
BrianHechinger[mOvenWerk1: On FFADO Studio Controls claims it's creating the pulse bridges but actually doesn't. :(08:27
BrianHechinger[mOk, Pulse may need a kick in the butt: `AutoJack - DEBUG - Pulseaudio: Connection failure: Connection refused`08:28
BrianHechinger[mOvenWerk1: Ok, here's the status. 64/2 start and runs fine. Well, it failed once, had to switch back to 128 then back to 64 but it did eventually start up and work as expected. 32/2, however, is weird. It tries to start but can't connect to Pulse. After this start attempt studio-controls is hung and I need to `kill -9` it. Pulse is also left is a funky state and I need to restart it as well.08:49
BrianHechinger[mat that point everything is hung08:49
BrianHechinger[mI can't `pulseaudio -k`. I need to `kill -9` both studio-controls and pulseaudio.08:51
BrianHechinger[mOk, 64/2 works and is stable so that'll be fine. :-D09:00
neffHello guys!I have a lame question,but...i can't upgrade my 21.10 to 22.04. Any help?10:07
twbuncho[m]1That's what I get,So I use iso clean install method10:08
neffNo way man.This system a 8 years old(upgraded many times).So clean install it's not a way.10:09
twbuncho[m]1are you using sudo do-release-upgrade10:10
neffTried it10:10
neffSay no new distro found or something like this10:11
neffdo-release-upgrade -m desktop10:11
twbuncho[m]1no new release found10:11
neffnot work10:11
neffI can upgrade to dev version...but i want real LTS :D10:12
twbuncho[m]1I did not type -m deskto[10:12
neffdid it10:12
neffnot work10:14
neffAny advice guys?Somebody?10:53
twbuncho[m]1Normally, Short Term release version will not have new version upgrade delay10:54
BrianHechinger[mI'm so glad I started making my desktop easier to rebuild. I just did a fresh install of 22.04 (which has the benefit of not dragging all my filth with it)12:08
tomreynneff: https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-22-04-lts-release-notes/ has notes on upgrading12:10
neff<tomreyn> It's cool,but it's not work13:03
neffI follow every step from their instructions and it's keep saing no new version found13:04
twbuncho[m]1<neff> "I follow every step from their..." <- Use USB Media Clean Install13:11
neff<twbuncho[m]1> man it's not an option.I need upgrade.13:28
neffI don't wanna spend hours to configure everything from zero13:29
BrianHechinger[mBah, still getting the firewire crash with FFADO. :(13:32
OvenWerk1neff, I think the upgrade may not work untill 22.04.115:05
OvenWerk1Eickmeyer: ^^^ would that be true? is there a way to bypass that?15:24
OvenWerk1neff: you will get the dev version 22.04.0 untill 22.04.1 releases if I understand right15:25
EickmeyerLTS -> LTS is delayed until after the release of 22.04.1, and upgrading *at all* is delayed due to a few showstopper bugs in the upgrade mechanism.15:27
EickmeyerAlso, we don't support LTS -> LTS upgrades due to the DE change.15:27
OvenWerk1Eickmeyer: in this case 21.10 to 22.0415:28
EickmeyerOvenWerk1: Yeah, there's still some upgrade items that need to be worked out yet, that's in the Ubuntu release notes. This is why ALL release notes need to be read.15:29
OvenWerk1neff: so the real answer is upgrade is not working yet15:29
=== Eickmeyer changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Ubuntu Studio Support | Mostly active 1500-0300 UTC | Offtopic in #ubuntustudio-offtopic | Supported releases: 20.04 LTS, 21.10, 22.04 LTS | READ RELEASE NOTES FIRST! | Upgrades to 22.04 LTS are disabled for now | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Please be patient and see !morehelp if no one is around.
jazzslaghi, how do I restart Ubuntu Studio Controls from the command line? 21:08
jazzslagI've used the autojack command but I'm wondering if there might be another 21:09
OvenWerk1jazzslag: studio-controls for any recent version will start the gui.21:25
OvenWerk1studio-controls will start autojack if it is not already running21:26
OvenWerk1if you actually have ubuntu-studio-controls... you should probably upgade. That is a number of years old by now21:26
jazzslagthanks but I meant restarting jack while it is already running 21:43
* twbuncho[m]1 uploaded an image: (382KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hBJLYOQMQtEvngQAgXtiWECB/image.png >21:46
twbuncho[m]1Start or Restart JACK,no need command21:47
jazzslagI know but I want an automated solution - I'm trying to do it via a Python script as part of a larger system 21:48
* twbuncho[m]1 uploaded an image: (729KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/xBqkwAXQpvIijOyCZdmBRqDR/image.png >22:11
twbuncho[m]1Small bug of Light/Dark Change22:12
jazzslagthat's lovely 22:14
jazzslagif anyone knows this command it'd be great lol 22:14
Eickmeyerjazzslag: There's no command line for studio-controls as it's only a gui to control autojack.23:11
Eickmeyertwbuncho[m]1: That is a known bug with gtk/qt. Simply go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Colors, go to a different color scheme, apply, go to your desired color scheme, click apply again. That's a workaround, but it's a bug with Plasma, not ours.23:12
jazzslagso the autojack command might be my best bet? 23:13
Eickmeyerjazzslag: autojack simply parses a config in ~/.config/autojack and also has no command line.23:13
EickmeyerThe entire point of studio-controls and autojack is to make it easier for users to use Jack and not have to use the terminal.23:14
jazzslagi get that, and it definitely solves audio problems I was experiencing with 'vanilla' ubuntu23:15
EickmeyerIn the future I hope to make a Plasma widget that can start/stop Jack from the systray.23:16
EickmeyerBut OvenWerk1 is the primary dev.23:17
EickmeyerOn studio-controls.23:17
jazzslagthe main reason is that the program i'm running (a threaded python program with overlapping playback of samples) seems to be causing xruns 23:19
Eickmeyerjazzslag: You don't have to run studio-controls at the same time Jack is running. Once it's running, you can safely close it.23:20
jazzslagi get that also, all i want to do is restart the jack server from the command line 23:21
EickmeyerThen what I'd do if I were you is learn how to use Jack directly from the command line.23:21
Eickmeyerhttps://jackaudio.org is a good place to start.23:22
EickmeyerBecause, to be honest, I don't know how myself.23:23
jazzslaglol I was really hoping to avoid getting into the guts of Jack. appreciate the help though 23:25
EickmeyerNo prob. BTW, I don't know of a single jack controller that provides a command-line control beyond dbus interfaces, which is its own ball of wax.23:26
jazzslagI had a feeling this would be tricksy, I'll have a think, there must be a workaround  23:31
EickmeyerMost people, when they need a custom solution, build custom scripts, which gets very tricky and builds a lot of trial/error. If you're getting xruns, my guess is studio-controls is probably not the culpret since it's literally the process running Jack.23:33
EickmeyerIf you have a USB interface, you might try making sure you're using these settings: https://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/list_of_jack_frame_period_settings_ideal_for_usb_interface23:34
EickmeyerRather, it's not the process running Jack.23:34
EickmeyerIt provides literally zero overhead.23:35
ubottu#ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.23:37
jazzslagAh great thanks for the link, (samplerate/buffersize)*period might be the culprit, I'll try it tomorrow. My orig hunch was that it was a problem with playing multiple audio streams via python threading23:43
Eickmeyerjazzslag: Yeah, likely not. While studio-controls is written in Python, it isn't running if the gui isn't running. It was written in such a way that it has no overhead.23:44

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