
honghonganybody help me about android emulator in ubuntu studio01:00
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.01:01
=== M4he is now known as mahe
sdtr443wSo I ran apt update and apt upgrade and had 500MB of stuff to installed. Afterwards, I saw I somehow went from 20.04 to 22.04, and I'm missing some functionality. Did I get some kind of bizarre upgrade?03:00
sdtr443wAll of my package sources are still focal.03:01
leftyfbNope, upgrading to an unreleased version of Ubuntu is a lot more difficult than that. You’re leaving out a lot03:01
sdtr443wHahaha you'd think so but I really think I wound up in some Bermuda Triangle here.03:01
beolauwooo ? your here or still at irc.worldhacker.org ?03:01
leftyfbYou either aren’t running 22.04 or you did a lot more to your system to get it to upgrade to 22.04 from 20.0403:01
sdtr443wWell lsb_release -a thinks it's 22.0403:02
sdtr443wBut package-wise I think I'm in some twilight.03:02
sdtr443wLike for example Python is up to 3.10. I think it's 3.8 in 20.04.03:04
sdtr443wIs there some means I can use with apt to determine which packages have fallen out of compliance with focal?03:05
sdtr443wI suppose I can just force downgrade and hope I don't brick everything along the way. I guess I can always chroot into it from a live USB hahaha.03:07
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basenjisHow do I safely uninstall Apparmor on my Ubuntu 20.04 ?03:40
basenjisMY Ubuntu 20.04 is on Virtual-Box Guest.03:44
basenjisNo problem if we loose the OS..!03:44
usbcableirc.worldhacker.org is open for public #0day , [ 0day (xc) Our ] WhiteHat Hacker Team And Dev Official Public Channel : https://worldhacker.org , REQUEST PROGRAM , SOURCE CODE , OR ANYTHING HERE ... . NEED STORAGE OR VPS ??? Free03:51
usbcablehi all04:01
usbcableanyone know where is ubuntu source code ?04:01
usbcablei saw it here04:01
usbcableirc.worldhacker.org is open for public #0day , [ 0day (xc) Our ] WhiteHat Hacker Team And Dev Official Public Channel : https://worldhacker.org , REQUEST PROGRAM , SOURCE CODE , OR ANYTHING HERE ... . NEED STORAGE OR VPS ??? Free04:01
NeilRGhow do I make the image viewer (eog?) reload an image when it's changed?04:13
NeilRGI think it used to, but now it doesn't04:14
guivercNeilRG, there is a preference option which adds a RELOAD IMAGE button to it; you didn't provide a release; so that's on my release04:16
guivercpreferences->plugins and you click the 'reload' button...04:18
Administrator__LIBERA.CHAT IS MOVING TO irc.worldhacker.org ,  open for public , MAIN CHANNEL #0day , [ 0day (xc) Our ] WhiteHat Hacker Team And Dev Official Public Channel : https://worldhacker.org , REQUEST PROGRAM , SOURCE CODE , OR ANYTHING HERE ... . NEED STORAGE OR VPS ??? Free04:18
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xu-irc92wfuvk u all07:02
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eoli3nHi ogra08:15
eoli3nzoom-client with snap package is broken, it asks for upgrade08:15
eoli3nusing edge results in nothing08:15
eoli3nwhen i start zoom-client nothing happens08:16
=== Roy_Mustang is now known as A_Dragon
tinheari already tell you i only answer question from channel #0day irc.worldhacker.org see ya08:22
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ograeoli3n, yeah, they sadly changed their chromium backend with the last release, i'm waiting for a change in snapd (that is in 2.55.x) to make it work again 😞09:00
ograeoli3n, it is a combination of unfortunate changes on both sides (zoom and snapd) ... all i can do is wait ATM09:03
eoli3nogra ok, thanks09:14
freeman_hhi I am using a web console to access my ubuntu server in the history i can only scroll up to line 999. any command which will let me access the history from line 1?09:47
mrkubax10freeman_h: you mean bash history?10:02
freeman_hyeah but i got it now :)10:09
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
ansh_My earbuds are connected successfully to my ubuntu system. I hear a connection noise when earbuds are connected however no audio I can hear.10:28
ravageansh_, try pavucontrol to find out if you see the device and if the app is using the right one10:29
ansh_ravage: Checking.10:30
ansh_ravage: Checking as normal user executing pavucontrol the application starts normally and browser (on which audio is playing) has selected the earbuds. However, when I execute as root user the pavucontrol it waits for pulseaudio to start10:32
ogradont run graphical apps as root (why would you ?)10:32
ravagepulseaudio runs as your user. so dont use root :)10:33
ansh_ogra: Sorry, But as normal user the earbuds are selected although can't hear any song audio (only at the time of connecting I hear ting noise).10:33
ravageansh_, is it muted maybe? do you see anything on the volume meter?10:33
ograwell, pavucontrol is for configuring ... it wont magically do anything if you dont select the right things ... look for muted output paths, for wrongly selected devices etc etc10:34
oerheksfreeman_h,  ~/.bashrc file  >  HISTSIZE=10000 https://linuxhint.com/bash_command_history_usage/10:34
ansh_ravage: I see 'firefox' browser in Playback option. And since song is playing in browser the silence meter is moving with the flow.10:39
ansh_ravage: However, below firefox only 'silence' option.10:40
ice9on ubuntu 16, apt-get has php7.0 and php7.1; but there is only one package for php-xdebug which installed for php7.0;  how can i installed it for 7.1 too?10:56
ansh_ravage: I just got my one of earbuds working however the voice is breaking sometimes, the previous earbud doesn't works at all.10:57
ravageansh_, maybe apple products are not made for open source. just a guess :P10:58
ravage!eol | ice910:59
ubottuice9: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:59
liberatehi, when will the Jammy RC image be uploaded? The current daily (from march 31) doesn't let me past the loader, it doesn't even get to the installer11:08
lotuspsychje!next | liberate11:08
ubottuliberate: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.11:08
pankajI am facing issues with bluetooth. The bluetooth earbuds pair successfully however get disconnected as per : https://gist.github.com/pankaj-gecko/4653d2edb2f5133e89f88624a8ba3a3311:35
Jeremy31pankaj: paste results for>  pactl list short | grep blue11:38
pankajJeremy31: Lists nothing.11:39
Jeremy31pankaj: install pulseadio-module-bluetooth package and reboot11:43
pankaj_Jeremy31: Thanks very much. I just installed it and just came across an article. It also had suggested the same thing. Resolved.11:44
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjewelcome Talls12:13
Tallsmay i have a favor, for dns configuration with vps ubuntu 18.0412:15
Vuurdraak(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) I'm trying to start a Wine/Lutris game and suddenly get a "your kernel is not patched for fsync" error even though I'm using the same wine version and settings for the game, did a kernel update remove fsync functionality ?12:22
ravageVuurdraak, your kernel never had fsync12:26
ravagefsync support was added in 5.16 so you will not see it in Ubuntu any time soon12:27
Vuurdraak@ravage, oke , not sure what is happening, but it seems I need to set all games/progs in Lutris to "Fsync" = off, and then stuff works again12:28
ravageand you should really update to 20.04 and maybe next week to 22.04 :)12:29
VuurdraakI got a 100GB partition waiting for 22.0 ;)12:30
basenjis4/21/2022 is the final release for 20.0412:31
VuurdraakMy current 18.04 LTS was already upgraded two times from 14.04 to 16.04 to 18.04, i'm gonna make a fresh start with 22.04, and leave 18.04 opperational untill all stuff is up and running in 22.0412:33
VuurdraakAt the same time it will mave the OS to a faster M.2 SSD12:33
ravageif you have some free time over easter you can test it already :)12:34
VuurdraakI have other plans with easter :D12:34
clarkkOn Ubuntu 20.04, how do I prevent my ipv6 address being used on the internet? The address (shown by https://ipv6leak.com/) is assigned to my wireless interface (in fact, there are 5 inet6 addresses in total on that interface). It connects to the net via a router that uses NAT.12:36
clarkkI connect to my router using ipv412:37
ravagewhats wrong with ipv6?12:37
Vuurdraak@clarkk, I guess you could use UWF if you want to block things12:40
ravageor just disable ipv6 in the network manager12:40
Vuurdraaknot sure indeed why you want to specificly block ipv6 though12:40
ravagebut i still would like to know why you dont want to use it12:41
gordonjcpclarkk: you also connect to your router using IPv612:41
gordonjcpclarkk: that website is the stupidest thing I've seen all day, and I've been in a four-hour meeting with a Telco about replacing ISDN lines12:42
gordonjcpclarkk: file that in the same pile as the folk who block ping because "ZOMG ICMP MIGHT BE A RISK"12:42
VuurdraakIf the Kremlin starts pinging you it might be a risk ;)12:44
clarkkgordonjcp, When I'm using a VPN, I don't want my local address exposed. Isn't that fair?12:47
clarkkI tried to disable ipv6 because of this issue, by adding net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 to /etc/sysctl.conf file, and rebooting, but that didn't work12:52
clarkk(and also commenting ipv6 entries in hosts)12:52
Sven_vBhi :) a python program I want to run in Ubuntu focal fails: "Failed to import WebKit 3.0. You might need to install package libwebkitgtk-3.0-0." but "aptitude search libwebkitgtk" shows no results. where can I get a libwebkitgtk for focal?12:52
clarkkneed to reboot. Back soon12:53
gordonjcpclarkk: it doesn't really matter12:55
gordonjcpclarkk: only traffic that's destined for the VPN will go over the VPN12:55
ravagei think a lot of people use a VPM for privacy. then the default gateway is the VPN12:57
ravagethats totally fine. and a lot of commercial VPNs only use ipv4. so disabling it for that reason is valid too12:57
gordonjcpa VPN doesn't give you privacy though12:58
kostkon_Sven_vB I doubt the lib package for Python would start with just "lib". Most python packages start with "python-"12:58
ravagelets not discuss terms. he is gone anyway12:58
Sven_vBkostkon_, that install instruction was correct on trusty at least12:59
Sven_vBor xenial, not sure13:00
ioriaSven_vB, not sure what you need or what are you doing, but on focal you have 'libwebkit2gtk-*'   not libwebkitgtk*13:00
Sven_vBioria, thanks, I'll try them!13:01
BluesKajHi all13:02
clarkkback. Was anyone able to answer my questions?13:08
Vuurdraak@clarkk, not sure if it will block ipv6 or ignore it in UWF, but if you got UWF installed and enabled, see what happens if you add: IPV6=no13:11
clarkkVuurdraak, do you mean UFW?13:11
VuurdraakUFW sorry13:11
Vuurdraakthe firewall13:11
clarkkI wouldn't mind blocking ipv6 traffic to the vpn interface. THat would work, but not sure how13:12
basenjisCould b IPV6=0  0 meaning false  +1 meaning true [boolean] if applicable13:17
clarkkI can't find literally any tutorials about ufw for ipv613:19
Vuurdraak@clarkk, yeh only two things i can find is: https://enterinit.com/enable-or-disable-ipv6-on-ubuntu-ufw/  ,and, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232084713:22
Sven_vBlibwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 was installed already, so that didn't help. :( is there a webkit 3.0 python package for focal? maybe I can find their docs and just copy the import commands and it will work13:30
Sven_vBmaybe later webkit 3.x is compatible as well13:31
webchat44 hello, is there a way to install with lks encryption but not erasing all the disk but creating more than one partition ( i need 2 ubuntu installed for different purposes) Please...13:32
clarkk1Vuurdraak, thanks for your suggestions. I managed to disable ipv6 for the wireless interface using Gnome wifi network settings13:32
clarkk1rebooting again now13:33
ravagewebchat44, the installer does not support that. you would have to configure it all manually before you start the installer and assign the partitions13:33
webchat44but after the install can I configure it all? I mean, not only the home?13:33
Vuurdraakoke ;)13:34
ravagewhet you do with your system after you installed it is up to you of course13:34
Sven_vBthe recommendation on StackOverflow is to enable the bionic repositories in apt and install the old libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 package. is that safe?13:35
webchat44ravage thanks for your ver yquick answer, you are very kind13:35
ravageSven_vB, does not sound safe at all13:35
webchat44ravage: and.. is there an easy way? I mean, a GUI?13:35
ravagewebchat44, there is no guided GUI way13:35
webchat44ok thanks13:36
webchat44you are so kind!13:37
webchat44good bye13:37
ravagemaybe a VM is a better way to have 2 installations13:37
ravagesudo apt install virt-manager13:37
ravageor maybe try gnome-boxes. i prefer virt-manager13:37
webchat44One instalation is for all purpose. Includign work, with video editing (Lightworks) etc. The other just for gaming, because there are some non-official repositories and I dont want to use them in my installation, I dont trust non official things, but I need ffmpeg with vulcan and nvidia video support...13:38
webchat44The secondary is for videogames so I guess it should be not virturaliced...13:38
ravageinstall 22.04 next week or now if you want13:39
ravageyou get all the new stuff13:39
ravageand install the older one in a VM13:39
webchat44Steam works perfectly but I am trying Steam VR with ALVR, and I need ffmpeg, there is a compiled ffmpeg with vulkan support but not official, it is a ppa and... I never install that things, but in a secondary partition with only steam and videogames I guess that it is not dangerous or a risk.13:40
=== paul_ is now known as PaulW2U_
basenjis@clarkk1 : https://adamtheautomator.com/ufw-firewall/  and https://kaosx.us/docs/ufw/13:50
basenjisBasically changing ipv6=True13:52
clarkkDisabling ipv6 for the access point in gnome settings doesn't disable ipv6 for that interface. :/   Does anyone have any other ideas how I can prevent my locally-assigned ipv6 address being sent via my VPN interface?14:03
clarkkI'm happy to disable ipv6 altogether, but I have tried a number of was and none work14:04
clarkkor I'm happy to disable it for the port using UFW, if there were any tutorials at all anywhere on the net that described how to configure ipv6 rules in UFW14:05
clarkk*not the port - I mean the interface14:05
basenjisJust configure ipv6 using the ipv6=True, then select which ports you need open14:08
clarkkbasenjis, I don't want any ports open for ipv614:10
clarkkI want to completely prevent ipv6 being used on a specific interface14:10
basenjisLeave it as default ipv6=False. You are good with the default settings.14:28
savI'm having trouble connecting a (seemingly) MTP based camera via USB14:29
basenjisipv6 has to be configured to be used .14:29
savmtp-detect says No raw devices found, but it shows up in lsusb14:31
clarkkbasenjis, looks like if I disable ipv6, I can't connect to libera irc :(14:39
ograsav, have you checked on the phone if mtp is actualy enabled and supported ?14:40
ograoh, sorry, mis-read ... s/phone/camera/14:40
=== JoeyeS is now known as Guest817
clarkkSo the best option is to deny it going to the tun1 interface that I use for my vpn.  I managed to add it to the UFW rules. It added both a v4 and v6 version, so I deleted the v4 version, but somehow my ipv6 address is still being sent to https://ipv6leak.com/14:41
ogramany cameras default to PTP ...14:41
savogra I did. Actually MTP is the only mode available14:44
savI mean the only active mode14:45
clarkkThese are the two rules that have been added after I run the ufw rule commands:14:48
clarkk-A ufw6-user-input -i tun1 -j DROP14:48
clarkk-A ufw6-user-output -o tun1 -j DROP14:48
clarkkHow is this not working? :(14:48
clarkkI guess ipv6 is completely circumventing the vpn14:49
clarkkI've no idea how to fix this14:50
savlsusb identifies the device as Bus 001 Device 013: ID 054c:0da5 Sony Corp. ILCE-7M414:51
jongstais rvm not available via apt?14:53
jongstaeverything i see says to pull it via curl14:53
basenjisIf you are using ipv6 you have to enable it using ipv6=True as in How to that I posted earlier.15:07
basenjis@ 08:50:3315:09
basenjisHave to go..look up the web links I said above15:10
linsuxdoes 20.03 lts support wayland gnome?16:26
leftyfblinsux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS supports wayland, yes16:28
linsuxis it as good as fedora?16:28
leftyfblinsux: ubuntu.com/download   feel free to try it and decide for yourself16:29
soup55you could perhaps look into Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (beta), it works ootb with wayland and offers a good experience16:29
leftyfb!next | soup5516:30
ubottusoup55: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.16:30
oerhekslinsux, no, not as good, better.16:31
oerheksdo you have a real support issue?16:31
linsuxi have 20.04 lts running cinnamon. i need to convert it to gnome with wayland16:31
leftyfblinsux: why?16:32
oerheksI suggest reinstall, nu cruft from cinnamon in your gnome.16:32
linsuxwayland works better with firefox decoding? i expernenced high rdd usage16:32
linsuxsome post told me wayland will work better16:33
leftyfblinsux: not so sure that's the route I would go down16:33
linsuxrdd usage 200+%16:33
oerhekswith 20.04 you would already have a wayland session, choose from login16:33
linsuxwhen i play some youtube video. no such thing in windows16:33
leftyfbwhat is rdd?16:33
oerheksbut if you run nvidia, it won16:34
oerheks't show up i guess16:34
linsuxgoogle rdd process high cpu youwill see bunch16:34
leftyfblinsux: you're going by a post from 2 years ago with an answer from 1 person about a distribution that isn't ubuntu?16:35
leftyfblinsux: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/mnz8rq/rdd_process_fills_up_ram_and_freezes_the_whole/   this person has the same issue WITH wayland16:36
oerhekslet's not google.16:36
linsuxlets what16:36
linsuxwhat now16:40
Dr-007hey guys. when i connect to my server via putty i dont have a colored shell. online i found force_color_prompt=yes in ~/.bashrc should fix it. it didnt exist, i added it. didnt work. when i become root i do have colors. the ~/.bashrc for root existed so i copied it to my user's ~/.bashrc (where force_color_prompt=true among other things was inthere) i reconnected but i still dont have any colors16:51
CeeClearHi Scotty_Trees17:02
CeeClearI have a question about Drivers17:06
Jeremy31CeeClear: what drivers?17:08
CeeClearwanted to purge and reinstall my drivers for my wireless card.17:09
Dr-007(i found out, my .profile was missing aswell)17:09
CeeClearRight now getting the error message that it it isn't working17:09
CeeClearI should back up a bit17:09
CeeClearhow would I test to see if it is a hardware or driver problem ??17:09
Jeremy31What is the wifi?17:10
CeeCleartype of wifi card ???17:11
CeeClearIntel corporation Wireless 8265/827517:11
Jeremy31CeeClear: You should have needed to install anything for that Intel chipset17:11
Jeremy31shouldn't have17:12
CeeClearYeah I think one of the updates busted a bunch of my drivers. managed to fix a few still working on it.17:13
CeeClearSo is there a way to reinstall my  wifi drivers or test my wifi card17:15
Jeremy31CeeClear: post URL from terminal for>  (sudo dmesg | grep iwl; modinfo iwlwifi) | nc termbin.com 999917:17
jhutchinsDr-007: There are reasons that the root profile is different from the regular user profile.  There are probably more important things to learn about managing linux than colored prompts.17:17
Dr-007jhutchins, well.. there's probably more important things to learn then linux. but here we are...17:18
CeeClearHere you go Jeremy3117:22
nickgawHi, I managed to install lxc on my debian system and now have an Ubuntu container running but if I do lxc-console container1 I am placed at a blank screen with no login prompt and ssh to ubuntu@container1 does not work?17:23
Jeremy31CeeClear: how about> (dkms status; modinfo cfg80211; lsmod)|nc termbin.com 999917:24
leftyfbnickgaw: /join #lxc17:24
=== Roy_Mustang is now known as A_Dragon
CeeClearJeremy 31 here is the output17:29
Jeremy31CeeClear: Run the 2 commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/a2bee9856d8c13f42f1835bc31bf9480 in terminal and post URL17:31
CeeClearwhat do those two commands do ?17:33
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Jeremy31CeeClear: It downloads a script we use on ubuntuforums.org and askubuntu.com that collects some info about your wireless while removing info like MAC addresses17:35
CeeClearGot it17:36
CeeClearAlso got this message: Results also archived in "/home/*******/wireless-info.tar.gz", as they exceed the 19.5 kB size limit for ".txt" attachments on the Ubuntu Forums.17:37
Jeremy31CeeClear: Can you change the encryption on the router and extender to WPA2 only without TKIP?17:39
CeeClearHow would I do that17:40
Jeremy31CeeClear: Have to access the web page for router administration17:41
Jeremy31CeeClear: also run in terminal>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf17:41
Jeremy31That will disable wifi power management after a reboot as Intel wifi doesn't normally work well with power management17:41
CeeCleargot it. just ran that command in terminal17:43
Jeremy31CeeClear: See if the router admin page shows on browser after entering for address17:43
CeeClearit shows.17:44
CeeClearunfortunately hit a bump with logging in17:46
Jeremy31CeeClear: Might have to search the net to see what the default login is17:47
=== Nitrousoxide_ is now known as Nitrousoxide
Sven_vBhi :) on focal, I try to launch my web dashboard as an epiphany web app, but it says "Required desktop file not present at /home/sven/debug/epi.tmp/epiphany-dashboard/epiphany-dashboard.desktop". So I created that file and wrote one line, "[Desktop Entry]". Still same error message. Where can I find info on what expectations epiphany (--version says "Web 3.36.4") has? My only search result was a file that does not contain the error message.18:11
Sven_vBalso, does focal have other leight-weight browsers that can run websites in app mode, i.e. with just a window border around the website, and as few as possible other decoration?18:13
enigma9o7[m]It's sad that epiphany doesn't work well for you.18:15
Jeremy31Sven_vB: Might need something like https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=8818118:16
Sven_vBJeremy31, thanks!18:19
Sven_vBJeremy31, unfortunately, with the example code for the file, same error message.18:22
Jeremy31Sven_vB: Do you have a file named /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop18:28
Sven_vBshall I try and symlink it?18:29
Jeremy31Sven_vB: try copying and drop it in Desktop or somewhere18:30
Jeremy31symlink might work18:30
Sven_vBwhat do you mean "drop it in Desktop"? ~/Desktop? not the path given in the error message?18:33
Sven_vBI see. when I copy it to the path from the error message it works.18:36
Sven_vBsomehow starting epiphany in app mode takes longer than starting Firefox with lots of addons. how would I start debugging that?18:40
Sven_vBoh it doesn't18:41
Sven_vBseems like epiphany hides its window until I press a key18:41
Sven_vBturns out I only need 2 lines, "[Desktop Entry]" and "Type=Application". then only mistake in the exmaple code was lowercase "application".18:44
Sven_vBeven worse, it conceals any screen activity until I press a key18:52
Sven_vBI have a terminal in the background and its output seems to be paused while epiphany waits for my keypress, albeit I can see via SSH that output is printed18:52
Sven_vBI tried fixing it by having xdotool press Ctrl shortly after I start epiphany, but xdotool on focal has that other bug that causes all UI to freeze whenever I use it to simulate keys. :(18:55
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.18:55
Sven_vBwhen will the next LTS be released?18:55
ubottuJammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.18:56
krytenIn less than two weeks.18:57
Sven_vBmaybe I should try that already18:58
=== Starmina_ is now known as Starmina
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=== Guest4840 is now known as Polo
g3poandlslwould `apt upgrade --download-only` be the best way to cache package updates to install at a later date?19:25
imican ubuntu work with these new airpod-like wireless bluetooth multimedia headsets?19:29
imihow do I lock the screen from commandline?19:36
Jeremy31imi: The bluetooth should work19:36
imiI already have like 2 mics connected to my machine, and I'm not sure whether I can change whic one is used19:38
Jeremy31To lock the screen, try>  gnome-screensaver-command -l19:38
imithanks that command works for screenlocking19:38
imiwhen the 22.04 LTS is due?19:39
Jeremy31imi: One week19:39
=== JoeyeS is now known as Guest2598
wizard1is here anybody?19:41
morganuwiz ask a question and folks appear19:45
morganuI dont remember how to use ubottu, if someone is bored please remind me. That's not on the factoid page.19:51
morganu!asl | morganu19:51
ubottumorganu: Please see my private message19:51
morganu!ask | morganu19:52
oerheksuse ubotto in PM, works fine19:52
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
meenaHey folks. When i run dist-upgrade on this focal machine (actually, elementary), update-initramfs fails, quite often.20:00
meenaSometimes, running auto-remove after wards, fixes it, but today, we're stuck:20:00
alkisgelementary os isn't supported here...20:00
enigma9o7[m]And the main dude left :(20:01
oerheksseems there is no #elementary channel here on #libera, sorry20:03
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meenaokay, but these are unmodified packages, and apt issues: https://gist.github.com/igalic/7f624961f2c3aa18ef62d400d1ca4f1520:05
meenacan we chill for a second and look at the error first, before bemoaning the death of elementary.20:06
oerhekswith write errors, i think of fsck.. but you will need to find elementary or mint support.20:07
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meenathis is a fresh boot, if there was an fsck needed, i sure hope the boot process has taken care of it.20:08
meenathe "unusual" aspect of this setup isn't elementary, it's probably the fact that i have a cryptsetup spanning two disks, using the same password20:09
meenait takes about 2 minutes since the upgrade to focal, and if i could find boot logs anywhere20:18
leftyfbmeena: Elementary OS isn't supported here20:20
meenaleftyfb: okay.20:21
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oerheksPolo, fix your connection please21:12
PoloShould be good now21:13
PoloNot sure what happened21:13
oerheksnetwork burst, or hickups21:13
PoloYeah sorry21:13
octav1a_I'm my few decades of internet experience, usually problems are relatively outside of the user's control.21:13
oerheksbut you responded, things should be fine now, hi :-)21:13
PoloWhats goodie21:14
octav1a_just open source things.21:15
PoloStill grasping that21:15
oerheksgoodies? some nice gtk themes https://dekisoft.com/best-gtk-themes-for-ubuntu-download/21:15
octav1a_Polo: if there's something you would like to improve about a program, you can do it yourself!21:16
octav1a_Polo: usually you would21:18
MajBNot sure if this is the correct channel to ask this question, but Is there a problems with editing the Ubuntu wiki pages.  I cannot seem to log on.21:20
krytenMajB: Yeah, we've noticed the issue a few days ago already, but so far nobody responded to it.21:25
jhutchinsThey're probably on Spring Break with the Atlassian crew.21:26
MajBI have been editing for years and now I cannot even log on.  Interesting.  I discovered a Editing Team which I requested to join,  but have yet to be approved by them.  Guess I will wait until someone wakes up or at least explains what is going on.21:27
krytenMajB: So you're getting an error message when trying to log in?21:29
MajBYes.  "Nonce already used or out of range."  Whatever that means21:31
krytenYeah, that's the one I mean.21:31
steve_why is it that when I copy over the data files for Pidgin and Thunderbird, the programs don't seem to read them? it's like my data is not even there. It's been YEARS since I've had this issue.21:35
tomreynyou'll need to provide more contextual information.21:36
tomreyncopy over from what to what?21:36
steve_my profile backups21:37
steve_I copied all the information over and the programs act like I am a new user.21:37
matsamansteve_: from linux to linux?21:37
matsamansteve_: did you overwrite a default dir that was already created on the new system?21:37
matsamanor did you just ... copy it over21:37
matsamanalternatively you can play with the profile manager features of such programs, when present21:38
steve_I overwrote the default like I always do21:38
matsamanwell, what can a person say, mozilla software has gone way downhill21:38
steve_firefox worked fine21:38
matsamanI'd definitely close the app when you copy, make sure you're overwriting21:38
steve_Yeah I didn't even open the apps before transferring data21:39
tomreynso this is about creating backups, then restoring backups, from and to the same ubuntu release version?21:39
steve_well I went from one distro to another21:42
steve_but in my experience that shouldn't matter much21:42
steve_until now...21:42
tomreynis the target is a supported Ubuntu release? and if so, which?21:43
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steve_the target is Zorin OS21:47
oerheksseems there is no #zorin channel here on #libera, sorry21:48
steve_Yeah it looks like there's no Zorin channel anywhere21:48
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krytenThere is always #linux though.21:52
steve_I guess so21:56
jhutchinssteve_: THis sounds a lot like an owner/permissions issue.  The UID on the new OS may not match the UID on the old one.22:02
MajBFor those of you that have wiki editing problems, the situation has apparently been reported https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=61049.  Awaiting action I guess.22:12
steve_I figured it out22:38
leftyfbscortal: stop22:38
leftyfb!op | they've been posting garbage here for over a month22:40
ubottuthey've been posting garbage here for over a month: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant22:40
CarlFKscortal: please /join #ubuntu-ops22:43
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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