
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
karmaehi does someone know when 22.04 LTS will be released?10:36
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chaslinuxIs the Xubuntu torrent (dated 21-Apr-2022) the official release or a nightly image?15:26
krytenchaslinux: I think it won't get any more updates, yes.15:27
chaslinuxkryten Thank you.15:28
orqcxhashould i buy a beer to celebrate the new xubuntu15:31
yorwosi am running yesterday's nightly, should i re-install with official installer in 'a few?' just in case ?17:18
krytenNope, not needed.17:19
orqcxhai wont reinstall everything17:45
orqcxhaapt should do its job...17:45
chaslinuxWahoo, thanks all, 22.04 on our PXE server now. Installed and working great (PXE live install, I haven't automated everything yet).19:13
chaslinuxLooks great, I played around for a bit on and install, lots of up-to-date software we use. Wonderful!19:13
kurlyis there an estimated time when 22.04 becomes available for upgrading through the 'standard' paths? amusingly enough I installed the laptop yesterday, perhaps should've waited a day. :)20:01
krytenThe release notes indicate in the next few days.20:02
chaslinuxkurly I used one of the http mirrors to grab the torrent (which was dated 21-04-2022). I installed it one one of our boxes here at work and it appears to be the full release (fixed a bunch of issues we had with 20.04 and lots of newer packages gimp/handbrake/etc).20:05
krytenThat doesn't pertain to upgrading though.20:07
kurlychaslinux: oh you can upgrade from the iso, it's not just for clean installs?20:07
chaslinuxYes, at least when I did the install it had the upgrade option (I did a clean install though).20:07
krytenWell, I mean you could use the '-d' flag on the release upgrader too, but there is a reason why it's not opened yet..20:08
chaslinuxI put it on our PXE server... at first it gave me a "no live filesystem error," but this was my bad, I needed to copy the newer vmlinuz and initrd, squashfs over the old beta ones... So I can confirm it works fine as a live installer over PXE. I haven't automated/cloud-config the installs yet, so I'm still typing in locale, credentials, etc. So far20:12
chaslinuxI'm pretty happy though, 22.04 seems to have fixed a printer/new driver issue we were having on every machine with 20.04.20:12
xu-irc45wsomeone know when 22.04 comes out?21:37
krytenxu-irc45w: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/jammy/release/ - it's already released, just not announced on the website yet.21:40
xu-irc45wok thx21:43
comeon2204Hi, I would like to know how to advance to xubuntu 22.04, from 20.0422:06
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:07
krytenWelp, but you get the idea..22:08
comeon2204if I do sudo do-release-upgrade -d, then I should upgrade again to a 22.04 not-developing-versionĀ  ?22:08
krytenYeah, that'd work - but check the release notes first.22:10
comeon2204ok thanks, but I noticed there are no release notes yet22:11
krytenI mean the general Ubuntu ones.22:11
comeon2204but there is already a torrent for the xubuntu 22.04 LTS22:11
krytenSpecifically the part about why upgrades are delayed for everyone right now.22:12
comeon2204Ubuntu 22.04 LTS released and available for download!22:13
comeon2204Jammy Jellyfish has arrived22:13
comeon2204so why xubuntu is delayed?22:13
krytenI think you're reading me wrong..22:14
comeon2204sorry I just read the ubuntu home page22:15
comeon2204anyway I'm trying to upgrade with the -d option and now it says it has to remove 118 packages... In the list of packages to remove there is Inkscape too...22:17
comeon2204so, no Inkscape for 22.04 ?22:19
kryten!info inkscape jammy22:20
ubottuinkscape (1.1.2-3ubuntu1, jammy): vector-based drawing program. In component universe, is optional. Built by inkscape. Size 17,348 kB / 84,136 kB22:20
krytenNot sure why it wants to remove it on your install though..22:21
comeon2204So why the distro upgrade wants to remove it?22:21
comeon2204Well... I suppose I can just install it later...22:21
krytenCould be you got it from a third-party repo or something..22:21
comeon2204Maybe I installed a more recent version directly from the Inkscape site, I don't remember now22:22
comeon2204do you know if there are new icons in the new xubuntu release? I know the latest XFCE got new better icons...22:24
krytenYeah, there were definitely updates.22:24
comeon2204ok, thanks. 3.1GB of downloads from 20.04 to 22.04... I don't remember if it was so big from 18.04 to 20.04.22:26
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bluesabreRelease announcement is up: https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-22-04-released/23:22
bluesabrecomeon2204: Yes, lots and lots of new icons (1,955 files changed in the icon theme): https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/compare/v0.15.2...v0.1623:23
comeon2204thanks bluesabre23:51

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