
jonathanAlright, I've got a MPV question.  I have an HDMI to USBc device plugged in and I'm running my XBOX to the PC.  I've got video going, but can't seem to figure out the audio...  Here's the command {mpv --profile=low-latency --no-cache --untimed --demuxer-lavf-format=video4linux2 --demuxer-lavf-o-set=input_format=mjpeg av://v4l2:/dev/video0}00:24
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dw_0x55aasup yall00:27
kostkon_dw_0x55aa hi00:27
ograjonathan, take a look at https://github.com/ogra1/hdmi-usb-dongle/blob/main/run.sh#L62 ...00:28
ogra(you could also just "sudo snap install hdmi-usb-dongle" )00:30
ogra(and see snap info hdmi-usb-dongle for the initial setup)00:31
sarnoldogra: heh, is that adding 2ms of audio latency?00:31
sarnoldogra: how much can you add before you notice it?00:31
ograheh, some more 🙂00:32
ograwith usb3 the stream might be a bit faster though ... perhaps there it isnt neede00:35
jonathanOgra, I'm getting the following message when running hdmi-usb-dongle: "Please connect the hardware-observe snap plug to make device detection possible"00:51
jonathanNot quite sure what to do at this point.00:51
sarnoldjonathan: the commands you need to run are in the output of: snap info hdmi-usb-dongle00:55
jonathanok, wow, went from 30fps to 60.  Just need to work on the audio...  Thank you for your help.00:58
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hammrshort, sweet question. if i install from the current daily build ISO, will upgrading on release day be as stable as having installed from the release day ISO?01:26
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hammrif i install from the current daily build ISO, will upgrading on release day be as stable as having installed from the release day ISO?02:15
lotuspsychje!final | hammr02:17
ubottuhammr: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Jammy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 22.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.02:17
hammrlotuspsychje: so just to be clear, i should have 100% parity with the release day ISO so long as i'm fully upgraded on release day?02:20
hammrso there's no reason to wait for the release day ISO so long as i'm willing to run a development version for the next 4 days?02:20
lotuspsychjehammr: yes there's a reason to wait, as 22.04 is still in development branch, depending on your needs you can early install at final, or await the LTS way 22.04.102:22
lotuspsychjeall depends what you find important02:22
hammrlotuspsychje: what i'm saying is, come april 23rd there will be no difference between if i installed today or waited for the release day ISO on the 22nd02:25
hammrthat's in 4 days02:25
hammri'm willing to deal with any bugs which exist in the development version for the next 4 days so long as on the 23rd my install will have 100% parity with a fresh install of 22.0402:26
lotuspsychjecorrect hammr02:26
hammrawesome, thanks!02:26
hammri'm about to board an intl flight in the morning and don't know if i'll be able to grab the full ISO while abroad easily02:26
lotuspsychjegreat hammr good luck02:27
lotuspsychjehammr: you can also try lsb_release -a see if your current install still says development or not02:28
hammrlotuspsychje: i'm actually on pop_os currently02:29
hammrgonna try ubu 22.04 out, might try pop 22.04 later02:30
lotuspsychjeoh kk02:30
jhutchinshammr: Where are you headed?  Some parts of Ubuntu are entirely developed outside of the US.02:40
ZeloZelosis there a way to have grub show on multiple screens?02:42
ZeloZelosrtx 2060 and 3 monitors. i need grub on 2 of them, 1 is separate from the others, and when i need to switch os in there i have to come in here to select the right system02:44
masso excited for 22.04 only few more dayz02:54
rob0grub on multiple monitors would be an issue of hardware/UEFI support, and I have never known a machine with BIOS/UEFI support for multiple monitors.03:12
jonathanOK, so I've made a little progress with my MPV and no audio issue.  Again, I'm using an hdmi to usb dongle to stream my xbox to the pc.  In mpv, I'm able to get video, but not able to get audio working, however, I can run arecord simultaneously to get audio with a pretty good sync.  Can anyone assist with getting the arecord commands into the mpv command?  Here's the current command to run both: {mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0 --no-cache --untimed04:49
jonathan--profile=low-latency --demuxer-lavf-o-set=input_format=mjpeg & arecord -r 48000 -D hw:1,0 -f S16_LE -c 2 | aplay}04:49
phr34kHey I'm having network issues w.r.t. ipv6 traffic. I'm hoping I could get a couple of pointers what i could/should look into:  Basically I'm trying to curl to an ipv6 address from one of my docker containers. I was able to modify the network setup so of the container so that can do a ping6 to google.com but when i checkout my curl it's not getting05:35
phr34kany response.05:35
DynamiteDangreetings. Somehow I enabled the view of dot files on file dialog in ubuntu. How do I revert that? Thanks in advance.06:08
osseDynamiteDan: press the button to the left of the minimize button06:10
osseyou can toggle it there06:10
DynamiteDanAh! Thanks! I was trying on gnome-tweaks06:11
osseperhaps you pressed Ctrl-H by accident06:11
DynamiteDanThanks for your help osse06:12
defiantOi, has anyone experienced automatic connections to WiFi despite disabling autoconnect? I'm on 20.04, and I just found out my laptop automatically connected to my WiFi AP several times as I left it on during the night. The Network Manager connection has the "Connect automatically with priority" unticked.06:42
defiantI disabled the wifi before night.06:42
defiant(disconnected from AP)06:42
alkisgdefiant: run `nm-connection-editor` and check all the connections there; it's possible that you have 2-3 of them for the same AP07:00
defiantI must be blind. I only see one.07:27
defiantalthough I did have problems in the past as the NM kept making new connections for the same AP rather than use existing ones.07:28
defiantI'll just delete the connection, create a new one and see, if it happens again.07:33
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peirikOne of my DisplayPort monitors _always_ refuse to wake from sleep, forcing me to run 'xrandr --output DP-0 --auto' every time I wake the computer from sleep. Most of the time this works and makes the monitor wake, but once in a while it fails and no matter what I do the monitor doesnt wake up at all - forcing me to reboot :/ Is this issue familiar to any of you - and is there an easy way to fix it?08:12
NeilRGwhen I update grub, it says "Memtest86+ needs a 16-bit boot, that is not available on EFI, exiting"08:53
NeilRGhow do I repair this error?08:53
NeilRGShould I run grub-mkconfig again?08:53
ravageyou dont08:57
ravageits not available with UEFI08:57
NeilRGravage, should I somehow remove it so that grub doesn't give me that error?08:57
ravageits not an error. just an information08:58
NeilRGI updated Ubuntu, so I'm worried that I should maybe update my grub in some way?08:58
masberhi, I am trying to install gimp but getting an error https://pasteboard.co/rXbgWNMEy50o.png any advice?09:59
matsamanmasber: an ordinary, non-snap version should be in the 'universe' repo10:00
matsamanI would use that, and avoid snaps, because they are nonsense10:00
matsamanif you have trouble avoiding snaps, switch to Debian, which is what Ubuntu is constantly based off of anyway10:03
lotuspsychjematsaman: please dont advice to avoid snaps in the ubuntu support channel10:08
lotuspsychjeits a part of ubuntu now, we should respect that way10:09
matsamanlotuspsychje: good one =P10:11
matsamansnaps are idiotic, and everyone knows it10:11
matsamanif you want people to finally leave Ubuntu, snaps are the way10:11
matsamanmeanwhile people have things to do, and they are going to want plain functional debs to actually get past stupid errors they never signed up for10:11
lotuspsychjethats your opinion, and should not be generalized upon users10:12
lotuspsychjefeel free to continue this conversation in #ubuntu-discuss please10:12
bittinhttps://linuxunplugged.com/454 LUP about Ubuntu 22.04 and F3610:12
matsamanlotuspsychje: oh I feel free my friend10:13
matsamanbittin: what's this?10:13
serhatHi guys, are there anyone who can help me ?10:13
matsamanserhat: with what?10:13
bittinmatsaman, a podcast about Linux10:14
bittinLinux Unplugged Podcast10:14
matsamanbittin: ah, thought it might be more relevant than that, ok10:15
bittinwell a podcast about Ubuntu 22.04 feels relevant in an Ubuntu channel10:15
bittin2,5 days before the release10:15
serhat_Guys, my lapton isn't charging, it says "estimating..." and it's stuck at 0.0 percentage.10:16
serhat_wasn't like that yesterday10:17
serhat_when i pull off the charger, it shut downs10:17
serhat_are there anyone to help me10:19
matsamanserhat_: mmm, that's bad10:19
matsamanserhat_: try removing the battery and re-placing it within the laptop10:19
matsamanserhat_: has your battery life been diminishing gradually over time? Is it a very old laptop or battery?10:19
serhat_aahh that's not very practical of me.10:19
serhat_not at all10:19
wezYeah! The ol' turn it off and on again trick!10:19
serhat_wasn't like that 24 hours ago.10:19
matsamanokay, well hopefully it's something simple like somehow being unseated10:19
serhat_i don't get ubuntu..10:20
matsamanwhat don't you get?10:20
serhat_these kind of problems happens all the time, don't get it why10:20
matsamanwell, this is probably a hardware problem, but10:22
matsamanyou should remember that your hardware was likely only tested against one OS, and that OS probably wasn't Ubuntu10:22
serhat_yeah thanks, is there a way to understand if i use ubuntu efficiently10:23
wezserhat_: Yeah, it takes a bit of research to find hardware that isn't terrible in Linux.  basically just stay away from anything Broadcom.10:23
wezpro tip10:23
matsamanI mean for the most part it doesn't take research, but10:23
matsamana little research will probably always be at most a waste of time, and frequently will be quite nice to have done10:23
matsamanserhat_: that's a very broad subject10:23
matsamantry one problem at a time10:24
wezmatsaman: Until you buy something with a broadcom chip and everything turns to p00p10:24
matsamanI mean I'm on IRC so I know the stories, but10:24
matsamanusually there are in fact drivers10:24
Jeremy31Just have to figure out the correct one10:25
matsamansometimes it can be tedious to get a particular distro to _utilize_ a particular driver without bending over backwards10:25
matsamansome distros make it harder than others, if you don't know what you're doing10:25
serhat_yeah, latter is my problem i guess.10:26
serhat_okay guys thanks a lot10:26
serhat_see ya10:27
luciusfSomeone using ucarp(1) on 20.04? Sometimes my master switches to backup, without the other node taking over. I was wondering if I need to add the `--preempt` option *only* to the prefered (master)node?10:51
BluesKajHi all12:14
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LiblxHello, is there a possibility to add columns for video and audio files in nautilus (ubuntu 20.04, nautilus 3.36.3)?13:48
leftyfbLiblx: nautilus is a file manager, not a media manager.13:50
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
pagioshi, talking about fetchmailrc does it fetch SENT items and all folders by default or should i specify them?\14:06
chilverscWhen using HWE, can I pin to a specific kernel version when installing the HWE packages? I specifically want to only use 5.13 which is the current HWE package on 20.04 but I'm concerned if 20.04 HWE is updated to a newer kernel (e.g. 5.16) the older packages for 5.13 will be removed from the apt repo14:15
chilverscalso, when pinning to a specific version, what is the correct version string to avoid the script breaking when a newer version is released?14:16
chilverscI tried the full version string at the time I was testing the script, eg. "linux-generic-hwe-20.04=", but that stopped working the moment a newer package was released, it seems the older package was deleted from the repo when the newer package was added.14:17
yverxhey all14:25
yverxall of a sudden my pc doesnt wqnnq conne t to the internet14:26
yverxcan someone give me support or point me to q direction?14:29
leftyfbyverx: which release of ubuntu?14:29
yverx 20.0414:30
leftyfbyverx: are you connected wireless or wired?14:31
chilverscah, I mis-read the error message from apt, the package I'm after does exist, but for some reason apt keeps wanting to install a newer version of the dependency "linux-generic-hwe-20.04 : Depends: linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 (= but is to be installed"14:33
yverxrouyer seems to be working sincre i can tthpe herr obv14:33
chilverscwhy doesn't apt just install
leftyfb!de | yverx14:34
ubottuyverx: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:34
yverxsrry my spelling.... shitphone ++ very odd kb layout14:34
leftyfbyverx: on your ubuntu machine, can you ping the router?14:35
yverxu have a problem with nqttii14:36
leftyfbyverx: sorry, but if you want to receive support, you're going to need to type in clear English.14:37
yverxnative germans***  leftyfb?14:37
yverxi hqvent typed a single german word14:38
leftyfbyverx: on your ubuntu machine, can you ping the router?14:38
rob0focus on the issue, please? ^^14:38
yverxi mentiond im on a shitphone qnd it even seems ro14:39
* leftyfb taps out14:39
yverxto alter whqt i type*14:39
jonathan__MPV issue, I have a hdmi to usbc dongle that I'm streaming content from an xbox to pc.  Using, mpv, I'd like to capture both audio and video.  Video is working, but I'm having an issue capturing audio.  Here is the command so far: {mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0 --no-cache --untimed --profile=low-latency --demuxer-lavf-o-set=input_format=mjpeg}14:40
yverxidk the ip of the router14:40
rob0"ip route" will show you14:41
chilverscI don't understand it, apt knows that it requires linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04=, that package is available, so why is it trying to install then complaining that doesn't satisfy the dependency?14:42
chilverscWhen searching for dependencies, does apt stop at the first repo that contains the package? As apt policy shows that there's two repos that provides that package, the first has the newer .40.45, while the second repository has the older .39.44.14:44
yverxi typed ping *familiarip* qnd it asks le if i wqnt to broqdcqst(!?) then - b  elsd whatever14:45
yverxhow do i find the ip of ly router??14:48
chilverscnormally, if your computer is configured via DHCP, your router's IP will be the computer's gateway14:49
rob0yverx: are you not going to try "ip route"?14:50
yverxi did rob0 ty14:55
yverxonly the lqst ip seemed familiar14:56
yverxthats  what i tried to ping, with the rejmts explqined here14:57
rob0"default via <ip-address>", did you ^^ ok14:58
yverxresults gdamit**14:58
yverx    ohhhyay got better kb layou515:00
yverxwait did u sqy defqult/via???15:01
yverxcquse i c. qn pingg thqt15:02
rob0that is the address to try to ping, yes15:02
rob0"can ping that"?15:02
yverxping thqt one15:02
rob0try then to ping beyond it, such as: "ping -c3"15:03
yverxzhqt does it. leqn15:03
yverxi usualyping for testing15:04
yverxcqnnlt ping - c3 xxx15:05
rob01.1.1.1 or should not matter, just any well-known IP address that is known to answer pings15:06
yverxi have 0clue whats happening15:06
yverxwhaqts the - c3 then?15:07
yverxill be onlin for s . bit..  pls pm. so it. dledng get lost15:23
Guest87Is this the channel to ask about snaps?15:26
PaulW2UGuest87: #snappy might be a channel of use to you15:26
ravageGuest87, you can about problems with installing or updating snaps. for problems with the snaps itself you should contact the snap developer. snaps are not community mainainted15:27
Guest87I just wanted to know if google chrome would ever become a snap app.15:27
leftyfbGuest87: that would be a question for google15:27
ravagethere is a snap for chromium15:27
leftyfbGuest87: google chrome is not open source and not available from anywhere other than google15:28
Guest87What is the difference between google chrome and chromium because some websites check if you're running the official chrome binary.15:28
ravagei have nerver heard of any website that does make a difference here15:29
leftyfbGuest87: I'm pretty sure there are zero websites that work with google chrome that do not work with chromium15:29
ravageif it does install an extenstion to change your user agent15:29
Guest87Well, a few websites for medical stuff I know explicitly require either edge chromium or google chrome. No idea if running them in chromium would raise an issue.15:30
ravageso just try?15:30
Guest87Not to mention, google has been crippling chromium to encourage others to use chrome instead.15:30
ravagegoogle does not cripple anything15:31
ravagechromium chooses not to include some closes source APIs. in other cases does not allow it to use them15:31
ravage*google does not allow them to be used15:31
gordonjcpgenius3000: can you find an example of one of these websites?15:31
leftyfbGuest87: regardless, we are offtopic here now. Feel free to chat about chromium in #chromium or #ubuntu-offtopic15:32
Guest87ok, thank you.15:32
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yverxrob0: hey16:48
yverxtrying to pm u but my client is wierd in many ways16:48
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yverxyou seem to be knowledgable i feel u can help me digure this  oit16:49
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.16:55
dirtcastleif my laptop heats too much and crashes could that be a ubuntu problem or laptop problem. windows never crashed for me. should I change distro.17:14
lotuspsychjedirtcastle: you can try keeping a journalctl -f open, see what happens in your system before it finaly crashes17:16
Sven_vBhi :) where can I find license information for focal's "xlsfonts" program?17:29
Sven_vBespecially the source file programs/xlsfonts/dsimple.c17:31
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Sven_vBfound it in https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-utils/tree/xlsfonts17:34
Sven_vBso I cloned https://github.com/xeyownt/xseticon/ , ran "make", but "make: *** No rule to make target `xseticon.c', needed by `xseticon.o'.  Stop." is that a problem with Ubuntu focal? other people write about that repo as if the program worked nicely.18:25
matsamanhad to cd to src or something?18:27
Sven_vBI had temporarily renamed the file in another shell, and had believed the output from outdated ls command18:28
sarnoldaha :)18:28
matsamantale as old as time18:32
GSMarquisWhere can I adjust the battery scale reporting bluetooth mouse. 100 percent is equal to 50% right now.18:37
leftyfbGSMarquis: sounds like a driver issue18:41
gordonjcpor a dying battery issue18:41
craigbass76What's the best way to get avif files open? I just snagged GIMP 2.10.30, but still get an error.19:03
ogracraigbass76, what error ?19:07
sarnoldlibavifile-0.7-bin maybe? check http://avifile.sf.net to see if it looks like the thing19:07
ograthat is for opeing avi files 🙂19:08
ograavif is an image format ...19:08
ogralibheif is what you'd want for this i think19:09
sarnoldthat's the "if it looks like the thing" bit :)19:09
ograyeah, not sure who picked that as a file extnsion even ... wont work on win95 or dos !19:10
ogra.avif i mean 🙂19:10
craigbass76ogra: unknown file type19:13
craigbass76ogra: I may have understood wrong, but I thought avif was based on avi somehow.19:14
ograi dont think it is ...19:14
craigbass76av-one? or av-ell ?19:15
ogracraigbass76, so that looks like this version of gimp was not compiled with avif support ... (missing libheif-dev at build time most likely)19:15
craigbass76Bah... (bangs head)19:15
craigbass76I thought it was in since
ograthat doesnt mean the maintainers have enabled it in gimps build ...19:16
ogracraigbass76, assuming you use the gimp snap (guessing by the version)... https://github.com/snapcrafters/gimp/issues/16619:20
ubottuIssue 166 in snapcrafters/gimp "AVIF support hasn't been included in the snap version" [Open]19:20
craigbass76I grabbed a deb. I'll try flatpak19:21
ografunnily the snap includes both of the mentioned libs from the issue19:22
ograi bet its some build time flag they forgot19:22
JamesB192my duck has failed. I dist-upgrade(d) my Focal box w/ KDE and lunarg vulkan to Impish. I want steam to work. Steam seems to require libvulkan1:{amd64,i386} to be the same version, among other things. my amd64 version of libvulkan1 is and the latest in tree version for i386 seems to be Can I get steam to work without reducing my system to a sheat og glowing glass and if so how?19:25
ograoh my ... so the snap build actually builds libheif from source and ships it ... but the gimp binary links against the (way older) libheif-dev package from the archive ... what could possibly go wrong with that ...19:25
sarnoldJamesB192: perhaps ask the lunarg team for advice?19:27
JamesB192shorter version: is there a way I can force-downgrade the package without gutting my system?19:32
sarnoldyou could try apt install libvulkan1=   and when that complains about mismatched versions, tack on more packagename=versions to return to the ubuntu original packages19:34
sarnoldwhether or not that will give you a puddle of molten glass is another question :) hehe19:34
craigbass76I got the images opened with the flatpak version of GIMP.19:40
sarnoldsweet, thanks for reporting back19:43
JamesB192ah, I needed to pass some (meta)package names on that command line. from 150 packages gone to 10 -dev packages. Yay. Thank you for the help.19:53
morganuHi 20.04  I cant adjust the brightness of my screen (20.04) the one under the power on the panel does nothing.  I also went to Activities> Power as some webpage suggested but the choices described were not there on my system.. nothing to adjust it existed there. Help me?19:57
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peirikWhenever I play videos on my external HDTV (extended desktop) I get lots of tearing and lag in the video image during play. My GPU is Asus GeForce RTX 3060, and I'm not really sure which video driver I've got. Running 'lshw -c video' says just "driver=nvidia" under "configuration"...21:43
matsaman'nvidia' is the driver there21:44
matsamanthat's the proprietary one, from Nvidia themselves21:44
matsamanyou can try a different version, or you can try nouveau, or you can try different configurations, or you can use onboard graphics likely, too21:44
matsamanI'd try nouveau first, unless you already know you are going to do some very GPU-specific things only the proprietary driver supports21:45
matsamanlike CUDA, or certain gaming activities, I don't keep track21:45
peirikStill, when I open "Software & Updates" and check the "Additional drivers" tab, it says "This device is using a manually-installed driver" and "No proprietary drivers are in use"21:45
matsamanwell that text is wrong, then21:46
matsamannvidia is the proprietary driver21:46
matsamaneven if you installed it outside of Ubuntu's software center21:46
* matsaman goes AFK21:46
peirikI dont think I've manually installed any video drivers, so whatever is installed was automatically installed during OS installation I think...21:47
matsamancould be21:47
matsamanyou have the proprietary driver regardlelss21:47
* matsaman goes AFK for real21:47
peirikhaha, thanks :)21:47
fn31ln3So I would reallly like to have passmenu on ubuntu, an apparently ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/password-store/+bug/1727423 ) this is the binary /usr/share/doc/pass/examples/dmenu/passmenu21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727423 in password-store (Ubuntu) "Include passmenu in installation" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:50
fn31ln3what would it be the best approach to have the binary in path?21:50
sarnoldfn31ln3: mkdir -p ~/bin ; ln -s /usr/share/doc/pass/examples/dmenu/passmenu ~/bin/passmenu  # this would be my preference, it'll get updated over time, so you'll get updates as they are made, unless the packaging changes to move the file elsewhere in the future21:53
fn31ln3thank you sarnold21:56
bluegreenhi everyone,may i ask assistance for ubuntu 18 pls?  it was working well 3 days ago.. it freezes few minutes after booting.. i think the suspect is the wifi adapter/driver .. i borrowed a working wifi adapter yesterday,and it freezes too.but w/o the wifi adapter its all smooth23:06
leftyfbbluegreen: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999923:07
bluegreenleftyfb, 18.04.6 lts23:10
leftyfbbluegreen: I'll be happy to help when you provide the information requested in the way it was requested23:10
bluegreenbrb,il copy them23:11
leftyfbbluegreen: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999923:11
leftyfbbluegreen: run that and paste the resulting URL here please23:11
bluegreenleftyfb, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NNrbH3yBPJ/23:19
leftyfbbluegreen: why do you refuse to run the command as requested?23:21
bluegreensorry,i think i miss out someting,il do it again23:22
leftyfbbluegreen: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999923:24
bluegreenleftyfb, https://termbin.com/9foj23:24
leftyfbbluegreen: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0423:25
Guest89How do I allow a non-sudoer to run a command as sudo?23:27
leftyfbGuest89: you don't23:27
ubottumorganu: Please see my private message23:27
Guest89leftyfb Wireshark automatically created group and stuff to allow non-sudoers run as sudo23:28
morganuI dont know how to use ubottu. How is a successful command constructed?  --- It dont not tell on the ubo factoid page or anywhere else I can find.23:29
Guest89but I don't see where else it changed23:29
oiheya its  me23:29
leftyfbmorganu: /join #ubuntu-irc23:29
Guest89I want to do the same with nmap23:29
morganuGuest89, simple. if they know the password they do it just like any other user.23:29
morganu(I am unfamiliar with nmap)23:29
morganure sudo they must use a password for an administrative user.23:30
Guest89morganu the thing is that the other user cant call sudo in the terminal23:30
morganuI jsut said they can.23:30
morganuthey cant use their own password Guest89 but must use the password of an administrator.23:30
Guest89They are not in the admin group23:30
bluegreenleftyfb, installing,ill jz observe after its done.tyvm :)23:30
morganuOr so I believe. have you tried that?23:31
leftyfbmorganu: they need to be added to the sudo group23:31
Guest89morganu I know what you are saying, but using the admin username and password doesn't work23:31
leftyfboi: welcome, what is your ubuntu support question?23:31
morganuOK leftyfb say nope. they need to be an admin23:31
oiim wrong herr sfy23:31
leftyfbGuest89: users need to be part of the sudo group in order to use sudo23:32
Guest89leftyfb in the /etc/sudoers?23:32
sarnoldor, you add rules to the sudoers files to let the user run commands23:32
leftyfbsarnold: I think they still need to be part of the sudo group. sudoers just makes it more granular23:32
Guest89The thing is: non-sudoers can run wireshark with root privileges. I see a group for wireshark, but that group isn't anywhere else23:33
sarnold-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 166056 Jan 19  2021 /usr/bin/sudo23:33
Guest89not in sudoers, not in admin group etc23:33
sarnoldsudo can be executed by anyone23:33
leftyfbsarnold: looks like you are right23:36
leftyfbGuest89: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-edit-the-sudoers-file23:36
Unit193morganu: https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - https://ubottu.com/ubottu.html#_using23:37
Guest89NVM. wireshark can run as root because it actually changes the group to its own group23:39
Guest89group of the necessary bins23:39

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