
jrwrenoh man, i just convertted from grub boot to efi boot on the first try on my linux install from 15+yrs ago.13:01
jrwrenhaving never messed with efi booting linux, ever.13:03
cmaloneyHow was the experience?13:09
jrwrenwell, terrible when it was storms midday yesterday which trashed my external USB drives which prompted the reboot and the reboot failed 13:10
jrwrenbut the actual mounting of /efi and creating 2 text files and copying kernel and initrd in was no problem.13:11
cmaloneyBut cool nonetheless13:11
jrwrenI'm just happy it went smoothly. far better than most grub recoveries I've ever done.13:12
cmaloneyThat sounds more pleasant than my experience with my hardware which usually requires boot repair13:12
cmaloney(that said, I've not tried efiboot)13:12
jrwreni followed this adn skipped the irrelevant parts (most of it) https://gist.github.com/OdinsPlasmaRifle/e16700b83624ff44316f87d9cdbb5c9413:16
jrwrenugh... this filesystem to toasted. never seen ext4 crash so badly. it is on an LVM mirror too, so it isn't underlying HW fail, it is pure corruption. I'm rather upset.13:18
jrwrenrun fsck, repairs done, ls the root of the fs, more errors. repeat indefinitely.13:19
waldo323_oh man thats rough :-\ 13:24
cmaloneyWonder if LVM went for a toss13:26
cmaloneyThough I'd have no idea how to test that13:27
jrwrencould be.13:28
jrwrenI've got 10 other FS on that LVM VG and 1 had errors, but they recovered fine after a single fsck.13:28
jrwrenhey! looks like i was wrong. it just took 3 fscks and now that busted up FS seems OK.13:29
jrwrendefinitely lost some data.13:30
jrwrenweird, maybe not, just got another error.13:30

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