
user|31Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/c4a854406fda55aefc3275a56f4763a7/Screenshot_20220422_100740.png00:08
user|31hello, I just downloaded `kubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso` and the checksum on the website seems to be invalid.00:08
user|31It looks like there is an extra `a` character on the end.00:08
user|31I think this means that my iso is likely fine it's just the website is wrong, right?00:10
en11gmai just want to say i had not tried kubuntu for a really long time. maybe 2 years or so. been doing ubuntu hardcore straight for a long time. i was (kind of forced) into trying it and it is a delightful surprise00:12
en11gmaeverything is in different places but i like the menu layouts and it seems pretty fast00:13
en11gmabrb. going to reboot into live enviroment00:13
tomreynuser|31: right00:41
tomreynuser|31: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/22.04/release/SHA256SUMS has the correct checksum00:41
user|59how to upgrade?03:39
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JammyUpgrades/Kubuntu05:47
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Maybe the team hasn't enabled the option yet05:47
user|31Thanks tomreyn! sorry for the late reply05:58
Guest5Anyone have a touchpad on their kubuntu system? Does your settings allow to configure three-finger gestures? Mine does not.05:59
Guest5Oddly, three finger tap works anyway.06:25
madhueswarHi currently I'm using Kubuntu 22.04 developer (beta) version how to upgrade to official Kubuntu 22.0407:26
Unit193Just update, it'll be the final release.07:27
madhueswarOk thanks for your quick information.07:31
madhueswarSo once I update it will no longer be beta or developer version right07:32
madhueswarSo once I update it will no longer be beta or developer version right07:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3526
Guest3526Goood morning08:16
Guest3526WHo in server?!08:19
Guest3526IM ONLY ONE?!?!?!08:19
Guest3526ok,im quiting08:21
kubuntuHow are you?08:26
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> Right (re @IrcsomeBot: <madhueswar> So once I update it will no longer be beta or developer version right)09:38
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all12:25
esloamhow to update to kubuntu 22.04 from kubuntu 20.0213:52
BluesKaj!ltsupgrade | esloam13:54
ubottuesloam: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:54
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Kubuntu Manual 22.04 LTS is out! https://kubuntu.org/support/14:28
kubuntuhello from konversation, kubuntu live session15:51
kubuntutrying kubuntu 22.04 lts on kvm15:51
kubuntuarch (host)15:52
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> Laptop hotspot working on live boot but not after installation.17:50
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> Kubuntu 22.04 any help?17:50
user|59Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/9bf5506de0558672b96906f03c2c70d2/Screenshot_4.png18:17
user|59meybe 22.04 ?18:17
user|59maybe 22.04 ?18:17
valorieahoneybun: where is the above image?19:14
valorieperhaps as part of the ISO?19:14
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> From the website?19:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yep the website.19:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-22-04-lts-released/19:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Why would it be 22.04 LTS?19:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> 20.04 LTS is before 22.04 LTS so you would upgrade from it.19:31
GlumfishHi, is there any timeline on when upgrades to 22.04 will be enabled?19:39
moffaUsually its after the .1 version is released i.e. after 22.04.119:40
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> yes, april 21 2022 (re @IrcsomeBot: <Glumfish> Hi, is there any timeline on when upgrades to 22.04 will be enabled?)19:40
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> I mean, you can do it right now (re @IrcsomeBot: <Glumfish> Thanks!)19:43
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> I mean, you can do it right now but I would wait 1 or 2 weeks, and read the upgrade instructions carefully (re @IrcsomeBot: <Glumfish> Thanks!)19:44
alkisgWith -d (development) you can do it now; without it, they'll be enabled in August, right after 22.04.119:58
Glumfishalkisg: isn't that for people upgrading from LTS releases? I am running 21.10 currently20:03
alkisgGlumfish: indeed, I think so20:04
=== gary is now known as gary__
gary__anyone here can help with bluetooth issue upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 and it is no longer recognized20:45
gary__worked before and weird thing is in live usb mode bluetooth works20:45
gary__i tried installing blueman that did not work either20:47
cbreakgary__: does it show up in lsusb?20:53
gary__Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller20:55
gary__Bus 001 Device 004: ID 2386:0403 Raydium Corporation Raydium Touch System20:55
gary__Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:671f Microdia Integrated_Webcam_HD20:55
gary__Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0438:7900 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Root Hub20:55
gary__Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub20:55
gary__Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub20:55
cbreakyou should read the output of lsusb and see if it shows something bluetooth related.20:56
tomreyngary__: make sure you use a pastebin-like service such as termbin.com20:56
cbreaklike Bus 003 Device 002: ID 8087:0029 Intel Corp. AX200 Bluetooth here20:56
gary__yeah i guess the new kernel for 22.04 has no support i dont know its weird when i boot a live usb it works though and it worked fine in 20.0420:58
gary__i might have to jump ship after a very long time on kubuntu  might have to go manjaro20:59
GlumfishI would say maybe not give up on it so quickly21:01
GlumfishYou will probably learn a thing or two figuring it out why it isn't working21:01
gary__i like an os that just works mint is good but i like kde desktop for years now21:02
DillonHello, I am pretty new to kubuntu and Linux in general. I'm trying to make the switch but I'm having issues with text being to small on a 4k display. I have a 2k alt monitor also. When I try to make the text bigger for the 4k monitor, the 2k monitors text scale is way to big.21:03
gary__things like wifi ethernet and bluetooth should just work21:03
gary__i get cpus are way more involved in a kernel i would expect glitches there but ubuntu is about to go ipo this year21:04
GlumfishDillon: you should switch to wayland which supports separate display scaling21:05
GlumfishTo do this logout and at the bottom right corner of the "login page" (SDDM) it should have an option which says Plasma X1121:06
GlumfishSwitch it to Plasma (Wayland)21:06
Glumfishand then go in the System Settings and set the scaling for each monitor accordingly21:06
GlumfishIf you don't see the option try installing the package `plasma-workspace-wayland`21:07
cbreakgary__: well, have you found your bluetooth in lsusb?21:08
cbreakhave you found it while being booted in the live usb?21:09
Glumfishgary__: the things is CPUs are standardized (all using the same instruction set) while all the different bluetooth/ethernet/WiFi devices have different drivers, etc.21:09
gary__it shows up when i live boot off booth 20.04 and 22.04 but not when installed to ssd21:09
cbreakGlumfish: CPUs are not that standardized :/21:09
Glumfishso it is much harder to support21:09
Glumfishcbreak: well yes I'm generalizing a bit of course21:09
cbreaklinux had to add quite some features until my Ryzen 5800 was supported21:09
cbreakfor example for using frequency scaling, additional instruction sets, chipset / cpu temperatures, ...21:10
Glumfishgary__: have you checked for any proprietary drivers in the driver manager?21:10
cbreakif you have a weird CPU like the new intel with different core types, or a NUMA like older EPYC ones, it's also weirder21:10
cbreakgary__: you should check as what it shows up in the usb21:11
cbreaklsusb -tv should give you a long tree21:11
cbreakand you might see something like |__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 1, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 12M21:11
cbreakthat's what the AX200 I have shows up as21:11
cbreakit also shows up in lshw of course, in a bit more readable form21:13
cbreakthe interesting part is the driver21:14
cbreakfor me, btusb.ko comes from the package linux-modules-extra-5.13.0-27-generic21:15
cbreakwhat model / type / thing is it?21:16
gary__dell inspiron 318521:17
cbreakthe bluetooth thing21:17
cbreaklsusb / lshw should tell you21:17
gary__it shows up as uknown qualcom bluetooth device in kde info center21:23
gary__that command did not work i tried it as a tree dump -v21:24
Glumfishgary__: doesn't it prompt you to install any packages when running the command?21:27
Glumfishif the programs aren't installed21:27
gary__no it does not21:27
cbreakgary__: in the live usb, it should show up as something21:29
cbreakas what?21:29
cbreakrun lshw on it, then pastebin the result21:30
cbreak(run it as root)21:30
gary__how do i pastbin never used it21:30
cbreakit should start with "description: Bluetooth wireless interface" or similar21:30
valoriepastebinit is the easiest21:31
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit21:31
cbreakpick some pastebin site. Don't know a good general purpose one.21:32
valoriethe ubuntu one works fine21:33
cbreakseemed to require creating an account21:34
valoriepastebin.com is anonymous -- don't know if it's dodgy or not21:36
Glumfishthere's also termbin21:37
gary__ok i did21:39
gary__now what21:39
valoriewhat's the URL?21:40
Glumfishyou use netcat to upload stuff21:40
GlumfishI first saw it I think in the C Programming channel in libera21:40
cbreakgary__: you have to give us the url of your upload, otherwise we can't see what you uploaded21:41
cbreakgary__: I don't see the bluetooth device in that list21:50
cbreakare you sure you ran this command as root?21:50
cbreakon the live system, where bluetooth works?21:50
gary__i know its weird it shows up in the info center in kde but no where else21:51
gary__do i need to run lshw as sudo21:51
cbreakif you don't have a root shell, yes, sudo will also do it21:51
gary__ok i will try that21:52
gary__i found it21:56
gary__*-usb:0 UNCLAIMED21:56
gary__                   description: Bluetooth wireless interface21:56
gary__                   vendor: Qualcomm Atheros Communications21:56
gary__                   physical id: 221:56
gary__                   bus info: usb@2:221:56
cbreakdoesn't look like it's found21:58
cbreakyou sure that it works?21:58
gary__yeah it worked before upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 and both live install usbs it works but ounce it is installed bluetooth does not work on 22.0421:59
cbreakyes. that's why I told you to run it on the live usb22:00
cbreakso that we can see with what driver it works22:00
gary__kde info center sees it but it say unclaimed22:00
gary__its a qualcom artheros it aslo has my wifi in the same chip the wifi works but not the bluetooth22:04
gary__its running on 5.15 kernel22:04
gary__i think it said22:05
gary__ok im out of here i will try another day or give it 30 days then i will have to distro hop cause i need my bluetooth to work for my credit card reader22:06
cbreakgary__: just do what I told you :/22:07
cbreakrun lshw22:07
gary__thanks for the help22:07
cbreakfind out what driver is used on the live usb22:07
cbreakthen start using the same thing on the real system22:07
gary__how do i do that22:07
cbreakby booting in the live usb22:07
cbreakruning lshw as before (as root)22:07
=== k_ is now known as k__
gary__and then do lshw22:08
cbreaklooking at what driver is used for the bluetooth thing22:08
=== k__ is now known as k__2
cbreakthat was the whole point of lshw22:08
cbreakto find out what driver is used22:08
gary__thank i will try that22:08
gary__have a good one22:09
gary__thank you22:09
k__2i install kubuntu 22.04 on virtualbox and have no any sound... (mint work with sound - ok)  how to fix?22:09
jojjeHello, what is the reason for kubuntu shipping with Thunderbird and not Kmail?22:14
mparilloThe Ubuntu project can and will support Thunderbird.23:25
mparilloEspecially on an LTS, it may be hard to backport kmail fixes.23:25
mparilloFor three years.23:25

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