` works for me on bionic13:24
cjwatsonOh, but not from Python 313:25
cjwatsonRikMills: May be fixed now, tweaked TLS config13:36
RikMillscjwatson: working now. thanks very much! :D13:40
cjwatsonSorry, took a little while to narrow that down enough to find the problem13:43
RikMillsnp. that script is ancient now, so it is even a minor miracle it still works ;)13:45

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