
IrcsomeBot<O_OSP_BCF_OFFI> Hello πŸ‘‹00:16
IrcsomeBot<O_OSP_BCF_OFFI> Is there a early release of Kubuntu 22.04.1?00:16
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YeldhamIs anyone else unable to upgrade to the latest Kubuntu version?02:26
YeldhamIt just says that everything is up to date.02:27
YeldhamMy current version is 21.10, by the way.02:33
EickmeyerYeldham: Upgrades are disabled for now due to some outstanding bugs related to upgrades, it's documented in the release notes.02:46
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IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> ufw BLOCKS hotsppot generated by laptop unable to connect to my laptop hotspot by any device.03:43
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> http://ix.io/3W4l03:43
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> dmesg logs03:43
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IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> I come from Development Branch and the upgrade to the final version is ok08:41
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> I come from Development Branch and the upgrade to the final version is ok (if it can help)08:42
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> So, sudo do-release-upgrade -d will work? (re @Technopat_Official: I come from Development Branch and the upgrade to the final version is ok (if it can help))10:58
keithzgI certainly went to Jammy from Impish myself using `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`11:45
keithzgAn impatient sort, I am :) Well, for systems where stability isn't as much of a concern, at least; on some of the servers at work I'm still running 18.04, even!11:47
guruprasadI upgraded from Kubuntu 21.10 with the kubuntu-backports PPA enabled to the jammy development release ~10 days ago. The system has been working fine after the upgrade but I noticed that the Kubuntu logo is missing in the 'About this system' system settings page.11:53
guruprasadI suspect that this could be an issue specific to my computer because I saw at least one other person who dist-upgraded from a similar setup not having this issue. Any idea what the issue could be and what I should check?11:53
guruprasadThe `kubuntu-settings-desktop` was marked as `Residual config` and reinstalling it with `apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-settings-desktop` appears to have fixed this issue.11:57
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> has worked for me yes (re @Anarchotaoist: So, sudo do-release-upgrade -d will work?)12:30
BluesKajHi all12:32
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> has worked for me yes, but the -d option defines that you go into dev.branch (re @Anarchotaoist: So, sudo do-release-upgrade -d will work?)12:33
Guest87hello i need help installing usb wifi drivers12:34
Guest87whenever i try to install it it gives "EFI variables are not supported on this system" this error12:35
Glumfishhow did you try to install them and for what device?12:35
Guest87i tried to install them from github in Kubuntu 22.04 usingΒ  "kelebek333/rtl8188fu"12:37
BluesKaj@Technopat_Officialyes, due to Jammy's LTS status -d will work til the next .1 upgrade12:37
Guest87sorry i don't understand12:39
BluesKajGuest87, my answer wasn't to your question12:39
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> true, for those who come from 22.10 & 20.04 if I'm right (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> @Technopat_Officialyes, due to Jammy's LTS status -d will work til the next .1 upgrade)12:40
Guest87BluesKaj, okay!!12:40
BluesKaj@Technopat_Official, don't worry, just use -d , it should work12:41
Guest87Glumfish ???12:46
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IrcsomeBot<Roesti> Somebody in here with full disk encryption knowledge, including /boot ?15:01
IrcsomeBot<Roesti> I'm looking specifically to replicate the following guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201915:03
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> hello, i want to install kde on arch. does anyone kni15:42
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> hello, i want to install kde on arch. does anyone knows what i must install that i have same as kubuntu minimal install? the packages from arch install to much what i didnt know and need15:44
GlumfishGernhart: You should refer to the Arch Wiki16:03
GlumfishIt should have instructions for installing the relevant packages and configuration files to install KDE Plasma16:03
GlumfishI believe Manjaro comes with KDE (or at least one of its versions)16:04
ronny_hello, i want tu install kde on arch but there are so many packages.i only want like kubuntu the minimal install.does anyone knows what i need for mininimal install?16:08
ronny_* to oinstall16:08
Glumfishronny_: for this you should refer to the Arch wiki which should have the relevant instructions, otherwise you can look into a arch distribution which comes with KDE preinstalled, such as Manjaro KDE16:10
GlumfishOr you could try out Kubuntu, the KDE flavor of Ubuntu16:10
ronny_Glumfish,  yes i knowthe arch wiki, i tested allpackages but noone is so nice like kubuntu minimalinstall.  i didnt know the packagenames or programnames and dependencies what are listed in arch. kubuntu minimalis the lightest what i ve seen ;)16:13
ronny_sorry,my spacekey is damaged16:13
GlumfishYou can look on the debian package archives to see which packages kubuntu-minimal includes16:15
Glumfishas dependencies16:15
ronny_aha. thx. i will search for it :)16:16
GlumfishThere is a package group called kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-full16:18
GlumfishIt should provide you with a starting point16:18
ronny_i yesterday have installed plasma-desktop but after this i need applications and tthat package was so big. it overblows my system ;)16:21
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> huge update today (already ?) ! 😊17:38
keithzgHmm on a fresh install of Jammy, logging in as a non-admin user I'm getting a "System policy prevents control of network connections", how might I disable that? I don't want that user to be able to control such connections anyways, but the popup is mildly annoying.17:49
keithzgI should mention that the session is via xrdp, which is probably part of the problem.17:54
keithzgI see stuff out there about how to override so that the user has the right privileges, but I don't *want* to give them those privileges. And since dismissing the popup doesn't cause any issues I certainly don't need to get it working.17:55
Penfeldhaving spot of bother attempting to install kubuntu from stick onto half of a 1 tb drive18:00
keithzgPenfeld: What appears to be the problem? That *should* work just fine (in fact the install I was just complaining about a minor problem with above was done with me using the auto-resize to split a 1TB HDD that had Windows installed on it for the installation destination)18:25
Penfeldit refuses to automatically install except onto the whole drive18:27
keithzgWhat specifically do you mean by "refuses"? (That might help pinpoint what's going on)18:29
Penfeldwhen I try to limit it to the non-backup primary partion it reports that it won't likely boot seems as if the usb stick "grabbed" the swap partion which is permenently mounted and thus is "in the way"18:29
keithzgHmm well if that's the case you should be able to simply unmount the swap partition18:30
Penfeldappearently it in use by the live kubuntu18:31
keithzgTry `sudo swapoff -a` if I'm remembering correctly?18:31
Penfeldwait one18:31
keithzgThat should turn off all swap usage, and *then* you should be able to unmount, fingers crossed18:32
keithzg(Could also specify the exact device, ex. `swapoff /dev/sda7` or such, whatever the swap partition is)18:33
Penfeldunmounted and deleted partion18:33
Penfeldbackup partition shows "locked" in kde partition manager now18:34
Penfeldkeithzg: I have 477mb at the beginning of the harddrive that was I believe where grub was loaded then an extended  partition labeled sda3 should it install auto from that do you think?18:39
keithzgPenfeld: Uhh well it depends. If it's a UEFI install for example then the specific partitions start to really matter.18:40
Penfeldthis is an OLD gateway so I don't think uefi is even and option18:41
keithzgFair enough, although things can be quiiiite old and still have UEFI. I think the first system I had that used it was in the 00s?18:42
keithzgHonestly in complicated partition scenarios I've tended to just set things manually.18:44
Penfeldwell I'll be horn swaggled it's only 13 years old18:48
Penfelddo you think deleting the sda3 extended partion would help?18:49
keithzgUnsure what the actual underlying issue is so I'd be hesitant to guess. Also if you're only trying to install to half the drive I'm assuming there's stuff you don't want to clobber?18:49
Penfeldyeah I'm using this as a sandbox to learn linux, right now it's got a bunch of how to and free courses in linux I'm working through and I plan on wrecking every distro installation I try untill I are an sys admin :-)18:52
keithzgHah, well tromping around breaking things is definitely a good way to learn in my own experience18:53
keithzgIf you want to get your feet wet a bit, you could try mounting whatever partition you want to install to, bootstrapping an install there via a chroot, and then from within the chroot run a grub-install :D18:54
PenfeldIve trashed mint 4 times in 2 months and I thought i try kubuntu , my first attempt was fedora i was a duck with a new rolex18:54
keithzgI've resorted to that more than once when fed up with unhelpful installers18:54
PenfeldI was installing starcontrol II when I had a power outage and it broke mint PERIOD18:56
keithzgIf this is indeed an MBR boot rather than a UEFI boot though then there can only be one primary bootloader on the drive, so you'd have to ensure the GRUB of whatever you're usingis picking up the other installations.18:56
keithzgHmm with that in mind have you run disk checks on the partitions? I wonder if some of the reticence to let you install is filesystem states reporting bad.18:56
keithzgAlso if you print out your current partition setup to a pastebin-y instance (ex. `sudo parted --list | pastebinit`) that might help me or someone else unpuzzle this.18:58
Penfeldso the kubuntu installation routine in not attracted to unpartioned space over an non primary? I disk checked before I left mint no errors except source list corruption.18:58
keithzgIt *should* just try and claim unpartitioned space by default. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be in your case.18:59
Penfeldkeithzg: sorry is that what you meant?19:01
keithzgPenfeld: Yup yup19:01
Penfeldim not as dumb as I look i'm breathing....19:01
keithzgHmm now I'm trying to remember how MBR booting worked with extended partitions. Because I see the drive currently just has two partitions: a 512GB extended and a 488GB primary. In theory MBR only boots from primary partitions, although my memory is telling me that was more a Windows limitation than a Linux one? But perhaps if you delete that partition and make it a primary partition. (While the term might seem to imply there can only be one,19:05
keithzgI believe there can be up to 4 primary partitions on a disk using MBR as the partition table scheme)19:05
keithzgAlternatively, you could create another small primary partition and set it as your /boot, and then use the larger partition as the / partition, although with the size of modern kernels and such those boot partitions can fill up pret-ty quick19:06
Penfeldfour is the limit and the extended used to be primary back when had aworking mint system on it19:07
Penfeldif i delete the extended and run install kubuntu might it proceed to install in all the empty space?19:07
keithzgHmm it might, or you might need to delete and then re-create the partition as a primary partition.19:08
keithzgIt certainly seems likely that it's because it's an extended partition that the installer is showing it locked off.19:09
Penfeldmight it give the option of creating a primary out of unused space?19:09
keithzgI'd actually be a bit surprised if it didn't!19:09
PenfeldI've been using ext2 for os since it hates being reset less than ext419:10
Penfeldwell then thank you keith it sounds like a plan19:12
Penfeldgshfty: sorry I don't know what alo is meant to communicate.19:12
keithzgNo problem Penfeld; fingers crossed this works!19:13
PenfeldI must say this is way more help than mint irc ever gave, glad to see it's not wall to wall trolls19:14
keithzgHonestly a big big reason why I've stayed so firmly in the Kubuntu world myself, a lot of nice and helpful folks around these parts :)19:15
Penfeldif  kde works for me I WILL be back to contribute...19:16
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Penfeldnow let's see if I can break this anvil with my plastic shovel...19:17
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Hello19:19
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> I'm upgrading to 22.04 from 21.10 and it's stuck on "Waiting for automatic snapd restart" after installing Firefox snap19:19
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Well, of finally continued19:23
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Can't wait to delete snap and Firefox after the upgrade is done19:23
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Well, it finally continued19:24
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> I can't find the option to use Wayland19:53
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Did you read the release notes? (re @adhooooooooom: I can't find the option to use Wayland)19:57
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Apparently not19:57
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JammyJellyfish/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#Plasma_Wayland_session19:57
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Why is it not supported? (re @RikMills: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JammyJellyfish/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#Plasma_Wayland_session)19:58
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Because it is very buggy for many people still on KDE (re @adhooooooooom: Why is it not supported?)19:58
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> People can test it, but we can't really advertise it as a stable supported option19:59
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Especially considering people's exceptions of an LTS20:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Especially considering people's excpectations of an LTS20:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Especially considering people's expectations of an LTS20:00
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Well, the upgrade didn't break my system so I guess I'll have to do it myself20:01
keithzgIt's the opposite for me on my laptop, X11 has been entirely broken for several releases now whereas Wayland increasingly Just Works, but I always manage to find edge cases haha20:15
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Does screen sharing work for you on Wayland?20:16
keithzgCan't say I've tried, I don't tend to need to share from my laptop, it's far more a client than a server. On my desktop PC I'm still using X11.20:17
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Penfeldhello, I just got kubuntu installed have few questions21:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Ask away and hopefully someone can help.21:58
Penfeldi've been thrown out of kubuntu 3 time in less than 40 mins22:00
Penfeldfresh install I haven't even really any preference setting22:01
Penfeldcould not setting up a kdewallet be an issue?22:03
Penfeldor maybe pulseaudio effects?22:06
valoriePenfeld: can you say what "thrown out" means?22:20
valoriesetting up kwallet will help your experience a great deal22:21
valorieI've rarely had to mess with pulse settings22:21
valorieexcept sometimes with (*^*&^%*&{ zoom22:21
valoriecan't really blame that on kubuntu -- win users have the same issues22:21
Penfeldpopped back to splash screen to logon all applications stopped files closed22:22
valorieI can't recall that ever happening22:22
valorieto me, or in reports here22:23
valorielog files might be useful22:23
Penfeldadditionally I required reentering network password22:23
valoriebut I'm not the person who can read that stuff22:23
PenfeldI'm basically just making sure I'm not the cause.22:24
valoriewell that is more logged out than I've ever been except a fresh install with no existing $HOME22:24
valoriekwallet will def. help with the logging in process22:24
PenfeldI know I have audio issues low volume so that's why used pulse effects22:25
valorieI set the password to be the same as my login/sudo22:25
Penfeldhome wait22:25
valoriebecause otherwise IT will make you login to it22:25
valorieyour home is your $username22:26
Penfeldok i have a home directory22:26
valoriemine is valorie to keep it simple22:26
valorieright, that is where user files are22:26
valorienothing that requires sudo22:27
PenfeldI had some partitioning hoops22:27
valoriewhich is why you never use sudo if you don't need to22:27
valorieit messes with user perms22:27
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:27
valorieI need to fold some laundry22:27
Penfeldbe there done that used t-shirt for dusting furniture decades ago22:28
Penfeldi wasn't able to tell it I didn't want a wallpaper, so i selected picture a day and neglected to provide a source seems to have set the desktop background to a nice eyestrain green22:38
valorieyou should be able to right-click on the desktop and tell it no background22:43
PenfeldI also changed store wpa2 password to unencrypted for all users and it now seems to remember it, was than nesecessary?22:43
* valorie is old enough to remember when all screens were green, all the time22:43
valoriePenfeld: seems so22:44
Penfeldthis is the green of expensive accounting journal blanks...22:44
Penfeldnope the no picture was not an option that i could see22:45
Penfeldwait it filled in nasa for my daily picture and added plain color as an option, most peculiar22:47
Penfeldmy computer is psychotic it can read minds... just not mine22:48
Penfeldwell i'm going to try starting firefox again and see if it boots me22:51
Guest69how do you upgrade to 22.04? do-release-upgrade?23:13

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