
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
sarnoldgood morning14:27
slyonhello o/14:29
cpaelzerslyon: are you back?14:30
slyoncpaelzer: yes, as of today14:30
cpaelzerwelcome !14:31
cpaelzerand delayed congratulations14:31
cpaelzerlet us get started14:31
slyonthank you very much!14:31
cpaelzer#startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status14:31
meetingologyMeeting started at 14:31:15 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick14:31
cpaelzeranything but a fast meeting would be odd today as we are in final freeze14:31
cpaelzerhi sarnold joalif jamespage slyon didrocks14:31
cpaelzer#topic Review of previous action items14:31
cpaelzer#topic current component mismatches14:32
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg14:32
cpaelzerall known false positives, except (to me) llvm -> z314:32
cpaelzer[Reverse-Depends: libz3-dev, llvm-13-dev (MAIN)]14:33
cpaelzerslyon: maybe just add an extra exclude and be done with it?14:33
cpaelzeras -dev do not have to be in main and are often only there due to the auto-include14:33
sarnoldhah I didn't know we shipped z3..14:34
cpaelzeryes https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.jammy/all confirms it is only from llvm-13-dev14:34
cpaelzerllvm-13 recommends llvm-13-dev14:35
cpaelzerso auto-exclude won't cut it14:35
slyonyeah... is this related to the recent rustc MIR?14:35
cpaelzerno this is independent (to my knowledge)14:35
cpaelzerit is just llvm-13 being in main in jammy and for whatever reason it has grown a dep to z314:36
cpaelzerslyon: could we leave checking the details with you as llvm in foundations?14:36
slyonyes, I guess that's fine14:36
slyonllvm13 is still kind of kernel, but foundations also has some stake in it :)14:37
cpaelzerkernel isn't here inhtis meeting 8they know why) :-)14:37
cpaelzer#topic New MIRs14:38
cpaelzerMission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing14:38
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:38
cpaelzer#topic Incomplete bugs / questions14:38
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:38
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:38
cpaelzerrustc was promoted14:38
cpaelzerthat was the only recent update14:38
cpaelzer#topic MIR related Security Review Queue14:39
cpaelzerMission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable?14:39
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:39
sarnoldI don't believe anything was finished last week when I was out14:39
cpaelzer ok I see telegraf is the next here, but we managed to get all 22.04 done14:39
cpaelzersarnold: the most important thing last week was that I wanted to thank you and sbeattie - but no one was around14:40
sarnoldit's almost time to celebrate telegraf's birthday :)14:40
cpaelzerthank you both14:40
cpaelzerplease keep training the new team members to do reviews so that we no more collect such a backlog14:40
cpaelzer#topic Any other business?14:40
cpaelzernot from me14:40
sarnoldthanks cpaelzer -- it was a team effort :) -- we couldn't have done it without the others also tackling reviews, as well14:40
didrocksnothing for me, good luck everyone with the release :)14:40
sarnoldnone from me14:40
cpaelzerok, as predicted a light and easy meeting14:42
cpaelzerenjoy the calm time, the next release will open for development soon enough14:42
cpaelzerthank you all14:42
meetingologyMeeting ended at 14:42:28 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-04-19-14.31.moin.txt14:42
sarnoldthanks cpaelzer, all :)14:42
joalifthanks cpaelzer , all o/14:42
* vorlon waves19:00
vorlonfwiw I'm still not able to log in to wiki.ubuntu.com19:01
rbasakI am logged in but the pages are all showing immutable.19:02
rbasakI logged out and in again and yeah it's hung.19:02
vorlonmaybe no quorum today with sil2100 at the release sprint19:02
rbasakYep, and I haven't made any progress on anything TB-related - been focused on release things instead.19:03
rbasakSo maybe skip?19:03
rbasakIf next time we still can't get the wiki to work, maybe we should temporarily move it elsewhere even if unofficially to make progress. Eg. a Google Doc.19:03
vorlonyeah I think skip19:04
vorlonand +1 for moving agenda out of the wiki if we can't make the wiki work.  Of course it would be nice if we could update the wiki to point to the google doc, but...19:04
sarnoldthe wiki, maybe subscribe to https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=149555 or similar?19:06
vorlon"subscribe to" lol is there a button for that?19:06
vorlonbecause I have *never* found one19:06
sarnoldhmm, good question.19:08
sarnoldhttps://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/ModifyPeople.html?id=149555 maybe?19:08
cjwatsongo to the People tab, Add new watchers, Cc, your email address, I think19:09
cjwatsonpossibly depending on something inscrutable about your account19:09
cjwatson(or maybe the people search thing just above)19:09
rbasakI just successfully added myself as Cc - thanks19:11
vorloncjwatson: well, there is no People tab visible to me20:11
vorlonand sarnold's link redirects me away20:12
vorlontruly amazing that RT has such options to break the UX20:13

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