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IrcsomeBot<Tom> P46203:31
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BluesKajHi all13:02
ismailI need to cennect with hidden WIFI on kubuntu plasma 21.1013:11
ismailI figured how to go to configuration of communication settings and added my hidden Wifi ssid and password13:13
ismailBut still can't connect13:13
dezMany parts of the interface are not clickable with the Wacom stylus13:20
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Guest2911um hi23:36
Guest2911im new to kubuntu with virtualbox23:37
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
Guest2911id like to use it for programming23:37
valoriedo you have a ?23:39
Guest2911a ?23:40
Guest2911oh mb mb23:40
valorieI usually only use vb for testing23:40
Guest2911well id like to know first how to use code editor and run with the terminal23:40
valoriebut in general you can install any code editor you like23:41
valoriefrom packages23:41
Guest2911with firefox ?23:41
Guest2911how from packages23:41
valorieno, either from discover or from the commandline23:42
valorieare you new to linux?23:42
Guest2911then what is the use of firefox23:42
valoriein general it is not a good idea to install anything from the internet23:42
valoriefirefox is a web browser23:42
Guest2911i search in youtube for a guide for kubuntu but didnt find23:43
valoriethe value of kubuntu is that we package software23:43
Guest2911by package what do u mean exactly23:43
valoriedid you look at the FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu ?23:43
valorieI mean that if you want kdevelop, for instance, you say in the commandline sudo apt install kdevelop23:44
valorieor search for it in discover23:44
valorieor of course you can use flatpak, snap, etc.23:45
Guest2911yeah i just saw sublime text install from snap23:45
valorierather than debian/*buntu packages23:45
valorielinux in general gives you a lot of freedom23:46
valorieand since it's free, once you break it you get to fix it23:46
Guest2911hahaha what do u mean break it23:46
valoriesublime is a code editor?23:47
valoriegot it23:47
valoriewell, I'm not a coder, but I do use Kate, which many use as a code editor23:47
valoriemainly I use KDE applications because IMO they are the best23:47
Guest2911it says this snap application is not compatible with security sandboxing23:47
valorieyeah, I don't use snaps23:48
valorietoo much overhead23:48
Guest2911what are u then ?23:48
valoriewhat am I?23:48
valorieI have no clue what you mean23:49
Guest2911why do u use kubuntu23:49
valorieI'm a grandma, linux user, kubuntu is my daily driver on both my machines for.... well over 10 years23:49
valorieit works, it's beautiful, I love the team23:50
Guest2911i use windows and a virtual machine23:50
valoriemostly I work for KDE as one of the GSoC admins23:50
valorieand do genealogy23:50
Guest2911thats looks dope23:50
Guest2911even if i have no clue23:50
valorieI left windows in 200123:51
Guest2911hahahaha you were not lying when u said ur a grandma23:51
valorieGSoC is Google Summer of Code23:51
valorienope, my grandson turns 15 this summer23:51
Guest2911oh wow23:52
Guest2911but then u are a coder23:52
valoriein English, for sure23:52
Guest2911cool cool23:53
Guest2911 any advice23:53
valoriethat depends on what you want to do23:53
Guest2911i want to be a fullstack programmer23:54
valoriebut in general find tools you love working with to do what you want23:54
valorieit helps to just dive in, do some stuff, and if it sucks, fix it23:54
valorieuse irc etc. to ask others about issues23:55
valorieworking with others is better than working alone23:55
valorieloads of FOSS orgs including KDE love to have new people working on the code23:56
valoriemany people fix bugs on already written code, learning as they go23:56
valorieif you want to work on the kernel, you'll want to sub to the kernel devel list23:57
Guest2911i'll finish my studies before23:58
valorieif you prefer graphics, find some graphics app you love and start contributing23:58
valoriebasically follow your heart and you'll do great23:58
Guest2911thanks !!23:58
Guest2911and btw23:59
Guest2911i find tutorials in ubuntu not kubuntu23:59
valoriewe're part of ubuntu23:59
Guest2911is it the same ?23:59
Guest2911its the same process23:59

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