
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:46
jibelGood morning 06:08
jpnurmigood morning06:29
seb128goood morning desktopers06:42
didrocksgood morning07:02
jibelSalut didrocks 07:24
didrockssalut jibel 07:27
dufluMorning oSoMoN, jibel, jpnurmi, seb128, didrocks 07:37
didrockshey duflu 07:38
dufluHi again seb128 08:31
ricotzhello desktopers! :)08:50
dufluHi ricotz 08:57
jbichagood morning11:56
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
kenvandineseb128:  release bug triage?14:00
seb128kenvandine, hey, sure, lt's do it!14:01
seb128the list needs some tags triaging14:02
seb128bug #1794064 has patches for apparmor, great14:02
ubottuBug 1794064 in evince (Ubuntu) "Clicking a hyperlink in a PDF fails to open it if the default browser is a snap" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179406414:02
seb128bug #196712114:03
ubottuBug 1967121 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Contextual menus are glitching when auto-hide is enabled (right click + windows selector)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196712114:03
seb128 it has several reports sounds like worth nominating?14:04
kenvandinethat does look annoying14:04
seb128Trevinho, ^ one for you?14:05
seb128bug #196930314:06
ubottuBug 1969303 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "'No package to remove' error when attempting to uninstall" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196930314:06
seb128kenvandine, sounds like worth nominating?14:06
kenvandineno more comments upstream14:06
seb128who should be assigned to it? you?14:07
seb128that's it for the j incoming14:08
seb128tracking doesn't have anything not reviewed before14:08
seb128let's try to review incoming on older series14:08
seb128that's empty now14:09
seb128no desktop either14:10
seb128are those reports buggy?14:10
kenvandineseems weird14:10
seb128http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html 14:11
seb128so yes, that seems buggy, I will ping bdmurray about it14:11
kenvandinebug 196691114:11
ubottuBug 1966911 in libfprint (Ubuntu) "Cannot enroll finger on Jammy" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196691114:11
seb128Trevinho said he was working on this one14:12
seb128it's an issue only for the tod layer I think, so not the default installation14:13
seb128but it's important for oem images yes14:13
seb128Trevinho, ^ right?14:13
kenvandinewe should assign that14:15
seb128I've assigned it to Marco now14:15
seb128k, so the incoming a buggy, I pinged Brian14:16
seb128let's review the tracking for new things unassigned14:16
seb128bug #180248314:16
ubottuBug 1802483 in libnotify (Ubuntu Jammy) "Notifications emitted by a snap with local files or desktop files use wrong namespace" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180248314:16
seb128that's assign to Marco on other series so I did the same for focal14:16
seb128bug #162448514:17
ubottuBug 1624485 in nettle (Ubuntu Focal) "Nettle: Enable AES-NI instructions on amd64." [Low, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162448514:17
seb128that package is shared with foundations, also Christian added some context, doesn't seem like someone for us to own14:18
seb128bug #188289614:19
ubottuBug 1882896 in cheese (Ubuntu Focal) "cheese not recognize resolution in MJPG format" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188289614:19
seb128it's an oem priority request14:19
seb128I'm adding a comment there since it seems the requested changes created issues on newer serie as in bug #196784314:20
ubottuBug 1967843 in cheese (Ubuntu Jammy) "cheese display corrupted under  Ubuntu 22.04" [Low, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196784314:20
seb128not an rls issue but bug #1962135 needs verification14:22
ubottuBug 1962135 in gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] gstreamer 1.16.3 series" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196213514:22
seb128the buglist also needs some cleanups but those don't need to be now14:22
seb128let's check quickly over http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html14:22
seb128nothing that seem new or worth discussion on that one14:23
seb128kenvandine, I would suggest we stop there, giving some minutes before the next meeting unless you feel there is some other reports to discuss?14:24
seb128the J list was low activity but it isn't a surprise since upgrades haven't been turned on for most users yet14:24
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:24
jbichaseb128: do you want the focal task for LP: #1952107 ? If not, I can take a look later14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1952107 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu Focal) "Google Contacts API Deprecated" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195210714:29
seb128jbicha, no I don't, I've enough to do and I didn't find time to work on that, you are welcome to take over it, thanks!14:30
KGB-0gnome-control-center signed tags e080339 Jeremy Bicha upstream/42.1 * Upstream version 42.1 * https://deb.li/30lFj18:21
KGB-0gnome-control-center pristine-tar f4ffa4e Jeremy Bicha gnome-control-center_42.1.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-control-center_42.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_42.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/iwR9V18:22
KGB-2ghex upstream/latest 92e7eac Logan Rathbone src/gtkhex.c * hexwidget: Fix redraw on keyboard focus change * https://deb.li/3oA0021:17
KGB-2ghex upstream/latest 44e1d55 Andika Triwidada po/id.po * Update Indonesian translation * https://deb.li/Salz21:17
KGB-2ghex upstream/latest 14d5a56 Andika Triwidada help/id/id.po * Update Indonesian translation * https://deb.li/3zQAs21:17
KGB-2ghex upstream/latest 1c2029b Logan Rathbone NEWS data/org.gnome.GHex.appdata.xml.in.in meson.build * Update NEWS, appdata and meson.build for 42.2 * https://deb.li/3g6Iv21:17
KGB-2ghex upstream/latest f9bdd14 Jeremy Bicha (6 files in 5 dirs) * New upstream version 42.2 * https://deb.li/iOEin21:17
KGB-2ghex pristine-tar 8f90914 Jeremy Bicha ghex_42.2.orig.tar.xz.delta ghex_42.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for ghex_42.2.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/kaFg21:17

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