
=== elastic_1 is now known as elastic_dog
cpaelzergood morning05:33
yurtesengood mornin05:56
cpaelzerhi yurtesen05:57
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yurtesenutkarsh2102: good morning07:15
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WalexShellcatZero2: you answered it: use 'deboostrap' and then run 'update-grub'.11:13
utkarsh2102yurtesen: hello! \o11:35
utkarsh2102so since this is affecting Focal (upto Jammy), we'll need to fix 'em all.11:35
utkarsh2102Jammy is in Final freeze atm so either we can do a 0-day SRU or a regular one.11:35
utkarsh2102IMO, it's not worth adding a delta and then do a merge later on so I'm waiting on ebourg to take a look and "ack" on the Debian side or if he has another approach.11:37
yurtesenutkarsh2102: hello11:37
utkarsh2102this time I contacted him and the Java team publicly; cf: https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2022/04/msg00004.html11:37
utkarsh2102so you know that I indeed contacted them :)11:37
utkarsh2102once we hear from them, we take an action for the KK cycle and SRU it back until Focal. sounds good?11:38
utkarsh2102KK -> Jammy -> Impish -> Focal11:39
utkarsh2102actually, it'd be more like11:39
utkarsh2102Debian -> (KK -> Jammy -> Impish -> Focal) :)11:39
ahasenackgood morning11:39
utkarsh2102ahasenack: o/11:40
yurtesenutkarsh2102: Thank you for the effort. This process is quite difficult. :) 11:40
ahasenackhi utkarsh2102 11:45
utkarsh2102yurtesen: it's certainly a bit esp. with freezes + sync/merges to be considered.12:15
utkarsh2102yurtesen: hey, you have an update on the Debian bug, could you please reply there? :)14:32
rbasakHe isn'there14:33
rbasakI got the impression that rsyslog has a delta in Ubuntu which makes the issue Ubuntu-specific?14:34
rbasakBut I'm not clear on whether the development release is fixed fully or not, etc.14:34
rbasakBut thank you for driving this! I didn't see you messages above earlier when I looked.14:35
rbasakI'll leave it to you :)14:35
utkarsh2102rbasak: hey, Jammy isn't fixed either and that's why I'm interested in getting that fixed, which means adding a delta. And to avoid that, I wanted to go via the Debian path. 14:43
utkarsh2102rbasak: another important reason why I wanted Debian maintainers to look at it is tell us about the approach and perhaps a better way. Markus said the approach seems wrong and that's what I was interested in knowing before SRU'ing this as-is.14:44
rbasakutkarsh2102: +1 thanks!15:13
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