
sdezielnowadays, squid comes in two flavors: GnuTLS and OpenSSL. The GnuTLS one is the one in main. Since many other packages in main are using OpenSSL (apache2, nginx, postfix, dovecot, postgresql, etc) I'm wondering if it is just an historical reason to have the GnuTLS flavor of squid in main?16:08
rbasaksdeziel: I think there has been a long standing licensing issue because various GPL stuff didn't include an OpenSSL exception and without that they're incompatible.18:31
rbasakOpenSSL 3 improves the situation IIRC.18:31
sdezielrbasak: yeah, I think that OpenSSL 3 is what allowed the squid-openssl package to become a reality in debian18:32
sdezielrbasak: now that both flavors exist and are shipped by Ubuntu, I'm simply wondering if the one in main is the right one18:33
rbasaksdeziel: I think there was some conversation about that in the past few days. IIRC, sergiodj was involved but he's in #ubuntu-server and not here.18:35
sdezielrbasak: I'm happy to move the discussion there to have Sergio's input but was also interested in the security team's opinion18:39

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