
sbeattiestash type: oh ew.08:26
=== ghvail|wtf is now known as ghavil
tewardsbeattie: heh15:27
tewardsbeattie: any ideas on this by the way since this is a tool that reflects security support on packages?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1403483/the-ubuntu-security-status-command-claims-that-almost-all-packages-are-from-t15:44
mdeslaurarm64 is in the "ports" repo, the tool doesn't know how to handle that15:50
tewardmdeslaur: thanks, i'll update the post15:50
tewardmdeslaur: hope you don't mind when i ask stuff here, people get annoyed when there's no answers, at least I know who to ask :)15:52
mdeslaurnah, don't mind at all :)15:54
tewardgood, 'cause i've been doing this for a while xD  Probably a good thing I know who to prod to get a clear answer for things that most people won't know :p16:01
sbeattieteward: if you figure out who's giving out clear answers, can you let me know, too?16:22
sbeattieI got questions of my own.16:22
tewardsbeattie: "Is mayonnaise an instrument?" is not a valid question :P16:23
tewardjust an fyi ;)16:23

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