
semhello. i am trying to edit a screenshot - the screenshot dialog said "edit in" and i chose lximage. However, I can't find out how to crop. DDG did not have helpful information. Is it possible? https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=lximage+crop&ia=web16:11
kc2bezlximage editing functionality is somewhat limited. To crop you will need a different program. lximage can resize and annotate but not crop. 16:18
kc2bezThis is a link to our manual page on lximage: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/2/2.3/2.3.1/lximage.html16:19
semkc2bez, thank you!17:03
MatzeHello guys, does anyone here know how I can get an image file to install lubuntu 64-bit on a raspberry pi 4 model b 8Gb ram?19:57
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> Matze: I'm not sure we have images for the RPi 4.20:12
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> if we did we'd publish them20:12

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