
lotuspsychjegood morning02:07
ducassehi folks, happy easter!06:32
=== Roy_Mustang is now known as A_Dragon
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
FamiliarAlienHello, for the last two days I have been trying to intentionally segfault / panic my kernel. Is anyone here somewhat familiar with how drivers in linux work?12:48
lotuspsychjewich kernel on wich ubuntu release FamiliarAlien 12:50
FamiliarAlienUbuntu 20.04 LTS with kernel sources at 5.4.012:51
lotuspsychjethat would be a valid question to post in #ubuntu FamiliarAlien 12:52
lotuspsychjewell not the discussing drivers part12:52
ravageintentionally segfaulting your kernel does not sound like a valid support querstion either12:53
FamiliarAlienI should describe what I actually want to achieve. I want to modify a kernel driver (preferably as a module) in such a way that it segfault when used.12:53
FamiliarAlienIf this does not fit here I am sorry. The channel was described as non-support discussion.12:54
lotuspsychjehere's the discuss channel, we can talk about ubuntu12:55
lotuspsychjeany reason why you want to trigger a segfault FamiliarAlien ?13:04
FamiliarAlienlotuspsychje  Yes. I wrote a programm that spawns VMs to do some work in an isolated environment. I want to simulate some kind of kernel bug13:07
lotuspsychjeto test what exactly?13:08
FamiliarAlienHow my software behaves when one of the VMs crash.13:10
lotuspsychjethat shounds like a reverse way of thinking13:11
=== Roy_Mustang is now known as A_Dragon
=== rs200974 is now known as rs20097
=== arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali
Jeremy31Is the login to wiki.ubuntu.com still broken?21:43
=== popey9 is now known as popey
oerhekssomthing happened for 2 minutes.. https://status.canonical.com/ and https://status.snapcraft.io/21:51
oerheksJeremy31 21:51
Jeremy31I guess it still isn't working as Bashing-om hasn't updated UWN21:55
tomreynhe posted about it in #canonical-sysadmin, but this may actually be more of a https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider topic22:08

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