[01:31] blathijs: thank you. I uploaded a proposed fix for that now [09:30] jbicha: Thanks, though it does not seem to fix the problem yet. I've uploaded an adapted version that does seem to work for me. [11:33] blathijs: hmm, your diff isn't very readable [11:55] gdm signed tags 3f40824 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/42.0-1ubuntu5 * gdm3 Debian release 42.0-1ubuntu5 * https://deb.li/3ULiI [13:29] jbicha: Oh, sorry, seems my git diff was configured to output coloring there, woops [13:31] jbicha: But your last commit is exactly the patch I submitted, so I guess you figured it out :-) [17:04] blathijs: oh good :) thank you for the help [19:51] ah, this explains why wayland suddenly disappeared from my pi desktop! (was wondering why all my "check if it's still broken under wayland" tests were miraculously working all of a sudden :)