
xu-help16whi can i use xubuntu as a server ad ubuntu server is not working for me?11:46
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n-iCe Hello, bought a new laptop with windows 11, have been trying to use it for over 3 weeks now, but damn I'm tired I want linux back will lubuntu a good choice for new hardware laptops?16:41
n-iCeguys, I want to unzip a file using gui, but after click on the zip file nothing happen, any idea what should I use to unzip?17:39
orqcxhai use the unzip command from the terminal honestly17:40
orqcxhabut i think you need this: thunar-archive-plugin17:41
orqcxhafor a GUI alternative17:41
n-iCeone more thing, I connect my android to transfer files but I cant see it in thunar, any odea?17:53
orqcxhais it in the proper mode for file transfer?17:57
n-iCeit is17:58
orqcxhaif yes then i'd dig into lsusb and mount commands unless you messed around with the automount options in "removable drives and media"17:59
orqcxhamaybe check there first17:59
orqcxhabut its another thing i dont use sorry, i dont have an android phone.18:00
orqcxhayou may need jmtpfs installed too?18:02
orqcxhamaybe someone else will have a clue.18:02
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