
gordonjcpis there a way in Mate to set a keyboard shortcut for the main menu, like when you click on "Menu" at the top left?15:30
m4tgordonjcp: it's alt-f1 by default15:40
m4tPreferences -> Hardware -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Show the panel's main menu15:40
m4tmay depend on which menu you're using though. i'm using the old style one15:41
gordonjcpm4t: no, that does something completely different15:52
gordonjcpthat looks like a context menu15:52
m4tworks for me.15:52
gordonjcpokay, let me get a screenshot to show you what I mean15:53
m4tdid you check keyboard shortcuts?15:53
gordonjcpthat says "main menu", but it doesn't look like the menu you get when you click on the "Menu" icon at the top15:54
m4tya you must be using a new menu applet15:54
gordonjcpthis is in Ubuntu 22.0415:54
gordonjcpso possibly15:54
gordonjcphm, having the menu up prevents PrtScr from working, that's a bit hilarious15:55
sixwheeledbeastIt's Alt+F1 for me too15:58
gordonjcpI'll have to take photographs of the screen, like it was the 90s16:00
gordonjcpsixwheeledbeast: what does Alt-F1 pop up for you?16:01
sixwheeledbeastI use Traditional Layout so the Application Menu.16:02
gordonjcphm, that doesn't really tell me a lot16:04
gordonjcpwhen I press alt-f1 I get https://gjcp.net/altf1.jpg but what I would like to get is https://gjcp.net/mainmenu.jpg16:11
gordonjcpdoes that make any sense?16:11
sixwheeledbeastI get a variation of the first image, the other newer menu may have some other name.16:17
sixwheeledbeastAlt-F1 being that menu isn't wrong (it's what i want for my layout), but isn't logical for that newer layout I suppose.16:22
sixwheeledbeastIt maybe something you can set/change with dconf but I wouldn't know where exactly.16:25
gordonjcpany idea what it would be called?16:32
sixwheeledbeastDoes Super Key on it's own not work?16:40
gordonjcpis that the "flag" key?16:41
sixwheeledbeastI think they switched to the Brisk Menu which i am not fond of. So I have the Traditional Layout and Classic Menu.16:41
gordonjcpdon't know, don't have one on this compact keyboard, let me dig a USB keyboard out and try it16:41
sixwheeledbeastLike the "Windows" key16:41
gordonjcpnot sure what that is16:42
gordonjcpthe one with the little flag on?16:42
sixwheeledbeastBrisk was used to provide Super key support16:42
sixwheeledbeastBetween Ctrl and Alt16:42
sixwheeledbeastThat should bring up the Brisk Menu if you have a layout with the Brisk menu16:43
sixwheeledbeastIf not I have no idea.16:43
sixwheeledbeastMaybe some other shortcut has collided with it if you changed them16:44
gordonjcpno, this is just default16:45
gordonjcpit worked before in 20.04, but I don't know what I did for that16:45
sixwheeledbeastThe idea was that Super Key would open the brisk menu with the search box in famillar layout. I much prefer the Classic Alt-F1 and Alt-F2 from gnome 2. 16:45
sixwheeledbeastthe super key worked or Alt-F2?16:45
gordonjcpalt-f2 has always popped up a "run command" box16:46
gordonjcpI don't see why alt-f1 is useful16:46
gordonjcpyou still need to pick up the mouse to use the menu16:46
sixwheeledbeastYou are opening the menu to select with arrow keys. I use both.16:46
gordonjcpyeah, I see that the arrow keys work now, but that's even more annoying16:47
sixwheeledbeastI have used those two for over a decade so used to them.16:47
sixwheeledbeastNot sure i don't have 22.04 or that layout to try and help.16:48
gordonjcpno worries :-)16:48
gordonjcpyeah I absolutely hated the way the menus worked in Gnome 116:48
gordonjcpGnome 2 was such an improvement16:48

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