
lotuspsychjegood morning02:02
B1773rm4nWhat was the website again where I can plan my new pc build?03:08
B1773rm4nThere was a big and popular no BS one03:08
daftykinsprobably pcpartpicker03:11
ducassehi folks08:17
lotuspsychjehey packet_lozenge 09:36
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: easy test bug #196982109:37
ubottuBug 1969821 in xdg-desktop-portal-gnome (Ubuntu) "File uploading sort by modified makes the window crash in browsers" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196982109:37
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: Only some times with Firefox but I'll +1 it for you anyway :)09:45
lotuspsychje: )09:45
PaulW2UI think there's more ways to make the window crash. If I highlight 'Recently used' then the modified column doesn't show but I can still make the window crash by sorting on each column in turn.09:49
PaulW2USorry, its 'Recent' and the crash seems to happen when sorting on 'Location'09:52
lotuspsychjeits really anoying, as we always want to upload a 'latest' file somewhere right10:00
PaulW2UWe do10:06
Jeremy31ohoh, somebody removed the Atheros bluetooth firmware from linux-firmware for 22.0410:35
lotuspsychjeuh oh :p10:36
Jeremy31entire /lib/firmware/ar3k directory missing10:36
lotuspsychjehmm wasnt there a bug about that before, with apt failing because of an ath driver?10:36
Jeremy31I saw 2 recent bugs about Atheros BT not working10:37
Jeremy31Have to go to work, later10:37
lotuspsychjebug #197011710:37
ubottuBug 1970117 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Atheros firmware missing in Ubuntu 22.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197011710:37
Jeremy31Looks like this caused it https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/commit/?h=jammy&id=dbcbb9a7d73fe21b2bae56df7f314af307a9708f11:28
ubottuCommit dbcbb9a in ~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware "UBUNTU: [Packaging] Remove old and unneeded upstream firmware files"11:28
ograthere we go ... 20.10 -> Kinetic Kudu ... it's an antelope !13:43
ogra8 seconds ago 113:45
ograjoey is fast 🙂13:45
=== ice is now known as madmax
lotuspsychjePaulW2U: https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/04/workaround-cheese-ubuntu-2204/17:16
PaulW2Ulotuspsychje: doesn't work for me after trying every resolution :(17:23
lotuspsychjesame here17:25
ograda neeews !20:01
Bashing-omUWN: Issue732 - 22.04 announcements and all - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue732 is now availabale :D20:10
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk

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