
morganubetter late than never: Unlike su, the sudo command will request the password of the current user, not the root password.  Because of its security implications, sudo access is not granted to users by default, and must be set up before it functions correctly. Check out our How To Create a New Sudo-enabled User quickstart tutorials for Ubuntu and CentOS to learn how to set up a sudo-enabled user.00:04
sarnoldthat's a decent enough guide, good call00:07
sarnoldI really hate the sudo documentation; it's just so *dense* when what most people need is two or three very simple examples00:08
sarnold99% of users will only ever use 1% of sudo's functionality, but the docs are written to be completely comprehensive.. (even this DO guide is imho too detailed, but it's definitely better for most people than the official docs)00:09
ravagemake-sudo-great-again.com is still available :)00:10
sarnoldI was just thinking of an ubuntu wiki page, but ..00:11
sarnoldyou've shown me my ambitions were perhaps too limited00:11
matsaman'man sudo', /EXAMPLS00:12
matsaman/EXAMPLES, even00:12
matsaman/etc/sudoers has its own examples usually00:12
matsamanbut Ubuntu's way of using sudo is really an abuse of its purpose. Not that Ubuntu is alone in this approach00:12
sarnoldmatsaman: heh, the sudoers(5) EXAMPLES is around 200 lines of stuff, of which *one* feels like it's the level of simplcity that most people need:00:14
sarnold     joe             ALL = /usr/bin/su operator00:15
sarnoldeven that one line is funny because it just lets the user in question run su. that's such a stupid example :)00:15
matsamanthe whole thing is pretty stupid00:15
sarnoldit's been a few years since I looked at the doas program, but I remember thinking it'd be really nice to switch..00:16
matsamanI mean, ordinary normo people shouldn't be the use case for using plain sudo00:17
matsamanall the GUI frontends have always been a huge mess, though, for sure00:17
sarnoldaye, I've got complaints about polkit, too! ;)00:18
blugreenhi everyone,may i ask assistance on how to know if the device issue is connected w/ kernel,driver,or hardware fault ? im troubleshooting a wifi adapter00:18
sarnoldblugreen: there's no easy way to tell.00:18
Unit193sarnold: There's an ITP for opendoas-portable so soon both will be in the archive. :P00:18
leftyfbbluesabre: did the newer kernel help you?00:18
blugreensarnold, it was working fine 3 days ago. :(00:19
blugreenleftyfb, stil freezing00:19
leftyfbbluesabre: I would look into hardware issues00:19
blugreenleftyfb,  im using wavemon on that particular adapter for monitoring,it shows its connected,but no ping00:20
blugreenis there a utility app tester for wifi adapters? just like a ram tester00:22
sarnoldoh dang that'd be nice00:22
sarnoldany chance you might have turned off power saving mode a while ago, and after a reboot need to turn off power save mode again?00:23
sarnoldpowersave modes can lead to poor experience, and the usual way to turn it off isn't persistent across reboots00:23
blugreensarnold, is powersave mode same as power mgt ?00:24
sarnoldblugreen: yeah00:24
blugreenit is set to off & persistent after reboot00:24
blugreenany other way of checking system integrity aside from forcefck on boot ?00:26
leftyfbblugreen: maybe try an ubuntu live usb and see if you still have issues00:28
blugreenayt,i need to DL and setup a live ubuntu18 then00:30
leftyfbblugreen: use ubuntu 20.0400:30
blugreenmswindows has a system check utility after a system crash,does ubuntu has 1 too ?00:31
sarnoldnot really, there's memtest86 and memtest86+, those are handy; you can run debsums -c to make sure a lot of the files have reasonable checksums..00:33
sarnoldif you've got zfs installed, starting a scrub can help you find corruption on the disk beyond just the files in the debsums indexes00:33
blugreenis there a smaller version of live ubuntu 20.04 ?00:34
blugreenwill add zfs to my to do list00:34
leftyfbblugreen: zfs is a filesystem which you are not using.00:36
leftyfbblugreen: you've given no indication that your issue is related to your filesystem or storage device00:37
blugreenleftyfb, yea,im jz being thourough,coz theres a lot of force shutdown lately coz of the adapter00:38
leftyfbblugreen: also, "system check utility" in windows is not a hardware diagnostic tool. You're probably referring to sfc which is only to check the health of Windows system files. Nothing to do with hardware or even drivers00:38
transhumanisthi! where are the linux headers for ubuntu 21.10?01:13
leftyfbtranshumanist: sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:15
transhumanistsudo apt install linux-header-$(uname -r)    <<< ah made a boo-boo ..lol01:15
transhumanistanyone know wehre ashmem and binder for anbox are now located, they dont seem to both be in the kernel anylonger01:17
transhumanistwehre* where01:17
transhumanistthat is there is no long a binder module01:17
leftyfbtranshumanist: try: /join #anbox01:18
transhumanistah I thought it was now a ubuntu thing01:18
blugreengot dc.can i send error screenshot here ?01:25
basenjisThat is a channel #anbox01:28
krytenblugreen: You are welcome to share a link to an image hoster, yeah.01:35
sdtr443wMy box *really* wants to keep using nouveau. I blacklisted it in modprobe.d and on the grub command line, but it just keeps showing up.01:36
sdtr443wThis happened to me with 20.04 and now on 22.04. I think I purged it last time and hijinx ensued.01:37
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blugreenanyone knows how to trace this error msg pls ? https://ibb.co/W2TT30B01:40
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sdtr443wI notice if I try to remove libdrm-nouveau2 that it wants to, like, delete my computer. :p01:41
leftyfbblugreen: looks like you're running some sort of electron application and not one native to ubuntu01:41
blugreeni dont remember using an app electron :(01:42
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leftyfbblugreen: when do you see that error?01:42
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sdtr443wSo I guess I remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau and nouvea-firmware (then running update-initramfs -u or whatever)01:42
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sdtr443wProbably brick the computer lol01:42
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sdtr443wWell here goes. Probably not going to be back online for awhile since I'll be on a live USB stick recovering. :p01:42
blugreenleftyfb, its 2days now.seeing that error.. event before that: not so sure01:43
leftyfbblugreen: there's probably some application or something running to cause that01:43
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sdtr443wOkay so my X environment is apparently driven by a zombie nouveau driver because I deleted the xorg-xserver-nouveau package, reinstalled the nvidia packages, blacklisted nouveau in modprobe.d and the grub default config, updated the initramfs and grub, rebooted, and here I am01:57
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* LiberaOPEr AstaraOS has been released https://cryptobug.wordpress.com ... . Enjoy Guys ... .02:13
sdtr443wNouveau still loading despite every last little thing02:57
transhumanistI have copied the linux config from boot for same kernel and want to add 5 lines to the end of it and have it compile the kernel based on this new config. How do I do this?03:41
transhumanistafter making the changes to the config in the root of kernel source do I then run the commands in the """'Building the kernel""" section on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel03:43
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ice9i'm on 21.10; why the linux hwe package is installed and why it's not showing up in /boot https://bpa.st/RBPA05:54
Bashing-omice9: HWE applies to Long Term support releases, 21.10 is an interum release.06:00
Bashing-om!hwe | ice906:00
ubottuice9: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack06:00
ice9Bashing-om, i know what hwe is, my initial question is why it is installed on 21.10?06:01
ice9i didn't install it06:01
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic impish06:03
ubottulinux-image-generic (, impish): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)06:04
JoeBkdoes anyone know the time of day the release will happen?06:17
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nikolamI am on 21.10 Xubuntu. I wonder why my Hard disk drive connected to USB (2.5" SATA) is never visible after starting machine, but i need to re-plug it in USB connection in order for it to be recognized in the system..06:43
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nikolamI have OpenZFS pool on that 1 USB external drive (I have put it in USB enclosure) and wnat it to be imported automatically and it seems something stops USB drive to be recognized in the system until re-pugged06:45
JoeBknikolam, does gparted see the drive?06:46
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knightwiseheyhey kids08:52
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Guest095How do I change hz of my ubuntu 21.10? My display supports 144hz but i can only see it being 60hz09:18
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Guest095ill will try if dropping driver from nvidia 510 propietary to 470 propietary,tested   helps09:23
oxfuxxxI think you can do this in the settings of nvidia-cfg where you configure the screen?09:25
Guest095wasnt available in nvidia-settings09:28
Guest095will reboot now see if older driver help09:28
bittinhttps://conf.fsfe.org/b/foss-north Talks at FOSS-North Online 2022 coming up09:35
nikolamJoeBk, gparted does not show the drive. Drive only shows when it is unpugged then plugged again in USB10:09
anyone_my autopep8 dosent work at vscoe10:17
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anyone_Hi autopep8 and virtualenv in vscode dosent work but autopep8 in terminal worked ; can some body help me ??10:29
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wezanyone_: I don't remember vscode being a part of Ubuntu, I wish I could help though :(10:37
ox0000ffDoes it make any difference if I install 22.04 before its official release?10:50
ograox0000ff, it can ... bugs from a pre-release might set wrong defaults that get fixed only for release-to-relase upgrades ... so when installing from a pre-release you should watch the uploads and changes carefully and make sure your defaults are adjusted accordingly10:57
ograbeyond this you will indeed get all changed release binaries on release day with a simple apt upgrade ...10:58
guivercox0000ff, Ubuntu 22.04 isn't supported here, it's supported via #ubuntu-next11:02
ograthat too (for another two days)11:05
ox0000ff...forgot my laptop was set to sleep when the lid was closed. Thx Orga.11:06
WeeBeyHello frens! I'm excited. I came across a post on bugzilla.kernel.org that may fix issues with my touchpad + suspend. However, I'd like to know: How do I disable the touchpad before the system goes to suspend (i.e., when lid is closed)? Would I add something to to grub to unload the i2c_hid_acpi and i2c_hid modules?11:26
WeeBeyI'm thinking that if I unload the modules before the system suspends, then enable them after suspend, I wouldn't lose my touchpad on suspend.11:26
kisakyeHello, having an issue with linux mint 20.211:33
Jeremy31kisakye: ircs://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help11:34
WeeBeyI think I found that I can make a bash script and put it /lib/systemd/system-sleep/. maybe i can load and unload the modules this way.11:37
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WeeBeyadded the script to the system-sleep folder and it didn't work. :-(11:53
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Guest5Hello, has anyone here successfully set up hibernation with Secure Boot?12:04
Guest5I have other partitions in use so I cannot do whole drive encryption, I would have to use an encrypted swap partition.12:05
BluesKajHi all12:31
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Guest5Hello, has anyone here successfully set up hibernation with Secure Boot? I have other partitions in use so I cannot do whole drive encryption, I would have to use an encrypted swap partition.12:51
ydu1364634well, provided that the 22.04 release is planned for 21.April, then all questons about 22.04 are legit in #ubuntu since 2h53m12:53
rob0the release is in what TZ?  UTC?  Not there yet.12:54
ydu1364634no TZ is mentioned, so deal with it ))12:58
ydu1364634i have no questions yet, just trolling all those pesky #ununtu-nexters12:59
ydu1364634pesky !ubuntu-next ers ☝ ☝ ☝ ☝13:00
Guest5ydu1364634 and rob0, have you successfully set up hibernation with Secure Boot?13:01
hypeI wanna learn ubuntu on my VPS.13:03
ydu1364634i've never used hibernation, i'm using suspend13:03
rob0Guest5: why do you specifically ask me?13:03
ydu1364634because those were 2 active nicks he saw after he joined13:05
Guest5Indeed, of 1040 nicks, you were one of the few that showed signs of life ;)13:06
rob0sure, but I want to point out that's not how IRC works13:06
rob0I've never even had an Ubuntu on a physical machine.  So I won't answer things I have no experience in.13:07
Guest5Great, now I know that of 1043 people, at least one has not tried this feature.13:08
jongstaif i want to restrict my server to use a locally hosted repo, what's the best way to do this? replace the /etc/apt/source.list with the new list?13:09
rob0!patience > Guest513:10
ubottuGuest5: Please see my private message13:10
clarkkI've set Settings > Wifi > My local AP > IPv6 to Disable, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Can anyone tell me why?13:22
clarkk** IPv6 > IPv6 Method to disable13:23
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leftyfbclarkk: what do you expect the result to be and what are you seeing? What version of ubuntu are you running?13:40
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clarkkleftyfb, Well, I guess my first question should have been to ask where the documentation is for it15:02
leftyfbclarkk: what version of ubuntu are you running?15:03
ograthe one without documentation ?15:05
jhutchinsGuest8100: Why do you have secure boot on?  Do you need to keep other people from installing linux on your system?15:07
clarkkleftyfb, sorry, 20.0415:08
leftyfbclarkk: what do you expect the result to be and what are you seeing?15:08
clarkkleftyfb, I would have expected ipv6 to be disabled for that gateway, but ip -6 route still shows it15:09
clarkkleftyfb, but I'm just guessing, because I haven't seen the docs for this15:09
leftyfbclarkk: define "disabled for that gateway"15:10
clarkkleftyfb, I haven't seen the docs, so it's a pure guess.  No ipv6 default route15:10
leftyfbclarkk: what is this machine exactly? Is it acting as a gateway/router?15:11
clarkkleftyfb, the local machine? No, just a standard workstation15:11
leftyfbclarkk: is your gateway giving out ipv6 addresses?15:12
clarkkleftyfb, I believe so15:12
leftyfbclarkk: is your gateway/router configured to give out ipv6 addresses? Otherwise, a machine assigning itself ipv6 shouldn't be an issue in most cases15:13
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Guest512Do language packs take up a lot of space? There are very many of them, which I am unlikely to ever use.15:19
clarkkleftyfb, I would like to temporarily and programmatically disable (and re-enable) the default gateway for ipv6.  I was just experimenting with this particular setting in case that isn't possible.  The docs viewed by hitting F1 doesn't really go into that much detail about each individual setting, from what I can tell15:21
ograGuest512, gnome-language-selector lets you remove the ones you do not need IIRC15:25
ogra(from an installed system that is ... won't work in a live session indeed)15:26
leftyfbI don't think they take up much space15:27
Guest512ogra, thanks. Do you know about kubuntu?15:27
transhumanistis there better directions (more complete) step by step including custom naming kernel and generating running .config  and stuff including signing the kernel and all  for Ubuntu kernels on 21.10? These directions seem insufficient https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel15:27
leftyfbtranshumanist: #anbox did tell you that the modules for anbox are included in ubuntu, did they not?15:28
Guest512In my installation downloading kubuntu language packs is taking about half an hour and estimated to take another 15-71 minutes.15:28
transhumanistthey are not included in 21.10 so it seems one of them is not compiled in the kernel15:28
transhumanistdue to some security change and issue15:29
ograGuest512, nope, i dont, but there should be #kubuntu to help you15:29
transhumanistanyway I just have a few problems with my custom kernel (ones i just listed)15:29
Guest512thanks ogra, I did not know that.15:29
leftyfbtranshumanist: it's in 20.04. Maybe go with that since 20.10 will be EOL in 3 months15:30
leftyfbsorry, 21.1015:30
transhumanistwhat you mean upgrade again?15:30
transhumanistI cant really downgrade15:30
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leftyfbtranshumanist: nope, I mean reinstall with 20.04 since that is an LTS release that will be supported for another 3 years where-as the OS your running will only be supported for 3 months15:31
leftyfbalso, 21.10 doesn't do what you want and 20.04 does15:31
transhumanistI am using tpmv2 and there seems to be some issues still when upgrading (as in it seems to loose the tpmv2 signatures during upgrade ( or forgets to ask for the password I should day)15:31
transhumanistI can reinstall and preserve my home directory which is on a separate partition ( but the TPMv2 thing will screw it over I think)15:32
transhumanistmake it inaccessible15:32
rob0transhumanist: just curious, are you sure you need a custom kernel?15:35
transhumanistone question to qualify before answering rob0 can I in the future upgrade to 21.04 from 21.1015:35
transhumanistI forget if there is a path for this15:36
leftyfbtranshumanist: 20.04, not 21.0415:36
transhumanistsorry I mean t 21.04 from 21.1015:36
leftyfb21.04 is EOL15:36
leftyfbyou want 20.0415:36
ograor wait two days for 22.0415:36
leftyfbtranshumanist: you'll want to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 eventually which will be released this week15:37
jongstai'm removing a kernel that i'm currently running and previously had no issue but now when i try i get a warning prompt that asks if i want to abort the kernel removal15:38
leftyfbjongsta: it's going to warn you if you're trying to remove the running kernel15:38
rob0one day, is it not tomorrow?15:39
jongstai'm using apt-get -y purge kernel-package15:39
jongstaleftyfb: is there any way to force ignore it? i thought -y would do it and seemed to before15:39
jongstaoh wait, i know what's going on, one sec15:39
leftyfbjongsta: not sure, maybe look in the man page15:39
ograrob0, depends on the part of the world you are in 😉15:39
ogratypically the latest moment for release is when the last timezone in the world leaves Apr 21 ... for many that can be the 22nd already15:41
leftyfbI like to say this week because people go nuts when it reaches 00:00:01 AM their local time and they can't download it15:41
ograthe impatient ones ... fun at every release15:41
transhumanistleftyfb: how do I resolve the loss of access to my /home directory issue in a relatively safe way (I have no room to back up a TB of data < I know how to reinstall I just don't know how to get the installer to acknowledge the proper TPMv2 signing of the /home directory?15:46
leftyfbtranshumanist: if you don't have backups, the data isn't important15:46
JoeBktranshumanist, you need to get external usb drive15:47
transhumanistits a question of finances right now, the cobblers kids shoes types of deal. I will see if I can get space on terms with onedrive and see if I can copy important data to it from Linux, Problem of course though is my windows guest VM which is going to be one damn big file copy15:50
transhumanistanyway I will look into it15:50
transhumanistto better get the problem, leftyfb JoeBK , my external backup raid unit went up in smoke15:52
ubunt1how fast is your internet15:53
transhumanistgood speed15:53
ubunt1well thats good15:53
transhumanist300 meg or so15:53
transhumanistit wont be so bad actually /home has only 58 gig in it but it does mean loss of android studio which is in the / for some reason15:55
transhumanistits ok no biggy15:55
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transhumanistseems I am all set, deleted a bunch of useless crap off old drive, enough to backup all the data at least. Any idea on the best way to avoid the tpmv2 issues on a rollback  (preserving home directory ) I would rather not start all over with rebuilding the layout of the home directory if possible, it is possible but I prefer not to16:34
Guest512transhumanist, how did you get into a TPM problem? Wondering what I need to avoid ...16:36
fikranI installed ohmybash/zsh, but my terminal is missing some fonts. I recall in the past I downloaded some fonts from a 3rd party site and the characters were rendering correctly.16:37
transhumanistI built it with TPMv2 being enabled , did signature signing and all sorts of crap and vTPM as well for guests (I did it because work wanted to go that way) but on my first install with vTPMv2 I attempted an in place upgrade to ubuntu 21.10 (time before this one) and it litterally never asked for the TPMv2 password so it was a big problem , drive became inaccessible (or at least I have no idea how to get it back (only thing is I have the16:39
transhumanistkey thats in the system bios and I know the password (so some day it might be possible. I just dont need a repeat of that when I redo the install16:39
transhumanists/possible. / possible.)16:40
transhumanistGuest512: https://run.tournament.org.il/ubuntu-20-04-and-tpm2-encrypted-system-disk/ this might be of some help, I have written a whole process (and its burried somewhere for installing TPMv2 on windows and linux also TPMv2 bipass instructions for windows 11. BACKUPS really are a necessity with an offline off site storage in a locked area with a password list and encryption keys printed on payer behind the well locked doors because failu17:02
transhumanistres means loosing everything17:02
Guest512high stakes game with data17:03
transhumanistGuest512: here you go if you like signed adventures (not this does not include bitlocker encryption , I was going to save that for a future adventure into virtual tpm . My directions for windows 11 bipass come from github ... see google for something like : """  windows 11 tpmv2 bipass github """17:10
jongstanevermind, what i thought happened didn't happen heh17:11
transhumanistanyway my data is backed up , time to see if this is going to be a crap show17:11
jongstathis script was working last week. it installed the 5.4 kernel, updated /etc/grub.conf to boot into it, rebooted the server which loaded the 5.4 kernel17:12
jongstabut that's not working anymore for some reason17:12
jongstai think i see the problem17:15
ograjongsta, ubuntu has never in its life used /etc/grub.conf ... in fact the grub configuration has always been generated from the values in /etc/default/grub ... if you need to adjust something do it there and run update-grub afterwards17:23
jongstasorry, i meant /etc/default/grub17:24
jongstaand i found the problem. sometime in the last week there was an update to the 5.4 kernel and my script was setting the previous version to load17:25
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blahboybazI'm wondering if the install software for ubuntu has a way you can use the default install options as a base but go in and just tweak the size of one thing (as opposed to starting from scratch on everything)?18:47
geniiblahboybaz: What is it you wanted to modify?18:49
leftyfbblahboybaz: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart18:50
geniiBecause most things generally have a .conf file somwhere you can edit. But there's also dpkg-reconfigure for some others, if it's something like a compile-time option which needs to be changed then it starts getting messy18:52
blahboybazgenii: In my current installation (20.04) the I have run into trouble with "/boot" being too small - but I like the default configuration aside from that one thing. If/when I install a later version or on another machine I want to increase the size of "/boot" slightly but leave everything else according to default parameters18:58
blahboybazI know that it is possible to resize logical volumes (lvm) but I would rather make it easy during the install process than later go try to resize something18:59
blahboybaziirc - the linux files system (ext4?) is superior mostly because it does not have fragmentation issues (like fat and ntfs) but resizing a volume (lvm) results in fragmentation - iirc19:01
ubottuYeees! Ubuntu 21.10 is OUT! Celebrate in #ubuntu-release-party 🎉19:01
ograheh, the factoids could need an update for tomorrow19:01
Chunkyzogra: indeed...19:02
Chunkyzrob0: *what's* funny?19:03
leftyfbblahboybaz: the default installer on ubuntu will not make a separate /boot AFAIK. Unless you're doing FDE19:06
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geniiblahboybaz: I would suspect that  your /boot is being filled up with old kernels, which could be cleaned up with: sudo apt --purge autoremove19:07
carnophage2i am having problems with one of my ubuntu vms.  It seems to have trouble starting up and crashes/freezes.19:08
leftyfbcarnophage2: what version of ubuntu is it running?19:09
carnophage2how do i check?19:09
leftyfbcarnophage2: if you can get on it, cat /etc/os-release19:10
leftyfbusually people know what version they installed19:11
blahboybazleftyfb: That link you gave refers to installing on a virtual machine - I'm talking about a bare metal install. Also it doesn't say anything (that I can find) about default settings or patition or volume sizes. My "/boot" is being filled up with old kernel but purging them is not what I would prefer. I would prefer to not have the problem.  Now, I'm not sure what the source of the problem is (why old19:13
blahboybazkernels pile up) but it doesn't seem to continue forever - they don't keep piling up they just exceed the space available.  And I'm not sure the best way to eliminate the problem (so I don't have to deal with it periodically) but I thought that making either/and/or making "/boot" its own volume or partition and increasing its size (especially increasing its size) might do that19:13
carnophage2I am using Focal Fossa19:13
blahboybazfwiw I am not planning on actually doing an install any time soon nor a reinstall just trying to get information for the next time19:13
rob0Chunkyz: the factoid?  Sorry.19:14
leftyfbblahboybaz: the link I gave you is not specific to virtual machines. They aren't even mentioned on the page19:14
leftyfbblahboybaz: in the future, don't make a separate /boot partition19:14
blahboybazI had hoped there was a way to simply edit the default install configuration so that you get to start with the default settings not from scratch19:15
leftyfbblahboybaz: the default is not to have a separate /boot19:15
leftyfbleave it at that and you'll be fine19:15
blahboybazleftyfb: ok but the actual question was ^ not the means by which to perform an install19:16
blahboybazIts cool I'll try to revisit the question another time19:16
carnophage2But it seems every few days the machine starts having problems and won't boot at all, or starts throwing errors at startup19:17
carnophage2I don't know if it's vbox or the vm itself and am sort of lost.19:18
matsamancarnophage2: what errors19:18
matsamancopy them down next time19:18
carnophage2Sometimes just blinking cursor, sometimes blank screen, and this last time there were vbox memory errors19:19
carnophage2And I'm not doing anything unusual with the machine other than installing xubuntu-desktop19:19
carnophage2and it was working before, so i am at a loss.19:19
matsamanwhat version of vbox? Might just try older or newer first19:20
carnophage2I'll look into that right now, i had considered that myself.19:21
lmatI'm trying19:21
lmatlol, oops19:21
lmatI'm trying to install php5.6-zip like it says https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38104348 (and elsewhere). I tried php5.6-zip and php-zip, no cigar.  E: Unable to locate package php5.6-zip19:27
sarnoldthat answer is from six years ago19:27
sarnoldphp5.6 is no longer the newest thing :)19:27
lmatsarnold: Since when has ubuntu been focused on "newest thing"? :-P19:29
lmatsarnold: Yeah, I know it's old. So php-zip for 5.6 is a no go? I guess I'll have to get more creative!19:29
sarnoldlmat: if you installed php 5.6 yourself, you're going to be responsible for supplying the packages, too, yeah19:32
lmatsarnold: I'm using the php:5.6-apache docker image. Same thing I guess ;-)19:33
sarnoldlmat: aha! then you get to ask them to supply the package? :)19:35
lmatsarnold: I guess so!19:36
NCEricHi, I've ran "sudo gpasswd -a myuser docker" and even after logging out and back in I still don't see my group applied.  SSH'ing in or doing "su - $USERID" works... but not logging out and back in19:38
NCEricSeems there is some process "/lib/systemd/systemd --user" that is a parent process.19:39
NCEriclogging out and back in doesn't change this... it'll always be a child process of that one which doesn't think it's part of that group19:40
sarnoldoh weird19:40
sarnoldNCEric: my guess, loginctl enable-linger is probably related19:41
geniiblahboybaz: At the kernel loading line you can specify d-i ( debian-installer) directives. So conceivably you could put a few partman recipes there which would get handed off to the installer19:41
sarnolddoes your terminal program in your desktop environment get launched from that thing?19:41
NCEricsarnold, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1045993/after-adding-a-group-logoutlogin-is-not-enough-in-18-0419:42
sarnoldNCEric: lol I'ver already upvoted that question and answer.. go figure19:42
NCEricI'll try running "loginctl terminate-user $USER" from an SSH session I guess19:42
sarnoldNCEric: thanks :D19:42
NCEricthis is my only user.  Would be wrong to run this from a graphical login.... but this is a stupid VM so who cares19:42
NCEricwatch me disappear from this chat now after running it ;-)19:43
* NCEric runs `loginctl terminate-user $USER` from the same session he's using HexChat from19:43
ogracommand works 🙂19:43
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lmatsarnold: This one is pretty new? https://linux-packages.com/ubuntu-focal-fossa/package/php56-zip19:46
sarnoldlmat: if ondrej maintains one and you want to use his, go for it19:46
lmatsarnold: Sorry, ondrej?19:47
lmatI don't see ondrej on that page...19:47
sarnoldlmat: ondrej sury maintains a big pile of php packages -- including that one there19:48
lmatOh? Do you see a reference to php5.6-zip?19:48
sarnoldlmat:  Filename: pool/main/p/php5.6/php5.6-zip_5.6.40-52+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1_amd64.deb19:48
sarnoldlmat: note the 'sury' in the version string, ondrej uses that to make it easy for people to recognize his packages19:49
rob0is that the ISC dude?19:49
leftyfbI like his dhcp server :)19:50
mra90I see that ssh server I connect to uses "ssh-ed25519" algorithm while my public key is RSA - nevertheless I am able to connect without any issue21:16
mra90how is it possible?21:16
leftyfbmra90: "uses" != exclusively21:19
mra90leftyfb, what do you mean?21:19
leftyfbmra90: just because it supports ed25519 doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't support RSA21:20
mra90leftyfb, can I ask host for its supporting algorihims?21:20
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mra90ok I got it21:29
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matsamanhi bill21:48
Billy9Hi matsaman21:52
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Billy9I built a new ubuntu machine and I'm trying to ssh into it but the password doesn't work even though locally the password works21:53
Billy9(publickey, password) is what I get21:54
matsamanBilly9: as root?21:55
matsamanssh as root is frequently disabled by default these days21:55
matsamanyou'll likely have to alter your sshd config to allow it21:55
matsamanor you can ssh as non-root, then switch to root21:56
Billy9how do i ssh as non-root?21:56
matsamanssh someParticularUserThatIsNotRoot@host21:56
Billy9ok i will try21:56
Bashing-omBilly9: See too: https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-basics-of-ssh-usage/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 .21:57
Billy9thank you!!21:59
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Guest6563Sera ho provato sulla chat italiana ma non risponde nessuno, volevo chiedere se qualcuno sa riguardo a nvidia e wayland22:40
funhouseso im trying to find a line by a column value in a csv, is it possible to get the line number with awk?22:40
funhouse`awk -F , '$1 == "00000058-0058-2DDF-CBCB-7715F04CBBDF" { print }' file.csv`22:41
leftyfbfunhouse: you want #bash22:41
funhouseleftyfb thank you22:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:51
hellosmile6What desktop environment does Ubuntu use?22:52
geniihellosmile6: GNOME Shell22:55
hellosmile6genii: That looks like CentOS.22:56
leftyfbhellosmile6: both centos and ubuntu have multiple options for desktop environments22:58
leftyfbhellosmile6: feel free to boot to a live usb and try it out22:58
hellosmile6leftyfb: I'd rather use Debian. Ubuntu isn't open-source.22:59
leftyfbhellosmile6: ubuntu is open source22:59
Aarch64debianis 22.04 released ?23:07
Bashing-om!isitout | Aarch64debian23:08
ubottuAarch64debian: Nooope! Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is not released yet, but you are welcome to anticipate it in #ubuntu-release-party23:08
Aarch64debianwhy my lsb_release said i have the 22.04 lts23:09
JoeBkI don't see 22.04 on the website.  URL?23:11
hellosmile6leftyfb: What's the git clone URL?23:11
Aarch64debianwhat git, i have been running jammy dev for a while, not its lts23:12
leftyfbhellosmile6: launchpad.net. But you can download the source for any package from the Ubuntu repos with "apt source packagename", just like with debian23:13
leftyfbAarch64debian: 22.04 is not released yet. Go to #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the announcement there some time tomorrow23:15
Aarch64debianyes, im running 22.04 LTS23:16
leftyfbyou are running the beta. The final version is not yet released23:16
JoeBkleftyfb, it's already tomorrow in london.23:18
rob0but not in UTC :)23:18
leftyfbJoeBk: Ubuntu has never been released at exactly 00:00:01 in any timezone23:18
leftyfbJoeBk: feel free to discuss and wait in #ubuntu-release-party23:18
basenjisthanks for the link23:19

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