
sarnoldcamibohp: check half-way through the text on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-April/000279.html00:00
sarnoldcamibohp: you can use do-release-upgrade -d if you're impatient :)00:00
camibohpNo isn't necessary with '-d' switch. I'll wait.00:01
Cromulentso how many of you have updated to 22.04 now that it has been released? Or are you going to wait a bit until 22.04.1?03:31
Cromulentnone of my stuff is really essential so I guess updating my servers won't hurt much03:32
lotuspsychjeCromulent: for production servers its mostly reccomended to go the LTS way, wait till next .109:21
lotuspsychjeCromulent: your personal choice if you want to early test some server upgrade09:21
athosgood morning :)11:00
yurtesengood afternoon :)11:45
ahasenackquick poll, when the title of a documentation section says "network users authentication", what do you think it means?14:10
ahasenackI'm trying to come up with a good name14:10
sdezielahasenack: AD/LDAP, kerberos, yp14:11
ahasenackmy candidates are14:11
ahasenackRemote Authentication14:11
ahasenackRemote Users Authentication14:11
ahasenackIntegrating Network Users14:12
ahasenackIntegrating Remote Users14:12
ahasenackCentralized User Authentication (but this section is about a client config, not server)14:12
sdezielall good candidates, would need to read the document in question to form an opinion ;)14:16
ahasenackit's about sssd, and people don't necessarily know what it is14:17
ahasenackso I want to rename it14:17
ahasenackso people can find it14:17
ahasenackit's this https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd14:17
ahasenackSSSD, SSSD and AD, SSSD and LDAP, SSSD LDAP Kerberos14:18
ahasenackI want to drop "SSSD" from the title, use something more meaningful14:18
ahasenack"Network Users Authentication", "Integrating with AD", "Integrating with LDAP", and so on perhaps14:18
ahasenackand split the doc, currently it's all in one huge page14:19
ahasenackI'll start with the split, and then worry about the names14:21
sdezielahasenack: since this is centered around SSSD, I'd personally keep it in the top title: "Network User Authentication with SSSD". The "Integrating with $foo" subtitles sound good to me.14:29
sdezielmy 2 cents :)14:30
sdezielI only glanced at the doc but liked what I saw14:33
tomreyni very much like the idea of making a solution searchable by *not only* its abbreviated or not-so-telling long name.18:07
ahasenackit's live18:26
ahasenackI mean, I made the changes and they are published18:26
ahasenackI'm moving on now to the ldap section, it also needs some reorg18:26
tomreyn"firewall", too. it starts with ufw.18:31
tomreynand getting some of https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html integrated into the AutoInstall guides would be suuuuper helpful.18:35
ahasenackis that link at least in a comment somewhere in the server guide discourse?18:36
ahasenackif you wouldn't mind, go to the page in the server guide in ubuntu.com/server/docs18:36
ahasenackscroll to the bottom, there is a link to the source of that page, it's a topic in discourse, then just add a comment to that topic with the link18:36
tomreynit is now at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/automated-server-install-quickstart/16614/41?u=tomreyn18:42
tomreynthank you for working on documentation.18:44
ahasenackwow, that article has a ton of comments18:44
ahasenackI should try that method myself18:45
tomreynthe other articles in the installation section also have a lot of comments, including the other autoinstall page(s)18:46

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