
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
Guest68what is the best way to upgrade to 22.04?02:32
Guest6895what is the best way to upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04?02:42
mybalzitchwait until 22.04.0103:12
mybalzitchor a couple weeks afterwards03:12
NealRameupgraded to 22.04 from 21.10 (had to pass -d to do-release-upgrade, strangely)03:49
NealRamezero issues so far. Great work as always, thanks team!03:50
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> hello friends. i will leave kde . i cant believe that the developer put telemetry into system. dont trust it even if it is disabled04:26
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> hello friends. i think i will leave kde . i cant believe that the developer put telemetry into system. dont trust it even if it is disabled04:32
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> hello friends. i think i will leave kde . i cant believe that the developer put telemetry into system. dont trust it even if it is disabled.thats so pity04:33
IrcsomeBot<daanota> ???05:00
IrcsomeBot<Gernhart> https://community.kde.org/Telemetry_Use (re @daanota: ???)05:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Your over active paranoia is not a support question. Anyway, you can have your wish. Bye. (re @Gernhart: hello friends. i think i will leave kde . i cant believe that the developer put telemetry into system. dont trust it even if it is disabled.thats so pity)05:23
IrcsomeBot<daanota> I mean, when you run update, the servers will get certain info from your PC. Disable the rest of the info. Else, don't use tech ever.05:25
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f062c7bc/giphy.mp405:26
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Did anybody try Krusader SuperUser Mode in Kubuntu 22.04  ?_?07:20
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> By the way, the created user account was automatically added by default to the WHEEL group...07:21
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Is it set-up by default like this ??07:21
IrcsomeBot<Андрей> Same here. I can't pass through password window, even in Muon when I try to edit repositories. (re @MartinVonReichenberg: By the way, the created user account was automatically added by default to the WHEEL group...07:36
IrcsomeBot<Андрей> Is it set-up by default like this ??)07:36
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Exactly (re @Андрей: Same here. I can't pass through password window, even in Muon when I try to edit repositories.)07:36
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=452532 (re @MartinVonReichenberg: Did anybody try Krusader SuperUser Mode in Kubuntu 22.04  ?_?)07:37
ubottuKDE bug 452532 in frameworks-kdesu "kdesu not working after upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04" [Major, Confirmed]07:37
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Thanks for notifying . . . (re @RikMills: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=452532)07:40
ubottuKDE bug 452532 in frameworks-kdesu "kdesu not working after upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04" [Major, Confirmed]07:40
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> We shall have to see what happens with that bug. Very few KDE things use kdesu now. Most use polkit etc get root perms07:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> krusader is an outlier in that respect.....07:42
=== pick is now known as ick
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> i am unable to connect to the hotspot generated by laptop if i use any security key like (WPA1)09:03
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> i am unable to connect to the hotspot generated by laptop if i use any security key like (WPA2)09:03
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> @RikMills sry to tag just if u can help me in this?09:05
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Sorry, I don't have any insight to off on that one (re @niksingh710: @RikMills sry to tag just if u can help me in this?)09:06
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Sorry, I don't have any insight to offer on that one (re @niksingh710: @RikMills sry to tag just if u can help me in this?)09:06
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Perhaps KDE Wallet?11:04
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> Or to check daemons if there is a disabled service related to this one . . . (re @niksingh710: i am unable to connect to the hotspot generated by laptop if i use any security key like (WPA2))11:04
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> I have not configured kde wallet will see that.11:06
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> Can u tell me how I can check daemons? (re @MartinVonReichenberg: Perhaps KDE Wallet?11:06
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> Or to check daemons if there is a disabled service related to this one . . .)11:06
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> http://ix.io/3W4l (re @MartinVonReichenberg: Perhaps KDE Wallet?11:06
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> Or to check daemons if there is a disabled service related to this one . . .)11:06
IrcsomeBot<niksingh710> This is my dmesg output11:06
BluesKajHi all12:00
user|42in kubuntu 22.04, widgets are not stable, widgets always reposition after reboot13:59
GlumfishI wonder if he was using X11 or Wayland (user | 42) because on X11 I've have had to disable kscreen2 and use a xranrd script as I get weird behaviours with plasma otherwise14:15
IrcsomeBot<Akash> Did anyone notice in Kubuntu 22.04 have widget bug . if you add widget in a desktop side in  perfect manner. After reboot it appears in the center or I called reposition.14:24
GlumfishAkash does only the widgets reposition or the whole desktop including wallpaper?14:28
IrcsomeBot<pasha512> W26414:31
Tiger0404Hey I'm new at Kubuntu14:42
Tiger0404How to upgrade from 21.04 to 22 without loosing data???14:42
GlumfishBefore an upgrade you should always take a backup14:43
GlumfishBut when the upgrades are enabled you shouldn't loose any data14:43
Glumfishkeep in mind that for the time being upgrades are disabled14:43
GlumfishThey should be enabled in a couple of days (according to canonical)14:43
Tiger0404So the system upgrade will be available in a couple of days?14:44
Tiger0404Thanks Glumfish14:44
GlumfishTiger0404: Nothing in your home directory should be touched by an upgrade although if you have any custom configurations that are not properly placed they may get overwritten14:44
GlumfishYou can check for an upgrade using `sudo do-release-upgrade`14:45
GlumfishBut you should be notified14:45
Tiger0404Great thanks!14:45
Tiger0404Now getting in this beautiful Linux World14:46
Tiger0404Tried Ubuntu and Xubuntu but definitely Kubuntu looks the best for me14:47
GlumfishHave fun!14:47
GlumfishKubuntu is definitely the most familiar for a windows user (I assume)14:48
iomari891Greetings, why don't desktops use netplan by default?16:10
keithzgIt's pretty new, and not necessarily as widely supported or tightly integrated into other components, so I'm guessing it's just caution. In a sense it *is* used by default, too; it's just that the default desktop netplan config is "let NetworkManager handle everything" hehe16:15
iomari891keithzg: don't get me wrong. I'm not a netplan fan. Just having a debate with a colleague who is.16:19
keithzgiomari891: Heh, fair enough. I'd say that NetworkManager at this point is so well supported by the various DEs and other graphical (and terminal) tools that there'd be more downsides than upsides for desktop releases moving off it. Personally I kinda miss the old ifupdown, although rarely enough to go out of my way to revert to it :D16:21
IrcsomeBot<marcosmarado> PN5017:58
IrcsomeBot<marcosmarado> PN5O17:58
keithzgMan the spam from Telegram is getting increasingly inscrutable :P17:58
IrcsomeBot<marcosmarado> Hi there! Is there any repository with kubuntu.org's website where I can submit issues/pull requests? Or, otherwise, can anyone point me out to the best place where to open an issue regarding the website?17:59
ElliriaHey there, if I'm having an issue with a program in the Ubuntu repository in Kubuntu, is this where I ask about it?18:36
IrcsomeBot<marcosmarado> Thanks!19:44
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> hi all, Is Cantata supposed to be in the repos ?20:06
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IrcsomeBot<marcosmarado> apt search cantata shows it, and you can apt install it, but discover does not show it 🤷20:56
=== chris is now known as Guest8584
enigma9o7[m]Hi I'm playing with kubuntu 22.04 in VM and have a question.  How do I set the resolution permanently, or at least from command line?  Every time I boot it reverts to 800x600 and I have to go set it from settings, and there is no way to save it, only apply it for now.  I can't even use xrandr because I'm trying wayland....21:08
enigma9o7[m]Additionally, or perhaps alternatively, how do I set it for sddm?21:09
=== jerome is now known as hieronymuss
IrcsomeBot<Technopat_Official> it's strange since it should be part of KDE Gear if I remember well (re @marcosmarado: apt search cantata shows it, and you can apt install it, but discover does not show it 🤷)22:04
legitogrehey guys22:16
legitogrehow can i login snap?22:17
IrcsomeBot<rafaelsantos17> RAR523:15
IrcsomeBot<rafaelsantos17> hello23:15
IrcsomeBot<rafaelsantos17> I have a question about Kubuntu version 22.04, does it come with pipewire?23:16
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Forwarded from RikMills: No and no23:22

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