
ricotzcjwatson, hello :), would you mind bumping the priority of the following build? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/23573224 -- thank you!08:38
cjwatsonricotz: done09:09
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
ricotzhello, would it be possible to enabled the lgw01 builders? seems lgw01-amd64-001 is working properly compared to the lcy02 ones21:06
Eickmeyer^ +1. Building is painfully slow today, we need more builders, I see no reason why lgw01 is still on manual.21:27
cjwatsonI broached the idea a little while ago, but we wanted to retain leverage to get the cloud actually fixed.22:00
cjwatsonNot a decision I'm going to take tonight, anyway22:00
cjwatson(I'm also not certain that some packages haven't started relying on the newer CPU microarchitecture that's more reliably present in lcy02 ... but it's true lgw01 still exists for emergencies)22:01

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