
=== rdr_ is now known as rdr
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
liberate[1:32:34 PM] <liberate> hi, when will the Jammy RC image be uploaded? The current daily (from march 31) doesn't let me past the loader, it doesn't even get to the installer11:37
liberate[1:33:16 PM] ⓘ Welcome to the support channel for pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Beware these are unstable and will probably break your computer | Current dev version: Jammy Jellyfish (22.04) | Schedule: https://ubottu.com/y/jj | Testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker (Downloading often? See https://ubottu.com/y/zsync) | For support of11:37
liberatereleased versions, see #ubuntu11:37
ravagethe current desktop daily image is from April 9th11:43
liberateyeah, that's the one, sory11:54
liberateI was wondering when will the new build be uzploaded11:54
ravagescheduled for today. but its not marked as mandatory. so just wait :)11:55
guivercthe ISO dates very on the ISO ... I'd check for them on the ISO QA tracker - iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/429/builds , you'll note a version (YYYYMMDD) field for all ISOs there11:56
guivercISOs are spun up on a cron job.. once confirmed good the ISO tracker is updated11:56
liberateguiverc that's what i was looking for12:02
liberatere-building means it's being rebuilt now?12:02
guivercit could mean that; or CI is testing image to ensure it's good etc.12:03
lotuspsychjenew progress on bug #196641812:07
ubottuBug 1966418 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[jammy regression] webkit apps do not display content (yelp, epiphany, gnome-online-accounts etc)" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196641812:07
lotuspsychjeanyone else using hexchat on jammy -desktop, might wanna test out text spacing on bottom near the chat area, looks like something changed/wrong there13:35
lotuspsychjetext too close to bottom/not enough spacing13:40
lotuspsychjesmaller window vs maximized influences13:40
rbasakAny connection to the yaru-theme upload in the past day or so?13:40
lotuspsychjei was thinking the same rbasak 13:41
rbasakI don't use hexchat. I am benefiting from the fix for bug 1967747 which was in that upload.13:41
ubottuBug 1967747 in Yaru Theme "Lack of visual distinction between active and inactive windows" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196774713:41
rbasakYou could try reverting etc13:42
lotuspsychjerbasak: think im gonna file a new yaru-theme bug, since hexchat did not have recent updates13:44
lotuspsychje2022-04-14 13:13:46 status installed yaru-theme-icon:all 22.04.413:44
lotuspsychje2022-04-14 13:13:46 status installed yaru-theme-gtk:all 22.04.413:45
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: HexChat looks fine here lotuspsychje 13:47
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: can you check maximize vs smaller window13:48
lotuspsychjeim using mono 1413:48
lotuspsychjeon mono 12 it looks saner13:49
PaulW2Uok, hang on I'll make some changes13:49
lotuspsychje15 and above its way out of space13:49
* Chunkyz wonders if 22.04 will be *delayed* because of all the bugs :thinking:13:50
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: I've used mono 12 up to 17 and I never lose the bottom line of text but see a space between last line of text and chat area13:53
PaulW2UChanging window size or maximized window still ok13:53
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: before updates i always had a space, now its like the text glued too close on there13:55
PaulW2UNo problem even at Monospace 40 although sidebar becomes unreadable as font size inreases13:55
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: Not here 13:56
lotuspsychjedock at bottom PaulW2U ?13:56
lotuspsychjethink ive found it13:56
lotuspsychjechanging dock to left ads more space now13:57
PaulW2UDock at left as per Ubuntu default13:57
lotuspsychjetry dock at bottom?13:57
PaulW2UStill ok here13:59
lotuspsychjefood o clock first14:01
lotuspsychjeyou might wanna compare dock left vs bottom ravage see if you can reproduce?14:29
ravagedock is actually right here :)14:32
lotuspsychjefix comit, bug #196641814:35
ubottuBug 1966418 in Webkit "[jammy regression] webkit apps do not display content (yelp, epiphany, gnome-online-accounts etc)" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196641814:35
gaususis anyone having issues running VIrtual Machines component in cockpit?22:54
gaususi get the following error: Virtualization service (libvirt) is not active22:54
tomreyni have not tried, but this sounds like libvirtd isn't running23:03
gaususBashing-om: i am getting the error while trying to use Virtual Machines module in Cockpit23:20
Bashing-omgausus: Remind me please of the error ?23:22
tomreyn<gausus> i get the following error: Virtualization service (libvirt) is not active23:23
krytenRandomly addressing people ain't cool btw.23:24
enigma9o7[m]Plus, its a waste of stamps.23:30

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