
* kanashiro waves19:00
ddstreetguess dmb mtg is cancelled today?19:09
rbasakI guess nobody else is here? It's Easter Monday here in the UK, so it's my day off, and I think some other Europeans are also off.19:09
rbasakSo maybe skip?19:09
rbasakDo we have any applicants today?19:09
rbasakI don't see any.19:10
rbasakSo it should be OK to defer to the next scheduled meeting unless anyone has any objection?19:10
kanashirowe have only the ubuntu-support-uploaders application19:10
rbasakFWIW, I may not be able to make that one because I'll be at a sprint.19:10
kanashiroteam application19:10
ddstreeti can discuss that application if needed, i leave it up to you two to decide19:11
rbasakI would prefer to defer that one please.19:11
rbasakUnless it's urgent?19:11
kanashiroI am fine with skipping the meeting today19:11
rbasakOK, thanks all.19:11
=== eitteabs is now known as sbeattie
tewardrbasak: ddstreet: was a chaos day due to the holiday today my apologies for not being available, random meeting with all the managers to demo something.  #WasNotFun22:57

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