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keithzgI keep forgetting I already upgraded my desktop to 22.04 because I've had such a complete lack of any problems! Kindof a rare experience for me since I tend to have terrible luck and always find some crazy edge case (hence nobody sends me anything to test at work anymore lol)01:23
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BluesKajHi all12:14
daemon-420BluesKaj -good day nice I found you... I am doug/dougie/dougiel from #kubuntu on freenode...15:04
daemon-420how are you15:04
BluesKajhey daemon-420, Doug, LTNS, doing fine here , how about you?15:21
daemon-420BluesKaj, pretty good, I ran away from ubuntu distro flavours... snaps make me nervous15:23
daemon-420I moved to Linux Mint now I am using arch as a daily driver - have not settled but it will be Linux Mint Debian edition or arch linux15:24
daemon-420... insert program and hit anykey to install is a Microsoft thing with MS consequences... the wasted resources and space snaps take up.15:25
daemon-420these are all my suspisions I am not sure if they are true or un founded15:26
BluesKajwell, I'm still on kubuntu, but avoiding snapd, I deleted it from my default packages altho we still need Glibs for it. but thsat doesn't mean we need to use it15:27
daemon-420and that is why I came looking for you - to see what your thots were on the matter.15:27
daemon-420did not have to use it... that is what I thought - not sure if it was 20.04 or 22.10  in a virtual machine but I removed all snap support as per googled instructions...15:29
daemon-420then installed google and apt-get pulled in snapd and all the dependancies and installed google snap... not for me... this surrendering my computer to the whims of software developers was over with windows98 I aint going backwards...15:31
daemon-420I will use slack or gentoo if need be but I think mint DE and arch are going to be my daily driver15:31
daemon-420installed chromium not google15:32
BluesKajwatchout out for firefox on 'buntu , it uses a snap version now15:33
daemon-420shit I hate it when I mess up my messages - did you understand my gibberish... I know you don't install google.15:33
daemon-420BluesKaj, I only have one ubuntu install on a virtual machine for the sole purpose of learning how to disable snaps for a buddy that runs 20.04 before the fall.15:35
daemon-420if it aint resolved by the fall I am going to suggest a new SSD and Linux Mint for him if I can talk him into it.15:36
daemon-420how can you run 2 versions of software on snaps?15:37
BluesKajdunno, I haven't tried17:06
BluesKajsorry was away mucking about with my old plasma tv, a friend wanted it for his garage, but the  RGB colour chip is crapped out17:07
BluesKajgotta go...take care17:14
dadadevComo puedo actualizar Kubuntu sin necesidad de reinstalarlo desde cero con la imagen ISO?17:39
dadadevHow to update to Kubuntu 22.04 wiitout reinstall it with ISO image?17:41
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daemon-420dad did you get an answer... release update ubuntu is what I am googling17:56
daemon-420release upgrade not available til september - Right?17:59
geniiUntil whenevr the first point-release comes out18:01
geniiIt can vary as to when that happens18:01
daemon-420good to know thank genii18:01
geniiIn previous releases this can happpen anywhere from mid-July onwards18:02
daemon-420very good then... thank you.18:03
valorie for those interested, ISOs to test are up: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/432/builds/247125/testcases19:08
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