
lubot_[telegram] <T34P4RTY> If (re @kc2bez: Lubuntu Support | About: https://lubuntu.me | Docs: https://manual.lubuntu.me | Lubuntu 21.10 released! https://lubuntu.me/impish-released/ | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Contribute: #lubuntu-devel | Español: #lubuntu-es | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support)11:35
lubot_[telegram] <kc2bez> Did you have a support question? (re @T34P4RTY: If)11:38
quick_questionciao everyone. can I make a double check here. on the https://lubuntu.me/impish-released/ page14:25
quick_questionit says:14:25
quick_question   - Lubuntu 21.10 will be supported for 9 months until July 2022. Our main focus will be on this and future releases.14:25
quick_question   - Lubuntu 20.04 LTS will be supported until April 202314:25
quick_questionI'll give an old PC to a relative and as Lubuntu is super light thus perfect for an old PC with 2gm memory, but did i read that right ? the newest version 21.10 will only be good for 2 months and 20.04 for a whole year more? But more specifically is there an auto in OS update so that when the new versions are out it can take care of the update?14:25
quick_questionelse it's ( if even possible ) remote login / TeamView to that PC for a by hand update ?14:25
quick_questionhi did I make a mistake here ? with a -q and then +q ? am I somehow baned ?14:45
quick_questionany help here ?15:05
quick_questionis there anyone there or is there a better channel to work through ?15:05
quick_questiona bot has just messaged me and stated " Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. " based on my question and now has revealed my IP address publically. this is not normal behavior is it ?15:08
quick_questionis there anyone here?15:37
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> Sorry for the delay - but yes - people are here. 15:44
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> Since this is a busy time for a lot of folks since various teams are nearing release of an LTS, it can take time to get things addressed. 15:44
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> Furthermore, the concern about paste / or bots ,this prob isn't the best channel for this kind of support15:44
quick_questionthank you15:45
quick_questionjust wondering why I got that message from a bot and then having my IP address revealed15:45
quick_questionlubot_ were you able to see my previous details re; incinsistenly with release and auto update details?15:46
quick_questionlubot_ or should i post it again ?15:46
n-iCeHello, bought a new laptop with windows 11, have been trying to use it for over 3 weeks now, but damn I'm tired I want linux back will lubuntu a good choice for new hardware laptops?16:40
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> I think it’s a great option20:06
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> Doesn’t use much resources so your system will be blazing fast 20:06
lubot_[telegram] <Michaël> The only thing I miss is the drag to edge function to split your screen20:06
lubot_[telegram] <Rodrigo> Hi people. I traveled to another time zone and will be here for a while. Is there a way to change my PC's time without doing a mess?20:28

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