[02:45] this is not really a support question, more of an observation: i have a 22.04 desktop running in virtualbox (18.04 host). i'm logged into the desktop, and after some minutes, the desktop locks as it should. however, it only seems to lock while the display is active, cuasing it to not actually lock until i switch back to the virtualbox application window it is running in. i.e. when i switch to the logged in desktop after 5+ minutes i [02:45] first see the logged-in desktop for a second, which then locks immediately. [02:46] this doesn't seem like it is as it should be, in terms of security. [02:47] hello [02:48] now i don't know whether this is a special behaviour of virtualbox (maybe it actually takes and displays a screenshot there as a convenience), but this seems to be a change compared to 20.04 [02:53] it's indeed an old screen that is showing there. could be wayland + virtualbox related. [03:22] good morning [06:52] https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/04/ubuntu-22-04-release-unique-feature/ [07:18] morn morn [14:46] if people haven't figured out already, PhotonRay/AutisticPenguin was Kolusion [14:48] morning leftyfb [14:48] morning [14:50] that Kolusion is something else. Comes in with what seems to be legitimate questions, gets all pissed of when he doesn't like the responses, goes off on whoever is active and either leaves or gets booted. Then comes back again and starts all over [14:51] a real autistic penguin [14:52] it's telling that they know and make sure to call out one of the IRCOps (Allie) [14:56] are you actually sure ? AutisticPenguin appeared lot more tame than Kolusion [14:56] (way less aggressive) [14:57] 100% [14:59] based on? [15:03] they called me out and Allie as PhotonRay, same (albeit slightly watered down) attitude I mentioned above. Same first 2 ipv6 groups as Kolusion on multiple joins [15:05] that's not 100% to me. === Dukbl_ is now known as Crucifyy [15:33] 2 mentions of Microsoft/Windows and Richard Stallman? Both topics they are obsessed with as Kolusion [15:37] High similarity (anything below 100%, incl. 99,9999) and proof (100%) are different things. [15:42] either way, they have made it clearly known they do not want to be allowed in #ubuntu. Once you are convinced they are Kolusion, I hope they are dealt with appropriately [15:59] It does look very similar (if not 100%), and they have been ban evading before. we'll see.