
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: MLOps Pipeline with MLFlow, Seldon Core and Kubeflow @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/mlops-pipeline-with-mlflow-seldon-core-and-kubeflow-pipelines14:12
Bashing-omOpenID error: No change - still unable to logon on amy of our WIKI pages. Last week's Re-directs remain outstanding :(21:48
guivercBashing-om, I'd try an IS ticket; email rt@ubuntu.com with issue/details22:04
* guiverc meant it's what I'd likley try in your shoes..22:05
Bashing-omguiverc: Wildman has pinged jose about this - Though I had no idea that rt@ubuntu.com might be an avenue of resolution, Will put that in my back pocket.22:31
guiverci don't know either.. I'd not know where to file a bug ticket on launchpad for ubuntu SSO login issues, and you've tried IRC as I understand it22:34
Bashing-omguiverc: Yeah - three channels - with no joy :(22:37
Bashing-omguiverc: Funny - Not - thing is that https://status.canonical.com/ shows wiki.ubuntu.com/ as fully operational :(22:41
Bashing-omguiverc: Plot thickens - unable also to login on https://rt.ubuntu.com/ - even changed the Pass Word and verified SSO login works with new pass word on the forum and Launch Pad :(23:35
guivercsend email to rt@ubuntu.com   ....  i can login to rt.ubuntu.com without issue still; its not everyone23:42
Bashing-omguiverc: ack !23:47

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