
AHemlocksLieI just installed Xubuntu 22.04, and I had hoped to set it up with /home on a separate drive and with both / and /home encrypted, but the installer absolutely refused to handle that properly, so I was forced to install everything on the one disk. How can I set up /home on another partition so that it's encrypted and decrypts at boot, ideally with the same key?03:33
comeon2204Hi, after the upgrade to 22.04, the xfce4-sensors-plugin doesn't show hdd smart temperatures... That's strange, because the gnome-disk-utility correctly displays disk temperatures, and the hddtemp command too...08:46
comeon2204What can I check to find out why the plugin doesn't show anymore the hdd temps?08:49
Unit193I'd say it's no longer built with hddtemp support, since that's going away.08:54
comeon2204mmmh... Yes that happens to be the case... So there is no other way to see hdd temperatures on the xfce4 panel?08:55
Unit193If you try the impy package, does that work?08:55
comeon2204sorry for the ignorance, what is an impy package?08:56
Unit193...Me being lazy, impish package.08:56
Unit193You could use genmon, or sensors built with hddtemp support?08:56
comeon2204do you mean the 21.10 release?08:56
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-sensors-plugin/1.4.2-1 or that, better yet.08:57
comeon2204that's an older version than the current one, but it's newer than the previous one on 20.04 (which worked with hddtemp). Does it shows hdd temperatures?09:00
Unit193My guess is it will, since the hddtemp support was disabled in the very next upload.09:00
xu-help37wcan we upgrade from xubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04LTS ? tried in terminal but it said no LTS packages available09:01
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d09:01
Unit193(Yes, but do you want to? is the gist)09:02
Unit193Sure thing.09:02
comeon2204But why they had to remove the only way to read hdd temps from xfce4-sensors-plugin, without offer an alternative? Security problems? Bugs? I used that nice function from years without apparent problems...09:06
Unit193It was done with regards to Debian, not Ubuntu's timeline unfortunately.  See Debian 990051, #1001946.09:08
ubottuDebian bug 990051 in xfce4-sensors-plugin "xfce4-sensors-plugin tries to run hddtemp, complains when it cannot find it." [Normal, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/99005109:08
ubottuDebian bug 1001946 in xfce4-sensors-plugin "xfce4-sensors-plugin: Please disable hddtemp support" [Minor, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/100194609:08
ubottuDebian bug 1002484 in ftp.debian.org "RM: hddtemp -- ROM; dead upstream, better alternatives" [Normal, Open]09:08
Unit193(I did that, sorry about that.)09:09
comeon2204well, there was a fix for that, then it worked flawless09:10
Unit193Basically sensors needs to use drivetemp now.09:10
comeon2204and when they say "better alternatives", what are these better alternatives? I see no suggested alternative to show hdd temps on the xfce4 panel...09:11
Unit193Better alternatives for the source of data, xfce4-sensors-plugin just doesn't use it. :/09:11
comeon2204ok, so we should just complain with the xfce4-sensors-plugin developers because they disabled an useful function without offering a valid alternative...09:13
Unit193Well, more useful to ask for drivetemp support upstream?09:13
comeon2204whatever solution it could work to show temps on the xfce4 panel would be nice. :-)09:15
comeon2204sorry, I'm just a simple (sometimes a bit ungrateful :D) user, I don't know where and how to request for hdd temps on the xfce4 panel for 22.04 LTS09:19
Unit193Well, you won't already have an account on gitlab.xfce.org then. :/09:20
Unit193(I checked the issues filed there, didn't happen to see one about drivetemp for xfce4-sensors-plugin.)09:20
dreamonHello. I killed my toolbar. I have a backup. Where can I find find it?15:03
dreamonfound it15:33
dreamonIt look like I lost my panel-profile. But having a backup of complete installation. I found all profiles, but I never saved my selfmade profile. where can I find it? 16:35
dreamonI wanted to remove some objects on panel and press "-", so I removed hole panel. :(16:35
xu-irc51wHi, I dont see a 32bit version for 22.04 downloads, wont there be any?17:15
tomreynxu-irc51w: no. just like there haven't been for 20.04.17:19
xu-irc51wok thanks17:19
tomreynxu-irc51w: you're welcome. linux support for this platform is generally wearing thin, but you could look for help finding alternative distros in #linux17:22
tomreyn(after ensuring your hardware is not actually amd64 capable)17:23
xu-irc51wthanks, it is as I am running 20.04. So I confused myself since a Kali install into my VM allowed only the 32bit there.  Will there be an update over the existing system or do I need to re-install it all?17:24
tomreynxu-irc51w: you can't really convert a 32-bit to a 64-bit installation17:33
tomreynxu-irc51w: dpkg --print-architecture     tells you what is installed17:33
tomreyn"i?86" is 32-bit, "amd64" is 64-bit17:34
xu-irc51wit is amd6417:35
xu-irc51wsorry for this basic questions, it is the first time I am going through an upgrade.  If you could help me with this: do I need to do a complete re-install of the new download or is there an upgrade over the existing that preserves installed apps?17:36
tomreynxu-irc51w: no worries, your questions are fine, that's what this channel and (the somehwat more frequented) #ubuntu are for17:45
tomreynxu-irc51w: you will be able to upgrade from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS as soon as this upgrade path is enabled, which is probably going to be sometime this summer, usually soon after the 22.04.1 release17:48
tomreynyou can also do an unsupported / untested upgrade before that, using     update-manager -d     (GUI upgrade) or    do-release-upgrade -d     (textual upgrade)17:49
tomreynbefore upgrading, make sure you have complete and recent backups17:50
xu-irc51wok, thank you Tom17:57
tomreynyou're welcome :)18:01
tomreynhttps://xubuntu.github.io/xubuntu-docs/ is where you can find the official documentation18:03
tomreynBe sure to also read https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-22-04-released/ as well as https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668 before upgrading18:04
xu-irc51wthanks, will do18:11
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