
lubot_[telegram] <lucainfo2022> S.7: Hi! I have packaged LXQt 1.1 for debian/ubutntu. If anybody wants to test them, they can be found here: https://github.com/severusseptimius/lxqt-1.1-debian (re @Iesunal: Conviene anticipare l'aggiornamento da 21.10 a 22.04 (non LTS) ? Qualcuno giĆ  l'ha fatto? Problemi? Sono curioso di vedere il nuovo ambiente grafico LXQt 1.1.0)14:28
lubot_[telegram] <N0um3n0> Grazie (re @lucainfo2022: S.7: Hi! I have packaged LXQt 1.1 for debian/ubutntu. If anybody wants to test them, they can be found here: https://github.com/severusseptimius/lxqt-1.1-debian)15:22
lubot_[telegram] <N0um3n0> https://github.com/severusseptimius/lxqt-1.1-debian/issues/115:29

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