
Guest18Hello, anyone on here?  I am looking for some help trying to get vlan interface configured via SRIOV vf's is something someone can help me with?11:56
netdeverWould be awesome if https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/272 could get some love. VXLAN support in particular has been a long awaited feature. Thanks!16:23
schopinnetdever: thank you for your contribution, it's much appreciated :)16:37
netdeverMy pleasure!16:37
schopinnetdever: just FYI, your contribution might take a little while to get in, as it touches the YAML schema, and we try to think long and hard about any change to it.16:51
netdeverschopin makes sense. Just so I can help set expectations, are we talking days/weeks/months?17:01
schopinProbably not days, especially with the release happening this week ;)17:02

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