
AMBGuitaristIs there anyone really good at sound troubleshooting?02:54
rob0not in those two minutes, I guess03:00
morganuI do not have a power saving feature under activities, power. I turned the brightness all the way down under the power thing on the upper right panel... and it is still bright.03:11
morganuthat slider has no effect.  The monitor is too bright.03:12
Obscenityafter 3 failed installs on 3 different isos, i have to question the integrity of subiquity03:14
Obscenityis there a boot flag to use the old debian installer instead, lol03:15
Obscenitymaybe i should post that in the server channel to be more specific03:19
=== Polo is now known as GiverOfDomains
=== GiverOfDomains is now known as Polo
devslashdoes anyone know why this line in my sshd_config https://termbin.com/4jj0 PubKeyAuthentication causes ssh to refuse all connections04:09
sandztormcan someone help with installation problem for 20.04? upon clicking on install ubuntu server, pc reboots and screen just goes blank04:10
devslashit used to work just fine but now ssh will now allow password or pubkey auth if i have this line in my config04:10
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tomreyndevslash: you could increase the loglevel and run sshd in the foreground (or follow the log) to maybe get a better idea.04:20
tomreynsandztorm: double check the downloaded iso checksum and the data written to the installation media04:21
tomreynif *both* are correct, you may need to check your hardware.04:22
tomreyn(start with a memory test)04:22
tomreyndevslash: looks like you're getting help in #linux, good. please point it out when you cross post.04:26
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valentin Доброй ночи. Кто может помочь в настройке wine для старой игры?04:57
sandztorm thanks, will try checking the checksum first. if its hardware though it will be weird since the PC is new and haven't been used (1st time install)04:58
ayakavalentin: how old?04:59
Bashing-omayaka: Acer machine by chance ?04:59
valentinRed Alert 205:05
tomreynsandztorm: dead on arrival isn't unheard of. new hardware should always undergo stability testing first of all.05:11
matsamanvalentin: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=16705:12
matsamanvalentin: click the version links for specific instructions/notes05:13
Sven_vB!info xseticon05:31
ubottuPackage xseticon does not exist in impish05:31
Sven_vBare there any plans to add it to Ubuntu?05:31
Sven_vBI see. so the deb package version probably won't05:35
Sven_vBthanks anyway :)05:35
matsamanprobably won't?05:37
Sven_vBprobably won't be added to Ubuntu05:37
matsamanwhere's the deb package?05:37
matsamanoh you mean .deb05:38
matsamanand not Debian =) gotcha05:38
matsamangot me05:38
Sven_vByeah. bottom post in https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2250384 claims it exists, but without details.05:39
matsamanSven_vB: https://github.com/xeyownt/xseticon#build-and-install-instructions ?05:39
matsaman2014 was a while ago, of course05:40
Sven_vByeah, found that. compiling it myself is an option to consider.05:41
matsamanprobably quite a wee app05:41
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Sven_vBfound the deb on http://packages.leonerd.org.uk/pool/main/x/xseticon/05:44
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.07:27
Pinchiukas_Can someone explain to me why grub-pc is no longer available for i386 in jammy?07:53
lotuspsychje!next | Pinchiukas_07:54
ubottuPinchiukas_: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.07:54
Pinchiukas_Thanks :)07:54
Nokaji__Is  Jammy Jellyfish the major, two year release?08:25
lotuspsychje!jammy | Nokaji__08:26
ubottuNokaji__: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.08:26
Nokaji__Perfect, thanks lotuspsychje !08:27
Nokaji__Every fourth release, occurring in the second quarter of even-numbered years, has been designated as a long-term support (LTS) release.08:29
NetEcho_so 22.04 is LTS?08:34
guivercNokaji__, the first release on the even year...08:34
guiverc20.10 was the first in the development cycle that continued with 21.04, 21.10 before ending the cycle with 22.04 LTS (in a few days)08:34
lotuspsychjeyes NetEcho_08:35
* guiverc clarifies, first release not including re-spins of prior releases; eg. 20.04.4 (earlier this year; respin of 20.04 using 21.10's kernel stack & all upgrades)08:36
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lotuspsychjewelcome yuzi11:50
yuziwill ubuntu based distro get updated after 22.04 lts release?11:50
yuzilotuspsychje, hey11:50
lotuspsychjeyuzi: do you mean ubuntu derivatives?11:50
yuziyeah maybe11:51
lotuspsychjeyuzi: we can only support ubuntu and its !flavours here11:51
lotuspsychjeyuzi: questions about ubuntu based derivatives, best to ask in their own support channel11:51
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours11:52
yuzilotuspsychje, okay11:52
deathadderI'm having a tough time to install ubuntu or fedora12:01
deathadderwhat to choose12:01
lotuspsychje!discuss | deathadder12:01
ubottudeathadder: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:01
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BluesKajHi all12:33
PowaBangahi everybody13:36
PowaBangawhere can i find the best .icc profile for my printer ?13:37
tomreynPowaBanga: its manufacturer should supply one, if anyone.13:49
gaschalguien vivo ??16:04
EriC^^gasch: where are you from?16:04
gaschim from chile16:04
gaschyou ?16:04
EriC^^you speak portugese or spanish?16:04
EriC^^im from lebanon16:05
EriC^^ok if you want theres the spanish channel, or here for english16:05
EriC^^!es | gasch16:05
ubottugasch: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:05
gaschg b16:06
fn31ln3did anyone manage to setup a dns server for openvpn clients on ubunut?16:43
rob0perhaps start with what your issue was when you tried?16:44
fn31ln3the clients are not using the dns server I want. The dns works tested with hosts16:46
fn31ln3Im curious is this the go-to solution https://github.com/jonathanio/update-systemd-resolved16:47
rob0so you are asking about how to configure DNS on an Ubuntu which is a VPN client?16:48
fn31ln3how to configure the dns on the openvpn server. Or this is not possible, I need to do it per client?16:49
rob0If your systemd-resolved is using multiple nameservers, and if some of those don't have the local zones, you might find inconsistency in trying to resolve local names.16:49
rob0Sure, an openvpn server can run a nameserver.16:49
fn31ln3rob0, I have the dns server, can I configure the openvpn server to use the dns server and affect all clients, or do I have do it per client?16:50
fn31ln3this is not clear for me16:50
m6wiqDo you want to use a forwarder (e.g. Quad9 or Google DNS) or do you have a recursive dns server installed?16:56
rob0we're talking about it in #openvpn, which is better suited for this discussion.16:58
Goose14hello, i need help please18:29
mostafaHello i also need help ..about zip archive in ubutnu18:30
mostafai wanna split a zip file to multiple files but wanna pause after each splited files.....18:30
mostafathis is zip split command ---> zip -s 5m MyFile.zip --output=newzip.zip.....Split MyFile.zip to 5M files....18:31
mostafaand this is -sp command.. that pause .. but not working at all...zip -sp 5m MyFile.zip --output=newzip.zip18:31
Goose14i'm planning to wipe my home directory because i'm going to do FDE, i'm wondering what folders should i backup or take care for before wiping or any important folders or files should be backed up? any tips?18:31
mostafamostafa: it show me error ---> zip I/O error: No such file or directory18:32
mostafazip error: File not found or no read permission (5m.zip)18:32
mostafacan some one help me on this?18:33
Goose14100anyone answered my question?18:39
Goose14100sorry i disconnected18:39
mostafaGoose14100: no one here to help me also... for your question..you must copy application data files ..these is some app for backup search google you can find it18:41
Goose14100mostafa: thanks.. do you know where these files located18:43
mostafaGoose14100: in your Home Directory18:46
mostafaGoose14100: also these is an app called Timeshift..you can use it for backup system.. but search for it yourself in google18:48
mostafaany one help me on that question....??18:48
sprnk[m]mostafa:  did you see the -sp flag?18:51
mostafasprnk[m]: yes ..like --->zip -sp 5m MyFile.zip --output=newzip.zip18:52
mostafasprnk[m]: it say me that ---> zip error: File not found or no read permission (5m.zip)             ?? what? what file? 5m here is 5 Megabyte...18:54
sprnk[m]-sp doesn't take an argument. try specifying both -s and -sp18:58
ogramostafa, -sp does not take any arguments ...18:58
ograheh ...18:58
mostafaogra: sprnk[m]: oh god Yes..Thanks.. it's like-->zip -s 5m -sp MyFile.zip --output=newzip.zip19:00
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blackopis ubuntu going to be released in 21th April officially?19:07
blackop3 days later?19:07
blackopubuntu 22.0419:07
oerheksblackop, why 3 days later?19:13
blackopoerheks: i read somewhere it will be released in 21st of April19:22
blackopisnt it true?19:22
blackopso today 18th april for me that makes 3 days later19:23
AngryTomWhen I pass through the dgpu to a virtual machine, video playback on the igpu begins to stutter. How can I avoid that?19:29
jhutchinsAngryTom: Well, for one, use the primary system for video playback, not a VM.19:34
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AngryTomyes, the host stutters19:41
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cassiusIs it the whole time or just when the VM is on?19:49
Minus_OneAngryTom, the question about whether this happens when the VM is off is pretty relevant. If it only happens when the VM is running, I would suspect that you are giving the VM too many system resources to have a smooth experience on the host. If it happens even when the VM is off, I wonder if your iGPU is up to the task of rendering video at whatever resolution + framerate you are using.20:08
AngryTomIt happens when I isolate the dgpu from the host.20:09
Minus_OneAnd when the dgpu is available to the host, you can play back video from the igpu without issue?20:09
Minus_OneHuh. Did you plug more outputs into the igpu when you set up your GPU passthrough setup, or keep it the same?20:10
AngryTomOnly one monitor is connected to the igpu. it is also smooth, when I remove the dgpu card.20:11
Minus_OneWell, I dunno. I can't think of what might cause that. There are communities at reddit.com/r/vfio and forum.level1techs.com that may be able to help20:13
Minus_OneSure, hope you get some help20:13
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
electrostrongAny Samba + Winbind experts in here to field a question?20:57
electrostrongrunning into an issue with timeouts - after domain joining with winbind and updating nsswitch.conf so that users/groups have winbind as an authentication option, I get long timeout issues if the domain controller is not available to service login requests21:00
electrostrongit makes sense but what I'd like to do is either lower the timeout or incorporate an action that if the server does not resolve, to continue21:02
sarnoldelectrostrong: I have the impression that most folks using domain authentication things go through sssd https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd21:03
electrostrongya - from what I read, sssd can't be used with samba's ads security21:04
electrostrongas it requires winbind and winbind + sssd don't co-exist (also makes sense)21:04
sarnoldaww :(21:07
electrostrongConfirmed as well - as of version 4.8.0+, winbind is required: https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.8.0.html21:09
electrostrong"Setups with "security = domain" or "security = ads" require a21:10
electrostrongrunning 'winbindd' now. The fallback that smbd directly contacts21:10
electrostrong domain controllers is gone."21:10
electrostrongTo your point sarnold, sssd did work and didn't have the timeout issue when the domain controller was not available21:10
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=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
The_LoudSpeaker_Is there a launchpad ticket related to the following?:21:53
The_LoudSpeaker_When in X11 session, I can see the auto rotation lock/unlock option under menu in gnome. It disappears under wayland. I am using a ideapad flex 5.21:53
The_LoudSpeaker_The option works fine in X11 session, screen rotates fine and everything is great. But I'd like that feature under wayland too.21:53
The_LoudSpeaker_also, on the same laptop under (doesn't matter under wayland or x11), when I switch to tablet mode, touchpad gets disabled as expected but it doesn't get enabled again when I switch back from tablet mode. I have to go to settings using touchscreen and manually enable touchpad.21:57
The_LoudSpeaker_let me know if there are any tickets for this or if I should create them.21:58
sarnoldThe_LoudSpeaker_: if you weren't able to spot them with a few searches in your favourite search engine, then it's probably best to create new bugs. I don't know enough of the gui layers to know which packages to suggest22:02
ograi'd just start with "ubuntu-bug gnome-shell" ... then let devs decide further actions to potentially throw it in a different bucket ...22:04
sarnoldyay :)22:04
jhutchinsThe_LoudSpeaker_: Welcome to the software development phase of Wayland.  It's not always going to work, and it's not always going to have the feature you want from X11 (it is a different system after all).22:20
halvorsHi, i get this error message when trying to do "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y" in docker container (ubuntu:22.04), can anyone help me solve this problem? https://pastebin.com/P0pTCdgs22:51
EriC^^halvors: /join #ubuntu+1 for jammy support22:55
sarnoldhalvors: hah, I'm surprised about the || true there, one of the side effects of the rm -f flag is that it should ignore things like missing files.. if you run that command by hand, do you get another kind of error?22:56
halvorsthis is part of a Dockerfile build script, it doesn't fail on 21.0422:57
halvorsSo should i send this message again in #ubuntu+1?22:57
sarnoldwhat's the point of that post-invoke command, anyway? is that executed after all the packages have been installed, and there were just none to install in this run?23:00
sarnoldor is it executed before the packages have been installed, and it's a "break the update" command?23:00
halvorsthis is just by running "apt-get update" no idea why that fails...23:01
halvorshere is a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/rWFyjmjZ23:01
halvorssarnold: it is a clean ubuntu:22.04 from docker hub.23:01
halvorssummonner: if this is the case, shouldn't "apt-transport-https" already be installed in the ubuntu:22.04 docker image?23:02
sarnoldhttps has been built in to apt for ages now, it's a pointless metapackage23:02
summonnertry a apt list --installed | grep transport to see?23:03
halvorssarnold: yeah you are right, so it fails for some other reason23:04
halvorssummonner: like sarnold said.23:04
halvorsalso i do not add any sources other than what is default.23:04
sarnoldhalvors: my half-hearted guess is that your rm executable isn't being found for some reason -- perhaps the /bin -> /usr/bin symlink is broken, maybe the executable is missing, maybe one of its libraries is missing, etc23:05
halvorswell, guess ubuntu devs have a few days to fix it before LTS release xD23:05
morganuI cant adjust the brightness of my screen (20.04) the one under the power on the panel does nothing. Uner power (activities) nothing to adjust it exists. Help me?23:07
halvorssarnold: symlink is just fine23:11
halvorsso guess docker image is completly useless.23:11
halvorsworks fine on my ubuntu:22.04 install23:11
halvorsthat is not a docker iamge23:11
sarnoldhalvors: do you use the same post-invoke apt configuration on your machine?23:14
EriC^^halvors: 'sudo -i' 'strace -o /tmp/apt.log apt-get update' could show more info23:16
summonnerhalvors, what version of docker are you running?  version 20.10.8? If you update to 20.10.12 it should be fixed according to another post (same error message as your pastebin)23:32

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