
Pinchiukas_Sven_vB_: what config would that be?07:35
aturettais there an image for 22.04 RC, or is it just a source freeze?09:04
aturettaI only find BETA images09:04
ravageaturetta, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:07
bittinInstalling the RC now and listening to the LUP Easter Episode: https://linuxunplugged.com/454 about 22.04 and F3610:10
* bittin is upgrading from RC1 to RC 1.5 now and testing10:58
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
lotuspsychjehey PaulW2U 14:33
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: Hello, I've been ISO testing. Kubuntu looks good14:33
lotuspsychjedaniel pointed your git find to my bug #196917514:34
ubottuBug 1969175 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "Hexchat text spacing disformed after recent updates" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196917514:34
lotuspsychjenice PaulW2U 14:34
PaulW2UI won't be moving to Kooky Kangaroo or whatever and Ubuntu Jammy has far too many issues for me at this time14:36
PaulW2UKubuntu 22.04 might be where I go after Ubuntu's release on Thursday. it just works for me.14:36
lotuspsychjeim an lts tester, so after final -next will be 24.04 for me :p14:37
lotuspsychjethe kubuntu community is great14:37
PaulW2URight. I've never understood why GNOME > Debian mean changes and Debian > Ubuntu means further changes....14:39
PaulW2UI was a Kubuntu user from 11.04 to 14.10 but the move to plasma 5 was not good. it's so much better with the jammy release14:40
lotuspsychjeim sticking to -desktop where ever it goes, for my customers using LTS desktops14:40
rbasakHas anyone else noticed windows that were maximised that didn't extend into the dock area later expanding into the dock area as well?14:42
rbasakI keep having to un-maximise and re-maximise to fix that.14:42
lotuspsychjecan you tell us the steps to reproduce rbasak 14:45
rbasakSorry, I can't. I don't know how to reproduce it. I just see it happening now and then.14:45
lotuspsychjei dont noticed min/max issues right away14:46
rbasakI do switch virtual workspaces quite a bit, and use standby quite a bit. That's all I know really. That's why I was wondering if anyone else had seen the behaviour.14:46
PaulW2Urbasak: I don't think I've seen that problem14:46
lotuspsychjewhat should i try a lot to maybe invoke it?14:48
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: I'd like to stick with Ubuntu for 22.04 as I have 18.04 and 20.04 on another laptop but 22.04 is so problematical for me running Wayland and two monitors14:49
lotuspsychjei see PaulW2U maybe a .1 might sort your issue out14:49
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: if I'm still here for that..14:50
lotuspsychje: )14:50
lotuspsychjerbasak: we are both on intel graphics, and you?14:58
rbasakotp now, sorry, my laptop is not with me any more. I think it's Intel - Dell XPS 9360. I can check later, but if it's not affecting others much, maybe it's not important enough to care.15:02
rbasakI think it happens on combinations of suspend/resume/unlock cycles and switching virtual workspaces. With multiple apps.15:02
rbasakIt's obvious because the dock is transluscent and so I know it happens when I start seeing things underneath it.15:03
lotuspsychjei see15:03
en11gmadid the devs fix the 3060 ti with white screen? i was able to move my 3060ti from an amd X570 5600x system to a B660 12600k system and it does the same thing15:14
en11gmaim writing 04-19-22 to usb stick and will boot to a live enviroment to check soon for myself. im guessing its not fixed that quick15:15
en11gmabet it wont get in before final release 04-21-2215:15
en11gmaHUGE problem. ppl with 30xx series cards will not be able to update if running live usb from the final.15:16
en11gmathey will have to get a daily at some point if they want to use live usb15:16
en11gmaor wait for a point release15:16
en11gmai did also check the display port on the 30xx gpu but using a display port to hdmi adapter/dongle thingy15:17
en11gmawhen i boot up this next time i will take a picture with my camera and upload to imgur.com and link that pic if its all white screen again.15:18
en11gmahere are the pictures15:46
en11gmaim going to try and download a different flavor and see what happens15:46
en11gmai did a cntrl-alt-t to get a term and then typed that command. it was froze for a long time and then it finally logged me out15:47
en11gmato a white screen gui. i didnt get a pic of that15:47
PaulW2Uen11gma: further to your comments at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2022/04/18/%23ubuntu-next.txt can you link to any bug reports that you have raised regarding your concerns?15:56
bittinRC2 is out now18:41
bittinhttp://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=3576 HPR about 22.04 Betas and RCs18:43
enigma9o7[m]I installed ubuntu server, then lxde.  (Nothing else).   It seems LXDE has a hard dependency on mousepad, which I think is a mistake.  22:29
enigma9o7[m]Leadfpad was removed from debian for no longer being officially maintained, but both gedit (from gnome) and mousepad (from xfce) got installed.  Pretty sure only one of those should get installed, and the CONTROL file for lxde should allow any text editor.... meaning I should be able to remove leafpad.22:29
enigma9o7[m]errr be able to remove mousepad22:33
krytenWell, I dunno where you got gedit from but lxde currently just specifies "mousepad | leafpad" as alternative dependencies.22:36
enigma9o7[m]Yeah, hence why I cannot remove mousepad.22:43
howarthFixed /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules to allow Wayland under Nvidia again when /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-power-management.conf contains 'options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1'22:47
howarthThe current test for NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 in /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules is broken22:48
howarthIf you change it from22:48
howarthIMPORT{program}="/bin/sh -c \"sed -e 's/: /=/g' -e 's/\([^[:upper:]]\)\([[:upper:]]\)/\1_\2/g' -e 's/[[:lower:]]/\U&/g' -e 's/^/NVIDIA_/' /proc/driver/nvidia/params\""22:48
howarthwhich doesn't parse the escaped double quotes properly to22:49
howarthIMPORT{program}="/bin/sh -c 'sed -e \"s/: /=/g\" -e \"s/\([^[:upper:]]\)\([[:upper:]]\)/\1_\2/g\" -e \"s/[[:lower:]]/\U&/g\" -e \"s/^/NVIDIA_/\" /proc/driver/nvidia/params'"22:49
howarthit works fine 22:49
howarthI figured that out from looking at the example of the original udev commit to support escaped quotes22:50
howarthwhich had the same pattern22:50
howarth PROGRAM=="/bin/sh -c 'FOO=\"%s{model}\"; echo ${FOO:0:4}'"22:50
howarthof double quotes surrounding single quotes surrounding escaped double quotes22:50
enigma9o7[m]I'm curious why gedit got installed too.  I looked thru `apt rdepends gedit` and I dont think I have any of that stuff installed.  Is there a way to query apt or dpkg to tell me any details about how it got installed or what reccommended it?22:51
enigma9o7[m]or maybe there's some logs I could look into?22:52

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