
bryycerm: cannot remove '/var/snap/lxd/common/var/lib/lxcfs/cgroup/blkio/lxc.payload.modphp-upgrade-test-10/blkio.throttle.read_iops_device': Function not implemented00:56
bryyce^ bunch of lines like this00:56
cpaelzergood morning05:09
mirespacegood morning06:13
cpaelzerhi mirespace06:17
mirespacehi cpaelzer :)06:51
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
yurtesengood morning08:41
yurtesenutkarsh2102: did you manage to find out a better solution?08:41
athosgood morning :)12:37
ahasenackthat must be odd, seeing cpaelzer twice in a working day12:37
ahasenackbryce sees him in his afternoon, and then in his morning12:37
cpaelzerhi ahasenack and athos12:40
cpaelzeryes he has to suffer by my presence twice a day :-)12:40
mirespacehi athos, ahasenack13:10
ahasenackhi cpaelzer, mirespace 13:10
ahasenackhi athos13:11
lvoytekgood morning14:15
ahasenackhi lvoytek 14:17
lvoytekhi ahasenack14:20
lucasmouraHi rbasak, I confirmed on the #ubuntu-release channel that we actually need a SRU review for the 0-day SRU. With that new information, do you think you will be available to review the release ? The bulk of the release is just adding a new UA service and we intend to start working on the packaging branches tomorrow16:59
ShellcatZero2Does anyone know how you might install another version of Ubuntu on the same system using deboostrap and then updating grub?20:35
=== bryyce is now known as bryceh

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