
xu-irc55wwell done on the release04:50
tux2bsdthe download verification stuff should be more clearly represented on the xubuntu site09:39
tux2bsdcurrently you know what you're looking for and what to do...09:40
tux2bsdthe ubuntu dowload page presents validation command snippets09:41
tux2bsdbut the xubuntu site leaves new users exposed (because they simply don't know)09:42
tux2bsdat least an equivalent to https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu#1-overview09:45
tux2bsd*currently you *need to* know what you're looking for and what to do...09:49
NeoCortex4Hej I'm on 21.10 and would like to upgrade to 22.04 but Whisker -> Settings Manager -> Software Updater says my system is up to date?!09:56
tux2bsdwhile it is released it isn't being distributed via the update mechanism yet10:06
tux2bsdprobably not far away (I don't know, I'm a user not affiliated with the project)10:06
tux2bsdAlso, whenever there's a new LTS you're better off doing a full reinstall.  copy /home and or if it's on a separate partition - whatever floats your boat10:10
NeoCortex4ah okay, didnt know it was just simply not distributed yet. thanks10:41
knhello, can i upgrade 20.04 to 22.04 ?10:51
xu-help20wCan someone answer a simple question for me?  Can I do a "sudo apt-get dist upgrade" from 20.4.4 to Jammy or is there a different/better/easier approach?12:18
NeoCortex4xu-help20w as far as i know you can also do it with the gui  Whisker -> Settings Manager -> Software Updater12:58
NeoCortex4but as tux2bsd earlyer said jammy isnt distributed yet, so you wont get it both ways.12:58
NeoCortex4only iso donwload and full install will get you to jammy right now.12:58
NeoCortex4but take that all with caution, as i'm no expert at all!12:58
NeoCortex4also the correct command will be "sudo apt dist-upgrade" once it becomes avaible13:01
comeon2204I just want to report that after the upgrade to xubuntu 22.04, the performance of x2goclient (remote desktop) to connect to a remote linux machine from windows are so horrible that you cannot use it... Something like a lag of 5 seconds for each action/click! And there is much garbage on the screen of the remote session... I wonder if I can14:17
comeon2204reinstall the old x2go version of 20.04...14:17
comeon2204Ok, I just fixed the problem with x2go.14:21
NeoCortex4what was it?14:21
comeon2204You have to disable windows compositing in the xubuntu settings panel14:21
comeon2204then x2go will back to work without problems14:21
comeon2204with 20.04 x2go disabled automatically the compositing when you used a remote session14:21
comeon2204with 22.04 no...14:22
comeon2204mmmh... it looks it's a known bug pf XFCE: https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/-/issues/55115:10
ubottuIssue 551 in xfce/xfwm4 "Compositing causes rendering issues with 4.16" [Opened]15:10
xu-irc71whow can i install postgresql15:23
xu-irc71wanybody is active?15:27
xu-irc71whi there15:27
xu-irc71whow can i install postgresql15:37
GridCloudxu-irc71w: searched it on the software center?15:41
GridCloudthe package should be there according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/postgresql15:42
GridCloudif you can't find it on the software center then doing a "sudo apt update && sudo apt install postgresql-common" should do it15:43
chaslinuxparole is complaining about the gstreamer backend for encrypted dvds. I have libdvd-pkg installed and ran dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg to install libdvdcss2. Vlc plays dvds fine. For the moment I created a script for our xubuntu 22.04 installs to use vlc instead. If you're doing single machines you can just change it under15:46
chaslinuxthunar-volman-settings/multimedia, but I scripted it with the following line: xfconf-query -c thunar-volman -p /autoplay-video-cds/command -s 'vlc dvd://'15:46
chaslinuxAlso installed a few of the gstreamer-plugins, but ugly didn't seem to help.15:47
chaslinuxI'm sure I missed something15:47
xu-irc71wthanks a lot16:17
xu-irc71wi solved16:17
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