[00:02] https://www.interserver.net/ open for business now . [00:02] spam? [00:02] spam ? [00:03] unsolicited advertising. [00:06] lol and they hide their website behind a cdn [00:06] wonder if its a smear campaign [00:35] wtf === Starmina_ is now known as Starmina === Starmina_ is now known as Starmina === M4he is now known as mahe [02:51] jj [02:52] hi === octav1a_ is now known as octav1a === savalan_ is now known as sav [04:48] Hello. I did a critical mistake in Ubuntu. I installed something called indicator-multiload and accidentally changed a setting to the point that my computer freezes. I uninstalled indicator-multiload via recovery and the computer works fine. When i install it again and reboot, computer freezes. how do i reset indicator-multiload without installing [04:48] it again? It seems to store my settings even after i delete it. [04:49] what setting would that be WinnerWind [04:49] Here is The Promised Thesis For you all , from grandpa , https://cryptobug.wordpress.com/2022/04/01/pdfdrive-for-all-prince/ :) good luck ... . [04:49] Something to do with the pixels. i wanted to set it to 100 but set it to 1000 on accident [04:49] offtopic PHDQue [04:49] '''''''' [04:49] :) [04:49] yeah [04:49] how are you all [04:49] ubuntu [04:50] System monitor width. [04:50] !chat | PHDQue [04:50] PHDQue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [04:50] PHDQue, this is the support channel. please see the door. [04:51] lotusphychje do you have a solution? [04:52] solution for ? [04:52] you want me to deal from this libera chat governor ? [04:52] WinnerWind: you can reset gnome to default via gnome-tweaks if you like [04:52] wait i see you than [04:52] i have enough if this is another k-line [04:52] WinnerWind: or alternate install dconf-tools and find your tweak setting manualy [04:53] does reset gnome to default get rid of my files? I need some data to stay from other apt stuff i installed (eg, Unity hub and VSCode) [04:53] im awfully new, how would i go about this? [04:53] WinnerWind: it might wipe other gnome settings yeah [04:53] deal deal deal [04:53] :) [04:53] can you post the command list? I am on windows right now. [04:53] done should i register nick ? [04:53] lotuspsychje any other solution? [04:54] PHDQue. What do you need? [04:55] nah just one channel and WinnerWind [04:55] try that website [04:55] ? [04:55] once you open it book mark that link you don't need to open again from that wordpress [04:55] since you all don't ban me i open for all now [04:55] wait [04:55] what on earth are you even trying to say to me??? [04:56] ][[]][][[];lsadlsalsdakdwieiqwiiewiqweoewqoksdkasdjdsajnsdgghjasjdsajsjdjsadj [04:56] done [04:56] wait reboot [04:56] http://www.pdfdrive.com/ [04:56] this [04:56] gogoogogo [04:56] what is this??? [04:56] :) [04:56] dude, the rules exist [04:56] mods, if your reading this, i think we got a rule breaker. [04:56] that's my Thesis for you all [04:56] nobody care [04:57] i will collect my money now [04:57] i am auwooo [04:57] skraito and ndut2 [04:57] PHDQue. I need help. Either you request help/help me out OR leave. [04:57] nobody care [04:57] your ubuntu coder ? [04:57] im new to ubuntu [04:57] which company are you working from ? [04:57] !report [04:57] report doesnt exist [04:58] stop it please PHDQue [04:58] im working from home. stop asking such questions. [04:58] ah bullshit lotuspsychje [04:58] just go read it [04:58] welcome back lotus. is it okay for you to send the commands required? [04:58] read it solaris 11 [04:58] good luck [04:58] wait i brb dealing with governor [04:58] !ops | PHDQue disturbing channel [04:58] PHDQue disturbing channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [04:58] tell me lotus if you can't open it [04:58] oh its ops okay [04:59] lotus, is it okay for you to send me the commands required in order? [04:59] if possible ofc [05:00] PHDQue: please /join #ubuntu-ops:libera.chat [05:01] why CarlFK [05:01] i am just here to answer ubuntu question [05:01] i am bored [05:01] brb registering nick [05:01] what channel you guys vote ? [05:01] #harvard ? [05:02] wait [05:02] PHDQue, unless you want to be kicked off this IRC network/get glined/zlined whatever lined exists, listen to the moderators and do what they want. it is in your best intrest. [05:02] im not moderator, but carlFK seems to be a moderator [05:03] well nobody care if you ban me :) is easy job to me ... . i don't need to answer question for ubuntu ... . just ban ... . Thank God ... . [05:03] just gline him. very effective. [05:03] brb [05:04] okay fine [05:04] back to the problem. lotuspsychje are you here? [05:04] !patience | WinnerWind [05:04] WinnerWind: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [05:05] ahh so your true jesus church old [05:05] oh sorry. I thought you were busy. [05:05] you using my os ? [05:05] let's go swap them kim [05:05] thanks for your g - line frog [05:05] 8 billion dollar time my normal money [05:05] to all tjc.org [05:05] per person [05:05] deal [05:05] disruption again. I dont want to disturb the mods again. please just stop. [05:06] done he said it again pay in 1 month [05:06] mean easy money for him and them [05:07] Hey, i have a question. Sudo apt reinstall package : reinstalls the package. does that reset the package to default (aka forget all settings?) [05:10] I have to go. Ill ask my doubt later. [05:19] done [05:19] all governor [05:19] #harvard is done let's go [05:19] guys you know how to setup [05:19] raid ? [05:19] i mean software raid [05:19] if i am you i will read solaris 11 [05:19] is super bitcha kids granpa grandma mom and dad bro and sis [05:20] i show you the book [05:21] when is LTS 22.04 scheduled to be released? [05:21] http://www.pdfdrive.com/solaris-10-sparc-solaris-11-sparc-and-solaris-11-x64-e128097418.html [05:21] don't Apachez [05:22] that's not completed yet [05:22] ohh ubuntu release upgrader just got updated [05:22] if you use ubuntu [05:22] use windows 11 enterprise instead [05:22] don't use linux for client [05:22] there is something call x forwarder [05:22] I dont like all the billions of malware which comes with windows11 [05:22] so you can use it to run gion [05:23] :p in Our code you mean ? [05:23] haha [05:23] if microsoft old i don't use it myself [05:23] check https://microsoft.com [05:23] there is iso for it [05:23] We provide iso now with volume license [05:23] is free just go [05:24] governor how much for all those windows ? [05:24] is Our code at 2005 [05:24] not 2022 [05:27] check guys [05:27] is pdfdrive.com you guys can open [05:27] We hope you repent [05:27] come to join #harvard if you all want to ask me 0day question not relating to ubuntu [05:56] whats new ubuntu 22.04 [06:01] nah [06:01] ubuntu is not [06:02] is Our new code [06:02] have you guys heard [06:02] about Our server [06:02] We combine azure aws google and more [06:02] order from https://interserver.net [06:02] smear campaign continues [06:03] oooooooooooooo [06:03] definetly tjc again [06:03] let's see hmmm [06:03] nah that's max kim === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 === drexter_ is now known as drexter [08:52] re [08:52] I am trying to use libvirt Virtual Machines management in Cockpit, yet i get the following error: Virtualization service (libvirt) is not active [08:53] There is a message in the logs: https://pastebin.com/BaYVVcAX [08:53] Quemu has apparmour as a security driver [08:53] yet that didn't solve anything === Fisher2441 is now known as Fisher244 [09:02] FREENODE AND LIBERA MOVED TO https://worldhacker.org , Come KIDS , Grandpa , ALL PHD LET'S JOIN , WAIT TILL WEBCLIENT LOAD AND CONNECT ... . [09:10] FREENODE AND LIBERA MOVED TO https://worldhacker.org , Come KIDS , Grandpa , ALL PHD LET'S JOIN , WAIT TILL WEBCLIENT LOAD AND CONNECT ... . [09:29] FREENODE AND LIBERA MOVED TO https://worldhacker.org , Come KIDS , Grandpa , ALL PHD LET'S JOIN , WAIT TILL WEBCLIENT LOAD AND CONNECT ... [09:39] Hi [09:40] LTS releases are supported 3 years right ? [09:40] 20.04 will end in April 2023 ? [09:43] https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [09:43] !focal | eoli3n [09:43] eoli3n: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and is the current !LTS release. Download at https://ubuntu.com/download - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes [09:44] !jammy [09:44] Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions. [10:28] How can I fully disable automounting in Ubuntu 20.04? I tried to use "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false" But it does not work. [12:07] Hi all === gschanuel6 is now known as gschanuel === jclsn6 is now known as jclsn === noidea_ is now known as noidea === noidea is now known as noidea_ [12:45] can new 22 lts provide with net install iso please? it's gone since 18 [12:46] developer? [12:47] hey [12:47] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ [12:47] not sure there will be a 22.04 version, use the server iso? [12:48] server iso don't have gui and a bunch of cloud init thing [12:51] you might want to reask in #ubuntu-next, until release support is there [12:56] netinstall is gone since 19.10 [12:57] i mean netboot === shane_ is now known as shaner === dewwii is now known as deww [13:55] Hi ,can you advice ? I'm trying to install AMDGPU driver on my laptop, but it refuses to load. My system starts in low-graphics mode, then hang. (If i start from liveusb it does ok. I can see amdgpu driver loaded). I can start my laptop with 'nomodeset' kernel param, but i have no GLX. So my apps which i have to use, refuse to start on [13:55] Can you adivce how to set this up ? [13:56] I have 2 kernels on my laptop. vmlinuz-5.13.0-39-generic (HWE-20.04) and defualt one vmlinuz-5.4.0-107-generic [13:56] I tried many versions of amdgpu-pro-20.XX-1188099-ubuntu-20.04.tar.xz to compile DKMS module, and currently i have it [13:57] #dkms status: amdgpu,, 5.13.0-39-generic, x86_64: installed [13:58] and for the second kernel i have it as well, but i when i start my system without 'nomodeset' it still have no GLX and hangs in 5 min [13:59] I don't know maybe i have to regenerate my /etc/X11/xorg.conf , but i don't know how to [13:59] I suppose it autodetect drivers and display params on a X startup [14:02] XATRIX: is there any reason why you need amdgpu-pro? [14:03] tomreyn: it will be enough for me even amdgpu, not -pro. Simply need 3D accellerated dirver [14:03] XATRIX: a default ubuntu install will provide amdgpu [14:04] i.e. you most likely had that before you started experimenting [14:04] tomreyn: maybe, but it's not working :( [14:04] it's not working *now* due to customizations amdgpu-pro or you made [14:05] you should not need to have an xorg.conf [14:05] I can simply remove my downloaded proprietary driver, and the system will be as it was. But this does no changes [14:05] That's why i need help :( [14:06] uninstall any parts of the proprietary driver, move xorg.conf out of the way, make sure amdgpu is not blacklisted as a module. [14:06] reboot and see what your logs say [14:09] Got it. Give me a sec please [14:30] tomreyn: I did it, but when i load my system, it hangs on splashscreen when display manager starts. I took a log from. Can you look at. I don't see amdgpu.ko loaded by xserver in. [14:30] https://pastebin.com/XvREftWT [14:31] That's why i looked for a prop. driver to use [14:31] tomreyn: i have 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Picasso/Raven 2 [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series] (rev c4) [14:31] Amd Ryzen3 processor [14:31] laptop === ssh0738 is now known as ssh073 [14:33] pci=noaer might break it [14:34] it's for my RTL8821CE wifi adapter, i took it somewhere from the forums, it stops working after a while [14:34] I suppose it disables PCIeX powersavings for [14:35] It did work when you used the live cd to install ubuntu, right? [14:35] does lspci -knnd ::0300 | nc termbin.com 9999 report that amdgpu is loaded? [14:35] Did it also work after the first reboot? [14:35] * blb1213085 Upgrading to 22.04 by "sudo sed -i 's/focal/jammy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt upate && sudo apt dist-upgrade" [14:36] * blb1213085 Upgrading to 22.04 by "sudo sed -i 's/focal/jammy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt upate && sudo apt dist-upgrade". In a virtual machine of course... [14:36] Negative. My system was migrated from another laptop. So, it's not a fresh install. But if i start livecd, and check the logs, seems like it works well [14:36] I have 20.04 LTS [14:37] blb1213085: unless you need support with an ubuntu release listed in the channel /topic, please move it to #ubuntu-next for 22.04 (until release) or to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewehre [14:37] XATRIX: it is not clear whose question you responded to. [14:38] ah, cmon, it'll be not next anymore in a week [14:38] blb1213085, independent of the release, this is not a supported/supportable upgrade method ... [14:38] tomreyn: sorry, take a look please https://termbin.com/djzd [14:38] blb1213085, not a good idea skipping over releases in between focal and jammy [14:38] i was replying to alkisg for the qest. about a first boot [14:38] no worries, I'll support myself, always did [14:39] XATRIX: the module is not loaded, though [14:39] But Kernel modules: amdgpu ? O_o [14:39] blb1213085, well, good luck with that [14:39] XATRIX: did you check /etc/modprobe* for a blacklisting of the amdgpu module? [14:40] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ sudo modprobe amdgpu [14:40] modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'amdgpu': Invalid argument [14:40] And dmesg says: [14:40] I only need package management anyway [14:40] [ 1079.392760] [drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting. [14:40] blb1213085, you are intentionally making a mess ... just use the supported and tested way to upgrade .... but indeed that's up to you ... [14:41] tomreyn: it's not blacklisted, it checked it [14:41] sorry for my english, i'm not native :( [14:42] XATRIX: no worries about the language, you're doing fine. do you see any blacklisting configured, though? [14:43] nope, i double checked /etc/modprobe.d for [14:43] xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ grep -R amdgpu /etc/modprobe.d/ [14:43] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ [14:43] it'll work I'm sure [14:45] XATRIX: feel free to post a full dmesg on a pastebin-like service [14:47] tomreyn: https://paste.debian.net/1238049/ - this system start is with nomodeset [14:47] XATRIX: well, then it wont work obviously [14:47] sorry for the debian pastebin, but i'm using #dmesg | nopaste to pastebin huge data [14:48] debian pastebin is fine [14:50] quoting our paste: "[ 0.027065] You have booted with nomodeset. This means your GPU drivers are DISABLED" [14:51] * your [14:52] I can't boot it actually, hanging on splash screen, so i have to restart it with nomodeset to be able to connect here [14:52] XATRIX, did you run properly the uninstall script ? amdgpu-pro-uninstall or similar ? [14:53] Yeap, packages which come with this setup gone, and dkms modules as well [14:54] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep amdgpu | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:54] can you see whether there is a "full screen logo show" or similar option on your bios setup UI? [14:54] !bootlog [14:54] To get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters [14:55] nomodeset, I think, would also disable the proprietary GPU driver. [14:55] rob0: it does [14:56] tomreyn: i was talking about XFCE splashscreen. Ok. i'll try to add debug... and see what's happeing [14:56] if you remove "splash" and "quiet" you should get to see where it hangs. [14:56] so this is xubuntu, not a default, gnome-based ubuntu? [14:57] it's just a window manager [14:57] sudo find / -name amdgpu* | grep -v "xatrix" [14:57] https://paste.debian.net/1238050/ [14:57] says i have no propi. driver stuff [14:57] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep amdgpu | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:58] xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ cat /etc/os-release [14:58] NAME="Ubuntu" [14:58] VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)" [14:58] ioria: https://termbin.com/u05t [14:58] you have oibaf [14:59] XATRIX, all wrong [14:59] still the i386 ver [14:59] and this is no good -> amdgpu-install [14:59] sounds if, yes [14:59] yes, have purged it now [15:00] sounds is no, you need to ppa-purge oibaf for start [15:00] it's only a repository for the amdgpu-insstall script [15:00] ioria: got it [15:00] you need to ppa-purge oibaf , reinstall the xorg ver for amdgpu [15:01] reinstall the kernel and run unpdateinitram [15:01] https://pastebin.com/k5D19MxU [15:02] have no oibaf ppa [15:02] what does this print? apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:02] ii libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.110+git2204010500.85393a~oibaf~f [15:02] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ dpkg -l | grep amdgpu [15:02] ii libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.110+git2204010500.85393a~oibaf~f amd64 Userspace interface to amdgpu-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime [15:02] ii xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu 19.1.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver [15:02] do i have to remove libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 as well ? [15:03] XATRIX, you probably have disabled that ppa [15:03] XATRIX, no, you need to revert [15:04] tomreyn: https://termbin.com/9426 [15:04] ioria: you mean apt purge libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 ? [15:04] sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers [15:05] ioria: https://imgur.com/hZWWCZc.png [15:06] apt-cache policy libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 [15:07] ioria: https://imgur.com/eG8l9DW.png [15:07] so if i remove it , and apt install , it should install it not from ppa , is it correct ? [15:08] becase if i have no ppa:oibaf any more [15:08] ok, something else have installed it, maybe amdgpu-pro ; you need to revert manually [15:08] Don't remove, use apt install=version to downgrade [15:08] Removing packages might also remove necessary dependencies, and make the system unbootable [15:09] sudo apt install libdrm-amdgpu1=2.4.107-8ubuntu1~20.04.2 [15:09] ? [15:09] the problem is that all the system is stuffed with wrong libdrm things [15:09] Yeh [15:09] ok, i'll try to [15:09] it's not just one package [15:09] is it ok ? [15:09] https://imgur.com/CwHb43U.png [15:09] ioria: yea, i suppose it to [15:10] XATRIX: use google translate on this one: https://alkisg.mysch.gr/steki/index.php?topic=7370.0 [15:10] It's a how-to-revert-to-CURRENT-sources-list-vesions [15:10] alkisg: it's about package restoration , right ? [15:11] Right, you can use it instead of apt install=xxx, and it will do all your packages with one command [15:11] also libc6 is wrong ... XATRIX [15:11] alkisg: even my skype, and etc... ? [15:12] XATRIX: it will downgrade; it won't remove [15:12] ioria: em...? [15:12] libc6/now 2.35-0ubuntu3 amd64 [15:12] do i have to reinstall it as well ? [15:13] No [15:13] focal has 2.31-0ubuntu9.7 [15:13] now i have the following https://imgur.com/SO7EoRz.png [15:13] (eh I meant about my link, not about libc, I didn't see that; anyway time to go!) [15:14] XATRIX, that is ok [15:14] ioria: that about libc6 https://imgur.com/0qkONTB.png [15:14] What's the right name for Ubuntu Software in launchpad? It's confusing to see software-center when that hasn't had a releases since 13.10. [15:14] XATRIX, wrong, downgrade [15:15] isnt it gnome-software? [15:16] Could be. I just don't understand how it can be fully translated to 100% when I clearly see in the gui that it's NOT fully translated. [15:17] ioria: sounds if it doesn't want to https://imgur.com/8W0sIWc.png [15:18] XATRIX: keep the link I sent you, it's the result of much searching from a very experienced sysadmin; you'll need it later on when you decide that doing it manually is more difficult AND more dangerous :) [15:18] AFK, back later... [15:19] alkisg: got it. thanks :) good luck! [15:19] 👍️ [15:20] XATRIX, apt-cache policy libcurl4 nc termbin.com 9999 [15:20] XATRIX, apt-cache policy libcurl4 | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:21] alkisg: one more question. I did it how the article says. It is ok ? https://imgur.com/dtZoGN5.png [15:23] ioria: https://imgur.com/pRQnLlt.png [15:23] XATRIX, go on with the cmd above [15:23] Umeaboy: it's a snap. try: snap list *software* [15:24] ioria: which one ? [15:24] XATRIX, https://imgur.com/dtZoGN5.png [15:24] Umeaboy: and then: snap info to get info on how to contact the developer [15:24] alright, let's give it a try [15:25] I suppose i'll remain online ^_^ [15:25] tomreyn: error: no matching snaps installed. [15:25] Umeaboy: which ubuntu version is this? [15:26] tomreyn: Jammy. [15:26] 22.04. [15:26] !ubuntu-next | Umeaboy [15:27] brb [15:27] Umeaboy: support for what will be 22.04 is in #ubuntu-next only [15:29] hello [15:34] XATRIX: regarding https://termbin.com/9426 - this is a list of debian (dpkg/apt managed .deb) packages which are either installed in a version which deviates from that of your ubuntu release (more precisely, your currently apt repositories), or which are not available in your ubuntu release (more precisely: not available from any of your currently configured apt repositories) [15:36] your list is very long, meaning you have made a lot of customizations / installed a lot of unsupported software (versions). as ioria already pointed out, your libc6 version also differs from that of your ubuntu releases. this is yet more worrysome, may only be fixable with a reinstall. [15:38] tomreyn: my current installation is from 2015 year. :) was upgraded, migrated from laptop to laptop :) [15:39] Umeaboy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/ is the ubuntu software app since 20.04 ... [15:39] I have a GUI setup and apps which i like to use, don't want to reinstall completely :( === beaver is now known as pong [15:40] XATRIX: i'm just informing you what your situation is. [15:40] XATRIX, is it done ? [15:41] tomreyn: take a look please, after i downgraded much https://termbin.com/h99z [15:41] ioria: yeap [15:41] i afraid to reboot ^^ [15:41] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep amdgpu [15:42] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ dpkg -l | grep amdgpu [15:42] ii libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.107-8ubuntu1~20.04.2 amd64 Userspace interface to amdgpu-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime [15:42] ii xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu 19.1.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver [15:42] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep libc6 [15:42] https://imgur.com/1v4Yqcs.png [15:43] nice [15:43] don't ask to reboot, i'll do suspend for future :))))) [15:43] XATRIX, uname -r [15:43] i afraid, i won't be able to boot any more :)) [15:43] 5.4.0-107-generic [15:44] i have 5.13.0-39-generic installed as well [15:44] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep hwe [15:44] ah, ok [15:44] ii linux-hwe-5.13-headers-5.13.0-39 5.13.0-39.44~20.04.1 all Header files related to Linux kernel version 5.13.0 [15:44] ii linux-image-virtual-hwe-20.04 amd64 Virtual Linux kernel image [15:44] not here [15:44] was experimenting with RTL8821ce wifi drivers and amdgpu [15:45] my wifi was unable to start out from the box [15:45] only with DKMS module [15:46] XATRIX, maybe this (last one): dpkg -l | grep xorg nc termbin.com 9999 [15:46] https://termbin.com/fvaz [15:47] XATRIX, it's ok [15:47] xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.99.917+git20200226-1 - i suppose it from oibaf ppa as long as i see [15:47] but i have no intel card on this laptop [15:48] nope [15:48] !info xserver-xorg-video-intel focal [15:48] so, restart ? w\o nomodeset and amdgpu.dc=0 ? [15:48] xserver-xorg-video-intel (2:2.99.917+git20200226-1, focal): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Built by xserver-xorg-video-intel. Size 720 kB / 3,258 kB. (Only available for amd64, i386, kfreebsd-amd64, kfreebsd-i386, x32.) [15:48] XATRIX, it's not from oibaf [15:48] did you notice those 16.04 and 18.04 packages you have installed? [15:49] no [15:50] maybe it has some dated packages from the times when my system as 16.04 and 18.04 ? [15:50] you might also want to sudo update-initramfs -k $(uname -r) -c [15:50] *was [15:50] yes, that's what i'm thinking [15:50] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ sudo update-initramfs -k $(uname -r) -c [15:50] update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-107-generic [15:50] did it [15:51] XATRIX, yes, but reboot with the 5.4 kernel [15:51] see the references to 16.04 and 18.04 in the list you created with the command i provided [15:51] tomreyn: ok [15:51] ok..i'll try to restart. wish me luck [15:51] i'd suggest removing those and then apt update && apt full-upgrade before reboot [15:51] ok..i'll inspect it [15:54] what a mess [15:55] So, i'm back here again. [15:56] I restarted and had a low-graphic warining as it was before. then my X crashed. (without nomodeset , amdgpu.dc=0) [15:56] I restarted with these params, and i was able to boot [15:57] and a good news,now my apps which was unable to start, doing well now [15:58] I don't know what cause it [15:58] But amdgpu isn't working as long [15:59] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ lsmod | grep amdgpu [15:59] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ [15:59] XATRIX, sudo updatedb && locate -i xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:59] https://imgur.com/Xt8Zr1R.png [16:00] https://termbin.com/kyu5 [16:01] /etc/X11/xorg.conf.new - i suppose it's my experiments [16:02] XATRIX, is this a VM ? [16:02] VM ? nope. It's a system on a laptop [16:02] installed on a NVME drive [16:03] XATRIX, dpkg -l | grep drm | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:03] https://termbin.com/dss3 [16:05] XATRIX, purge libva-drm1 [16:06] XATRIX, and remove that /etc/apt/preferences.d/50priorities [16:07] ioria: i commented out everything in there [16:07] purged ? [16:08] ? [16:08] XATRIX, purge libva-drm1 [16:09] https://imgur.com/1ulgPgC.png [16:09] ok ? [16:10] no... [16:10] XATRIX, apt-cache policy libva-drm1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:11] https://imgur.com/JBk9QMJ.png [16:12] XATRIX, ok, go on [16:12] puring [16:12] yes [16:13] https://imgur.com/JnzkPO1.png [16:13] done [16:13] you can add -V to the purge command line to see which versions of packages will be removed [16:14] XATRIX, ls /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-amdgpu.conf [16:14] ls: cannot access '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-amdgpu.conf': No such file or directory [16:15] XATRIX, ok, i suggest to reinstall the hwe stack [16:15] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ sudo grep -R *amdgpu* /etc/modprobe.d/ [16:15] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ [16:15] XATRIX, sudo apt install --reinstall linux-generic-hwe-20.04 [16:16] doing [16:17] https://imgur.com/q5wUPTC.png [16:17] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ dkms status [16:17] rtl8821ce,, 5.13.0-39-generic, x86_64: installed [16:17] rtl8821ce,, 5.4.0-107-generic, x86_64: installed [16:18] there's a chance that your out of tree wireless driver might not work on this newer kernel version, though it built fine [16:18] but 5.13.0 is unable to modprobe this driver [16:19] XATRIX, how you know ? [16:19] ...also my backlight control is not working :) i suppose it will after amdgpu comes back to me :) [16:19] XATRIX: is Secure Boot enabled? [16:20] negative [16:20] i never use it [16:20] we've seen it disabled in an earlier log [16:20] XATRIX, try to reboot on the new kernel, without nomodeset [16:20] and my laptop doesn't support legacy. only UEFI [16:21] becase of NVME [16:21] ok. give me some time to [16:21] but i need to go for a while, sy [16:21] gl! [16:26] Ok, i was able to start 5.13 kernel, but i have low-graphics warning again. And my wifi drivers seems to work. But i had a black screen with a blinking cursor after some time [16:26] I wasn't able to switch to TTY console, but was able to shutdown my box using power key ACPI [16:27] And it seems like my laptop always connects to wifi only in 2.4Ghz mode. Not using 5G at all [16:30] XATRIX: so, since you were able to shutdown properly, you should have a system log from last run, which you could review / post. [16:31] have unstable connection. My wifi was gone, no pings. Had to reconnect [16:32] you can temporarily boot the previous kernel again, or use a different network device, such as an andoird / ios mobile device to tether through [16:32] journalctl -b -1 should get you the previous system log [16:32] now it's stable for a bit. but i'm not sure how much it will [16:33] i'll have some food now, but will check back later [16:33] you should continue cleaning up the list of forign packages / package versions [16:33] tomreyn: https://paste.debian.net/1238061/ - [16:33] https://paste.debian.net/1238062/ [16:35] Ok, i'll be AFK a bit. Will be back in a few hours. === martums59 is now known as martums [16:44] i got regular google chrome updates lately .. lost count this month. [16:44] yay, another one :-D === hexenbane98 is now known as hexenbane9 [16:51] so, i've just installed 22.04 to get sixel support in terminal but they didn't include it into libvte, why? [16:52] !next [16:52] Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [16:59] Hi all [17:00] I have an awesome idea to make linux number 1 on desktops [17:00] Do you want to know this idea? [17:00] *Do you guys want to know this idea? [17:00] hi thomasnoah this is ubuntu technical support, join #ubuntu-discuss for ideas ? [17:01] And sell it to Mark Shuttleworth. [17:01] Perhpaps you should patent it. [17:14] # echo "just do it" [17:14] where is shbot? [17:15] blb1641330, why? [17:16] oerheks: wrong channel [17:23] Anyone know why XChat won't auto-connect to an IRC server despite the fact that I have the box checked to do so? [17:24] GBGames: can't tell you, but Konversation auto-connects [17:25] cbreak: Well, that's good to know. Thanks! [17:25] xchat is dead, unmaintained [17:26] hexchat is a fork from xchat, and there are others https://libera.chat/guides/sasl see the list supported [17:34] oerheks: Ohhhh, I was just coming to that conclusion because the latest bug reports seem to be from 2015. [17:35] Thanks! [17:37] Ok, now to see how easy it is to copy the configuration of XChat to HexChat. [17:39] Haha YES https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#how-do-i-migrate-my-settings-from-xchat [17:47] I have dGPU and an iGPU. When I pass through the dGPU to a virtual machine, video playback begins to stutter. What could be the problem? [17:50] not in the vm, on the host [17:53] Aaaand now my IRC client is autoconnecting. Woo hoo! [17:54] HexChat it is, then. [17:56] hi all- hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday [17:57] i just built a new system - Asus TUF X570-Pro + Ryzen 5 3600 with 64G RAM - Trying to install ubuntu server from USB stick with ISO written to it [17:57] Boots to grub fine, select Install Ubuntu, then black screen - never changes [17:58] If i go into grub and take quiet out I see a full screen of output from the kernel and then it goes black - I recorded that screen and there were no errors before it goes black [18:04] I have tried with two graphics cards [18:04] last thing it says before black is: [18:05] fb0: switching to amdgpudrmfb from EFI VGA [18:10] Oh, here I was wondering if hexchat's nick-auto complete was different from XChat, and the real issue was that intrepidsilence left before I could reply. :D [18:12] did you check the video card and controllers? lspci -v or check for errors in logs sudo journalctl -p 3 -xb [18:17] hi [18:19] I am using hexchat now and you will have to use SASL then it will save your auto complete [18:20] ok._. [18:22] @GBGames [18:26] Where can I find snapd update logs (which apps have been updated when)? [18:32] Type: snapd changes [18:36] @H3dnlng Terminal: snapd changes [18:41] basenjis: That, unfortunately, only gives the very latest changes, at least for me... [18:41] True [18:43] H3dn1ng, there might be some more activity in syslog, although a bit verbose [18:48] They should be in /lib/systemd/system/snapd/ directory [18:49] look for log after that [18:54] intrepidsilence: bios fully updated? [18:55] !bootlog | intrepidsilence [18:55] intrepidsilence: To get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters [19:10] Hi all. There was a typo in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2022-April/001312.html. The subject says "Jammy Jellyfish", but the body still says "Impish Indri". [19:15] ubottu - thanks - I got it working - i had tried nomodeset and it had not worked - i must have typo'd it because it works now - now I am just trying to find the firmware for the AMD RX570 so I can install it for the firmware loader to use [19:22] intrepidsilence: such firmware is installed by default. [19:24] waltman: this is a mailing list archive. you could respond on the list to point this out (if you can send mail there), or, maybe better, directly contact the author of said e-mail. [19:28] tomreyn: Thanks. I wasn't sure if ubuntu-devel-discuss was an open list, but replying directly to the author works. Thanks for the suggestions! [19:30] i'm not sure whether or not it's open either. [19:31] you actually missed lukasz by a few minutes only, he was online five minutes before you asked. [19:44] Is there any Linux software for Cooler Master SK622? [19:47] Keyboards should be supported by standard drivers [19:54] Hi I need help troubleshooting an issue I'm having with the 22.04 beta and I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. [19:56] arkurious: if you're talking about action buttons which do things, there's a good chance those already work in gnome. [19:57] rob0 are you responding to me? === Guest1305 is now known as BKHZ [19:57] !ubuntu+1 | webchat81 [19:57] webchat81: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [19:58] webchat81: if my comment helped you in some way, you are welcome to use it! [19:59] But note, your nick is not arkurious ... that's someone else. === BKHZ is now known as BKHZ2 [19:59] Sorry this is my first time using IRC and my brain just completely skipped over the mention === BKHZ2 is now known as BKHZ === tom is now known as BKHZ [20:37] arkurious: possibly relevant https://github.com/chmod222/libcmmk - this is source code, you may want to look for pre-compiled, packaged variants. [21:02] tomreyn: hey! are you online ? :) [21:03] XATRIX: a/s/l? [21:03] em....a ? :) [21:03] or maybe you had a concrete Ubuntu support question? [21:04] still have a trouble with amdgpu :) [21:04] XATRIX: what did you do since? [21:05] i took a dmesg log, and Xorg.0.log while i boot it without nomodeset and amdgpu.dc=0 [21:06] and what's the current outcome? [21:06] It can't run in a framebuffer ? O_o [21:06] did you remove the software installed from before the last two release upgrades, and installed all the pending (in-release) upgrades since? [21:08] Em.. but i need some software which comes from a ppa. I can't remove all of it [21:08] And all upgrades are installed. no available now [21:09] so you went over the list of locally installed packages and removed everything you do not strictly require? [21:09] because those don't even come from a ppa, those have no upgrade path at all [21:10] https://termbin.com/28lx - do you mean , this list ? Everything inside can be removed safely ? [21:10] apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' [21:10] those are packages / package versions which are not part of your ubuntu release [21:11] those are either manually installed or leftovers, or installed by someone else who manages your computer in addition to you. [21:12] why do you need cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local? [21:13] yeap. i have nvidia sdk-manager for Nvidia Jetson nano ARM64 platform [21:13] I use it for EMMC update on Jetson nano [21:14] and this requires cuda? [21:14] for ubuntu 18.04? [21:14] on ubuntu 20.04? [21:15] Hi, this is a silly question. I know 14.04 is almost 3 years past EOL. But was /etc/rc.local a thing back then? Just put commands in there and they'd run at the end of boot time? [21:16] Linux for tegra has only 18.04 version of ubuntu. So, i have to stay with this repos [21:16] XATRIX: you know that debian packages define dependencies, often versioned, and those dependencies cannot neccessarily, in fact quite often not, be resolved across different ubuntu releases? [21:16] XATRIX: you should be using containers to run different ubuntu releases side by side, or virtualization. [21:17] yes, i thought about this. i didn't think that it could give a trouble with the drivers :( [21:18] So, i have to remove everything in this list, we got from the cmd. ? [21:18] XATRIX: i don't know this, but you're operating far outside of what's supported (none of what's on this list is supported) [21:19] XATRIX: and all of thise could introduce problems, preventing other software to upgrade. [21:19] damn.. ok. i'll try. i suppose it will take much more packages as dependencies while purging [21:19] " preventing other software to upgrade." - yea.. that's true [21:20] XATRIX: it may be easier if you start by just double-checking the important components of the graphics stack, making sure you are running the right versions [21:21] so anything xorg related, libdrm, mesa, amdgpu etc [21:21] ok. give me some time pls [21:22] and i'd at least purge those 'local' packages / package versions which could be graphics related [21:22] so anything mentioning 'oibaf' for example [21:23] libdirectfb-1.2-9 i can only find as related to [21:24] yes, possibly. also those "gd~x" packages [21:25] you really should revert all libs [21:25] and python modules [21:26] and anything C and llvm related [21:27] sysv-rc and insserv haven't been in use for a decade [21:28] ok, but will it break my 18.04 sdk manager ? [21:28] ah... damn it. i'll move it to the desktop PC [21:28] i do not know, but this is ubuntu 20.04, not 18.04 [21:29] Yes, they simply have no SDK for 20.04 [21:29] we're discussing in cicles [21:29] yes, sorry. i'm just messing with my thoughts [21:29] 18.04 rules [21:31] use containers to run different ubuntu releases side by side, or virtualization. you can set an 18.04 container up at the same time you're fixing this, maybe that will make it easier to clean this up and keep a working configuration [21:31] The following packages will be REMOVED: [21:31] initscripts* sysv-rc* [21:31] is it ok ? [21:32] !info initscripts focal [21:32] XATRIX: I have a similar problem with amdgpu-pro [21:32] Package initscripts does not exist in focal [21:32] !info sysv-rc focal [21:32] Package sysv-rc does not exist in focal [21:32] XATRIX: I've come to the conclusion that AMD GPUs are basically not worth the hassle [21:32] XATRIX: zero support# [21:33] gordonjcp: sure, i never gonna buy this crap. But i was given by... [21:33] so no choice [21:33] tomreyn: got it [21:33] XATRIX: same, it was in some stuff at work that the CAD guys used to use [21:33] XATRIX: I might see if I can figure out how to install this Windows thing on it [21:33] amd gpus usually work fine with open source drivers and full graphics acceleration out of the box. [21:33] apparently AMD is supported in Windows [21:33] tomreyn: not AMD [21:34] or, it's supported, but only if you use the AMD binary drivers and have the newest generation of card [21:34] gordonjcp: yes. but can we discuss this in -discuss or -offtopic please [21:42] something is spawning this message every minute [21:42] ERROR: No such file or directory [/opt/brother/scanner/brscan-skey/brscan-skey.config] [21:45] is it possible to see which package depends on ? [21:46] I mean i would like not to remove virtualbox viber [21:46] https://imgur.com/iWpFxUI.png [21:47] XATRIX: brscan-skey is a brother scanner driver package [21:47] yea [21:47] [xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ dpkg -S /opt/brother/scanner/brscan-skey/brscan-skey-exe [21:48] dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /opt/brother/scanner/brscan-skey/brscan-skey-exe [21:48] afaik, /opt isn't used by ubuntu [21:48] you'll need to show the error message with context, on a pastebin-like service [21:48] you must have gotten that from some third party something [21:49] yea [21:49] !info libssl1.0.0 focal [21:49] Package libssl1.0.0 does not exist in focal [21:49] https://pastebin.com/s0ibCkgb [21:50] i'm trying to find out which package to remove [21:50] what does this say? dpkg -S /opt/brother/scanner/brscan-skey/brscan-skey-exe [21:51] dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /opt/brother/scanner/brscan-skey/brscan-skey-exe [21:51] it should have been part of package brscan-skey [21:52] ah...i removed it [21:52] maybe just kill the process then [21:52] already [21:52] sure [21:52] kill 10590 [21:52] Can you advice how to find out which lib is pulling viber and virtualbox by itself ? [21:52] no such package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=brscan-skey&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all [21:52] https://imgur.com/ENEeqqP.png [21:53] cbreak: it's not native package [21:53] cbreak: right, it's a third party package by brother, the printer manufacturer [21:53] sound if i installed it from brother website some days aog [21:54] or centuries [21:54] could be [21:54] i don't know a good way to find the libs which viber or virtualbox6.1 depend on, sorry [21:55] try removing those you think won't be related first [21:57] such as anything -dev and the llvm packages [21:57] do you know what it's started by? [21:57] maybe something in launchd, or a cron entry [22:24] tomreyn: https://imgur.com/S6sToQQ.png [22:24] apt-rdepends [22:25] XATRIX: i refuse to work with screenshots of plain text outputs, please use termbin or paste.debian.net or the like [22:25] ok. got it [22:25] but i'm not sure what i could help there anyways [22:26] https://paste.debian.net/1238076/ [22:26] it's just for the note. i found a way how to find dependencies [22:27] yes, this approach works, but is at least as time consuming as the reverse approach [22:28] until you automate it, or find some script that already does, and does it properly. but at this time you've spent three times as much time. ;-) [22:30] you're right:) but at least it's something :) [22:31] :) good find. [22:34] do i need 'ubuntu-sso-client' ? [22:34] Or it can be safely removed ? [22:37] XATRIX: https://packages.ubuntu.com let you search for packages and package versions which exist in "focal" (ubuntu 20.04) [22:38] example: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?exact=1&searchon=names&suite=focal§ion=all&keywords=bash [22:53] tomreyn: ok, i've cleaned as much as i can [22:53] https://termbin.com/ry52 [23:16] tomreyn: sorry, for touching you again, any idea ? https://paste.debian.net/1238079/ [23:17] maybe i have to install xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-hwe-18.04 [23:18] i don't know if it can do the trick on 20.04 [23:20] XATRIX: you're on 20.04. 20.04 doesn't have a different Xorg version for vanilla and HWE kernels. ther eis just one Xorg version (and just one set of xorg 2D drivers) [23:20] so, it's not gonna work, right ? [23:21] XATRIX: no, installing xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-hwe-18.04 will serve no purpose. [23:21] :( damn [23:21] can you show ls -la /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d | nc termbin.com 9999 [23:21] Xorg says i have to specify BusID for my framebuffer device [23:21] https://termbin.com/d1tkk [23:24] i don't have some of these files on my system [23:25] can you run dpkg -S against each of them and verify those are provided by 20.04 packages? [23:25] files are dumb anyway [23:25] enigma9o7[m]: i don't think this is going to help here. [23:26] ah ok [23:26] well on the off chance, keep it in mind [23:26] do you mean https://termbin.com/ws8d [23:27] and one has error: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf [23:27] XATRIX: so delete the intel one [23:30] done [23:31] XATRIX: which login manager do you use there? lightdm, gdm3, something else? [23:32] lightdm/focal-updates,now 1.30.0-0ubuntu4~20.04.2 amd64 [installed,automatic] [23:32] gdm3/focal-updates,now 3.36.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.4 amd64 [installed,automatic] [23:32] xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager [23:32] /usr/sbin/lightdm [23:34] XATRIX: does this list any files? ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf* ~/.config/xorg* ~/.local/share/xorg* [23:35] XATRIX: and please keep using a pastebin when sharing mroe than one line [23:35] yea, got it [23:36] https://pastebin.com/4P1M6J5m [23:40] XATRIX: those /etc/X11/* should nto actually exist. can you move them out of the way [23:40] those /etc/X11/xorg.conf* rather [23:41] everything in /etc/X11/ ? [23:42] removed [23:42] just the /etc/X11/xorg.conf* files, right? [23:44] * walaka Freenode , Libera Chat Moved to https://worldhacker.org :) , come join Us ... . [ 0day (xc) Our ] WhiteHat Hacker Team And Dev ... . [23:46] tomreyn: DUDE, IT WORKS!!! [23:47] https://paste.debian.net/1238081/ [23:47] https://paste.debian.net/1238082/ [23:47] https://paste.debian.net/1238083/ [23:47] My backlight driver works as well! [23:47] YOU're AWESOME! [23:48] Currently i have resolutions to choose from [23:48] if you chose not to decide you still have made a choice [23:49] yea :) [23:51] direct rendering: Yes [23:52] XATRIX: oh nice [23:52] i assume it was the leftover intel configuration file there [23:53] Yea... so much affords to find out 1 file :) [23:54] it helps to not have untracked / leftover configuration files in places they don't belong [23:54] yea