
jrwrenhappy 22.04 release!15:39
cmaloneysnap it up. Literally.15:40
jrwrenUpgrades to 22.04 LTS are currently not enabled (due a bug with snapd and update-notifier) but will be in the next couple of days.15:47
jrwrenbecause of course pointless software clogs things up.15:48
jrwrenIt makes me sad when I think about all that work going down the drain into snap and where they could be if they had spent that elsewhere.16:07
jrwren"ssh-rsa is now disabled by default in OpenSSH 64. See bug 1961833 27 to learn how to selectively re-enable it if necessary. If you are upgrading a system remotely over SSH, you should check that you are not relying on this to ensure that you will retain access after the upgrade."16:21
jrwrenLMAO. I just had to create an ssh-rsa for FIPS because they didn't like my ecdsa16:21
jrwreninteresting how the Ubuntu Server section starts with Ubuntu HA/Clustering and things I'ev never heard of before.16:26
cmaloneyQuagga replaced with frr <- I have no idea what these are16:28
cmaloneyThey sound like something a kindergartener would name16:28
cmaloneyStarting with 22.04 LTS, besides the standard device-specific preinstalled image, we now also provide a live installer image for the RISC-V architecture. This can be helpful when wanting to install Ubuntu on an NVMe drive on an Unmatched board, for instance.16:29
jrwrenQuagga is a router. OSFP and stuff.16:44
jrwrenactually, i think it is ipv6. I know a guy who worked on it.16:44
cmaloneyYeah, I think I'm going to need to find an alternative to Ubuntu soon17:31
cmaloneyeither that or run 20.04 until it explodes17:31
cmaloney(who am I kidding? I'm still on 18.04)17:31
cmaloneyI don't think I've been less excited about a release.17:32
cmaloneyI'll probably still fire up a container / Vm to see whats new17:32
cmaloneybut I think snaps are a mistake17:32
cmaloneyand can become an unmaintanable morass of shit just as simply as debs can17:33
jrwrenfor std usage, I don't htink it matters so much anymore, espeically with self updating browsers.18:12
jrwrensadly, my professional interest is all around FIPS these days, so I'm like "how are they doing fips with openssl 1.1?" and "how are they doing fips with their Go" and on and on :(18:13
cmaloneyMy experiences with snaps have been a series of App armor things being broken18:14
cmaloneyand log files filling up18:14
cmaloneyand that feeling of not being in control of when something decides to update itself or knowing what's going on with my computer18:14
cmaloneyif I wanted that experience I'd go wit Windows18:14

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