
ThomasWard[m]tomreyn: may I make a suggestion?00:14
ThomasWard[m]you already told Lubuntu about ours, then you prod Studio, who else you prodding with things?  Headers sometimes are annoying and useful but at the same time they can cause grief00:15
ThomasWard[m]just look through the hellstorm on discourse.lubuntu.me in the support threads before I got the CSP juuuust right to get everything working00:15
ThomasWard[m]THEN look how complicated that crap got in the CSP record00:16
ThomasWard[m]<Eickmeyer> "tomreyn: It's also Wordpress, so..." <- most of these things get applied @ web server level before handed off to PHP00:16
ThomasWard[m]see discourse.lubuntu.me, lubuntu.me, etc.00:16
ThomasWard[m]and literally any site i've worked on and run :P00:16
tomreynThomasWard[m]: sorry if i got no your nerves by suggesting imrpovements on multiple channels. i wasn't aware you host / manage all of these sites. (i did mention CSP can be complicated.)01:28
ThomasWard[m]i don't02:39
ThomasWard[m]not for studio anyways02:39
ThomasWard[m]but it's one of those "Yikes we don't all have touchy power" on them all02:39
ThomasWard[m]for Lubuntu I do02:39
ThomasWard[m]as for Studio... :P02:39
ThomasWard[m]IS runs that, they have some kind of templated wordpress instance and stuff02:39
ThomasWard[m]so no way to easily add headers02:39
BrianHechinger[mEickmeyer: how do I test from proposed? I followed the directions to enable it but after `apt update` studio controls is still the "newest version" in other words, not the one from proposed.10:28
EickmeyerBrianHechinger[m: From Konsole (this is a kludge workaround for now because of a breakage), type "sudo software-properties-qt". Go to the "Developer Options" tab, check "Pre-Release Updates" box. Close the window, allow it to do its refresh, then back in Konsole, "sudo apt install studio-controls".15:40
EickmeyerLet studio-controls upgrade, then reverse what you did before in software-properties-qt as to not accidentally grab other packages in an update.15:41
Eickmeyer[m]Ok, so I can see that my messages didn't make it across the bridge, so let's do this again.16:43
Eickmeyer[m]<BrianHechinger[m> "Eickmeyer: how do I test from..." <- From Konsole (this is a kludge workaround for now because of a breakage), type "sudo software-properties-qt". Go to the "Developer Options" tab, check "Pre-Release Updates" box. Close the window, allow it to do its refresh, then back in Konsole, "sudo apt install studio-controls".16:44
Eickmeyer[m]Let studio-controls upgrade, then reverse what you did before in software-properties-qt as to not accidentally grab other packages in an update.16:44
BrianHechinger[mOk, I'll try that. I did the nerd terminal way of adding the apt sources by hand. 😜17:48
EickmeyerBrianHechinger[m: I tell the guy I work for that's doing Linux on hard mode. I prefer easy mode myself. XD19:59
BrianHechinger[m<Eickmeyer> "Brian Hechinger: I tell the..." <- I've been doing UNIX since the early 90s. The hard way is the right way. 🤣20:40
OvenWerk1The hard way is the easy way?21:31

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