
valoriemainline ubuntu uses gnome desktop and apps00:00
valoriewe use Plasma and KDE apps00:00
valoriewe all work together00:00
valoriethere are quite a few flavors of ubuntu00:01
valoriefor instance Ubuntu Studio is for creatives00:01
Guest2911and kubuntu00:01
valorieand it also uses Plasma and some KDE apps00:01
valorieso we work more closely with them on those common things00:02
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
Guest24Hello everyone o/05:07
Guest24Looking foe help upgrading my hirsuite 20.4 to the alst Kubuntu 21.10 I think05:08
Guest24do-release-upgrade doesn't propose to upgrade while saying that I'm EOL05:09
Guest24update-manager GUI propose to update but after I click Upgrade it quit05:10
Guest24Nvm go it fixed05:17
dezI just installed 21.04 over 20.04 without formatting the disks.06:35
dezAlmost all of the system and program settings are still intact.06:35
alkisgYou can preserve /home/username (along with all user data and settings) even among different distributions and desktop environments...06:37
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
dezhttps://vk.com/video-211009300_456239090 my Kubuntu08:57
user|13I have installed kubuntu. Now while logging in, along with kde, gnome and gnome wayland are also showing11:07
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> AMTD11:08
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> KMTD11:09
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> Thank you.11:09
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> I have installed Kubuntu, while logging in it is showing three options: kdeplasma, gnome &gnome wayland. How can I remove the gnome & gnome wayland safely.11:10
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> I tried removing ubuntu desktop, but while rebbotung it has shown file broken error. Again I ve installed gdm3 package.11:12
IrcsomeBot<Ravi> Is there any safe way to remove gnome and gnome wayland?11:12
oerheksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one can be interesting..11:39
BluesKajHi all12:07
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> what kind of Kubuntu have you installed ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|13> I have installed kubuntu. Now while logging in, along with kde, gnome and gnome wayland are also showing)16:49
Guest21Hello :).  I'm wanting to install Kubuntu 22.04 on my 2nd hard disk, and am stuck at the first step.  There is a check-box labelled: "Configure secureboot, enter the same password twice.....".  My laptop supports UEFI & Secureboot and I'd like to enable that feature, but I don't know how to proceed.  My first question is - which password?  I19:17
Guest21don't understand what is needed here or what it does.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.19:17
tomreynGuest21: the idea there is that you set a password for the first time, which is then stored by your mainboard / bios, this is part of secure boot initialization19:26
Guest21tomreyn - thanks for the reply, do I need to enter this password on each boot?19:28
tomreyna lot can go wrong with 'secure boot', it complicates matters and it doesn't provide a whole lot of guarantees. so a lot of people actually decide against using it19:28
tomreynyou'll need to enter this password whenever you want to change secureboot settings, including when entirely disabling secure boot.19:29
Guest21Ah, OK - so I don't really need it.  The only downside I guess is that I'd need to enter UEFI to disable secureboot every time I wanted to boot Kubuntu? (I also have a Win10 installation that uses secureboot)19:31
tomreynmost operating systems don't actually require secure boot, so maybe you'll want to keep it off generally. but if you want to run a multi boot system then maybe leaving it enabled with kubuntu can actually be the better choice.19:39
Guest21Thanks for your time, much appreciated.  I'll go ahead and experiment in the hope that it doesn't mess up my Windows disk (I have backups just in case).  Cheers :).19:41
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/linux-headers-generic20:31
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Anyone knows what is the actual kernel version behind this20:31
cbreakIrcsomeBot: ksenchy: it says in your own link20:47
cbreakand you can also see that it depends on the https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/linux-headers-5.15.0-25-generic package20:48
orca33hi there21:53
orca33I have Kubuntu 21.10 (impish) on my desktop. In order to try the software Able2Extract Professional, a PDF editor, I downloaded its deb package from the official site, but it requires, among others, the version 1.71.0 of the package libboost-filesystem, instead of the current 1.74.0. In fact, it needs also libboost-regex1.71.0,22:02
orca33libboost-thread1.71.0, which are not available for impish. They are available for hirsute and focal, indeed. Is there a port for impish? Is it reliable to try and download the debs for those releases and install them under impish?22:02
orca33No suggestions?22:39
orca33More generically, is it possible/sensible to try and install older versions of a given deb package? If so, how and which issues might arise?22:45
mmikowski@orca33 you are now experience the joys of interim releases :)22:49
mmikowskiSorry if this is old new to you, but just in case: The trouble is that the 6-month release cadence is too fast for many third-party developers. Instead, they focus their energy on LTS releases and build for them.22:51
cbreakorca33: there's no snap / appimage / flatpack thing for that application?22:53
orca33I see: if I were with focal, I would then be ok...22:53
cbreakyou could try building one of those, they can contain their own userland, with different library versions22:53
mmikowskiThis appears to be the case for Able2Extract. If you are able to install it on Impish it will *probably* work just fine, since the updated libboost-filesystem isn't significantly greater. However, if there is a breaking change, you might be out of luck without the work that @cbreak is detailing.22:54
orca33cbreak, not AFAIK22:54
cbreakyou could also run the thing inside docker or lxc22:54
mmikowski@orca33 You could always install focal in a VM and use it there ...22:54
cbreaklxc is cheaper than a full vm :)22:55
cbreakeven if you use kvm22:55
mmikowskiSure @cbreak. Any similar sort of environment.22:55
cbreakI run a firefox inside a 20.04 lxc on my 21.10 kubuntu22:55
cbreakso gui programs kind of work (there are some issues with screen resolution)22:56
orca33I have never tried to build a snap , appimage or flatpack for that matter. Neither used lxc; and vm some eons ago...22:57
orca33mmikowski what does do you mean: "If you are able to install it on Impish..."? How?22:58
mmikowski@orca33 download the deb, and then `sudo apt install ./<deb-file-name.deb>`22:59
orca33As simple as that? The worst might happen is the command not working and then I might simply issue: sudo apt --fix-broken install or sudo apt purge <deb_file>; right?23:03
mmikowski@orca33 fwiw, snaps run in a docker-like environment (lxc) and pull in their own requirements like above.23:03
mmikowski@orca33 simple as that.23:04
mmikowski@orca33 if it doesn't work, sudo apt purge <dev_file>.23:04
mmikowskiNotice, it may also be subtly broken, which can be the worst kind of broken sometimes.23:04
mmikowskiThe sudo apt --fixbroken install probably won't do the trick.23:05
cbreakboost should install its libs with version number in the name, so they shouldn't collide23:06
mmikowskiRight @cbreak. However, if the earlier versions of libboost libs are not available in impish and it doesn't allow for later lib versions in it's control file... :P23:08
mmikowskiI mean if the package doesn't allow for later libboost version...23:09
cbreakthat's more a fact of you not having the old package available23:12
cbreakbut what I mean is that IF you got hand of it, it shouldn't collide with the current version23:12
cbreakprobably... :P23:12
mmikowskiah, I got it @cbreak. You mean also installing the dependencies by hand from the prior repo?23:12
orca33cbreak and mmikowski nice observations. In fact, I also installed libpoco*70 packages to try and resolve the error, without success. So I guess I will download libboost-[filesystem,regex,thread]1.71.0 from hirsute and see what i get...23:13
mmikowskiMaybe, if they allow concurrent versions. Not a problem with the lib, but could be an issue with the packaging.23:13
mmikowskiKernels do the right thing there, but lib packages often do not IME.23:14
mmikowskiRight. But that will likely want to downgrade the installed libboost-*, which could cause all sorts of issues. In that case, lxc or similar as you suggested earlier would seem much safer.23:16
cbreakI think they're independent23:17
cbreakthe packages have the version number in the name23:17
cbreakthey're effectively different packages23:17
cbreakboost is a c++ lib without ABI stability, I think they kind of have to do it that way23:17
mmikowskiYeah, that's a great point. Similar to kernel images. So the should be able to live together.23:17
cbreakjust like kernels, not designed to be forward or backwards compatible23:17
cbreak(still, I'd go the lxc route, since I know how to do it :)23:18
cbreakwell... or at least I think I can look up how I did it again...23:18
mmikowski@cbreak it seems like your suggestion with these libboost-x.x.x packages should be safe, since they won't interfere with anything and likely won't be used elsewhere. And rolling back is as easy as purging the packages.23:20
mmikowskiI haven't used lxc before, but will look into it!23:21
cbreakI think I used something like https://blog.simos.info/running-x11-software-in-lxd-containers/23:23
mmikowski@orca33 did you get the suggestion from @cbreak?23:24
mmikowskiIt looks like you are on the right path.23:24
mmikowski@cbreak thanks for the link. I will add it to my thing-to-do ticket.23:24
cbreak(I think if someone upgrades from 20.04 to 21.10, those old packages could still stick around, so it should be fine)23:24
orca33Sorry for the silly question: which exact link shoud I use to download, e.g,. libboost-regex1.71.0? I tried cbreak's one above from focal, but did not manage :-(23:25
cbreakwhat was the problem?23:26
mmikowskiI think Ubuntu could keep some of those older libs around longer...23:26
cbreakcurl -OL --url http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/boost1.71/libboost-regex1.71.0_1.71.0-6ubuntu6_amd64.deb seems to work23:27
cbreakof course, I'm assuming here that you're running amd6423:28
orca33cbreak The curl command worked.23:29
orca33To double check: I have downloaded the 3 libbost-*1.71.0*.deb packages from focal and now I should dpkg -i each one of them and afterwards try and install the Able2Extract package; right?23:33
cbreakI'd zfs snap first :P23:33
cbreak(but it is probably ok)23:33
orca33cbreak didn´t get this zfs snap stuff...23:34
cbreakyou're not running zfs then, so you can ignore it23:35
orca33After sudo dpkg -i libboost-filesystem1.71.0_1.71.0-6ubuntu6_amd6.deb , I got the following error: dpkg-deb: error: 'libboost-filesystem1.71.0_1.71.0-6ubuntu6_amd6.deb' is not a Debian format archive23:36
mmikowski@orca33 you can do `sudo apt install ./libboost*` if you put them alll in a single directory.23:37
orca33also: dpkg-deb --control subprocess returned error exit status 223:37
mmikowskiUm, that deb package looks wrong -  the name on the end should be _amd64.deb. Maybe just a cut-n-paste error?23:37
orca33mmikowski sure23:38
mmikowskiThe suggestion for putting all the packages in a subdir and using apt makes sorting dependencies easier. Otherwise, you may need to step through dpkg installs one dependency at a time. Apt will sort all that for you.23:39
mmikowskiAs for the file not being debian, that can occur when one downloads files using 'save link as' and accidentally saves the html instead of the package.23:40
cbreakwhat does `file` on the archive say?23:43
orca33I am redownloading the debs23:43
cbreakI've not tried to install, but file says "libboost-regex1.71.0_1.71.0-6ubuntu6_amd64.deb: Debian binary package (format 2.0), with control.tar.xz, data compression xz"23:43
orca33sudo apt install ./libboost* gives: E: Invalid archive signature, E: Internal error, could not locate member control.tar{.zst,.lz4,.gz,.xz,.bz2,.lzma,}, E: Could not read meta data from /home/orca/Dropbox/resources/Able2ExtractPro/libboost-filesystem1.71.0_1.71.0-6ubuntu6_amd64.deb, E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.23:47
orca33I tried again with dpkg -i and for the libboost-regex*, it had dependency problems, demanding the libciu66 deb package, whereas the other 2 libboost* showed error exit status 223:56
orca33libciu66 -> libicu6623:57
orca33I guess we should call it a day... Thank you very much for all your effort, guys!23:59

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