
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
=== popey0 is now known as popey
lubotuYeees! Ubuntu 21.10 is OUT! Celebrate in #ubuntu-release-party 🎉19:02
ubottuYeees! Ubuntu 21.10 is OUT! Celebrate in #ubuntu-release-party 🎉19:02
ogra^^^ could need an update for tomorrow ...19:02
=== dannf_ is now known as dannf
ubottuNooope! Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is not released yet, but you are welcome to anticipate it in #ubuntu-release-party20:52
lubotuYeees! Ubuntu 21.10 is OUT! Celebrate in #ubuntu-release-party 🎉20:52
Unit193Haha. :D20:52
krytenLOL XD20:55
kryten(Syncing not being done yet.)20:56
Unit193Urgh, that's an hourly sync, maybe every 30 minutes would be better.20:56
krytenI think hourly is usually fine though..20:58

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!