
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzergood morning05:04
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: o/05:05
ShellcatZero2I'm trying to get pxe working for the first time. From what I've seen, everything illustrates how you serve server images from the pxe. Is there any reason you can't serve a desktop iso like Xubuntu?05:46
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athosgood morning :)10:36
utkarsh2102athos: yoyo10:38
utkarsh2102ahasenack: hellu! 12:52
ahasenackhi there utkarsh2102 12:52
ahasenackis there a way to tell if a loaded module was loaded with certain options?13:03
ahasenackkernel module13:03
ahasenackor do we have to rely on dmesg messages for that, if the module prints something about the options?13:03
ahasenackI have a /etc/modprobe.d/foo.conf file with the option set, but I'm not seeing the behavior I'm expecting13:03
ahasenackhm, it may also be that the module is being loaded in the initramfs...13:04
* ahasenack tries updating it13:04
ahasenackhopefully update-initramfs takes /etc/modprobe.d/* into account13:04
ahasenackyeah, can't get it to work. Either the option doesn't work, or it's not being applied. Can't tell the difference13:33
ahasenackaha, welcome /sys/modules/<module-name>/parameters !13:34
lucasmouraHi @paride and @rbasak, we have created the MRs for UA release 27.8. Here is the MR for the Jammy release: https://code.launchpad.net/~lamoura/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+git/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+merge/41949813:38
lucasmouraPlease let us know is there is anything we to address for the release13:38
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