
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
croute_fanhi, i want to put GPG keys for APT config but cloud-init fail & stop, can you tell me what's wrong https://pastebin.com/WFKcDYdw (example with google & firefox repositories). It's worked when i put plain content of keys but not with keyserver method.10:35
holmanbHi croute_fan: Do you see any warnings or errors in the logs? Per the docs, I expect you will need to use the $KEY_FILE replacement variable rather than a hard-coded file path. https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#apt-configure14:44
blackboxswholmanb: one final pass if you are game https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1334 on ssh-import-id 19:51
ubottuPull 1334 in canonical/cloud-init "declare dependency on ssh-import-id (SC-864)" [Open]19:51
blackboxswoops and I put that review in as ubuntu-server-builder github acct :/19:52
holmanbwas about to ask, no worries19:52
holmanb@blackboxsw: looks good to me, just commited to the branch19:57
blackboxswapproved pending CI20:18
blackboxswholmanb: along the lines of ssh-import-id, I just filed the following https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug20:47
blackboxswfail... https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/196952620:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969526 in cloud-init "cc-ssh: traceback when openssh-server absent" [Undecided, Triaged]20:47
blackboxswI think we might be able to onboard new cloud-init team additions with a task like this.20:47
* blackboxsw added `bitesize` tag to the bug20:48
holmanb@blackboxsw: +1,  don't most clouds provide some version of a "serial console" that allows non-ssh instance access?20:53
holmanbeither way, good call20:54
blackboxswyes and another good example is LXD provides images for many distros by default without openssh-server because you can lxc exec direct into the instance w/out ssh20:54
blackboxswI'm fixing a failure path in PR 1391 now. expect one more commit from me and an additional unittest20:55
holmanbblackboxsw: ack, will review after21:00
blackboxswholmanb: just pushed a single commit on top of 1334 as my log suggestion was not flake8 compat :/ awaiting CI one more time21:39
blackboxswand 1391 is updated with all I plan21:40
holmanb@blackboxsw: thanks for the review on 1334, and the quick fix - merging22:13
blackboxswthx holmanb. I'll now bump my ubuntu/devel branch to include a `Suggests: ssh-import-id`22:14
blackboxswonce that lands22:14
holmanbblackboxsw: +1 just merged - looking at 139122:15
holmanbI expect review will likely spill into tomorrow as eod is approaching22:16
minimalblackboxsw: not just a potential problem in my cloud images ;-) BTW I'm been meaning to sit down and figure out how to add tinyssh and/or dropbear as SSH server options for cloud-init...22:44

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